(Image archive) - A dairy farming couple, in the middle of the night, just after a difficult calving that required calling the veterinarian. There are no more than two hours left for them to sleep before the first milking of the day. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A public meeting organized by the NAIMP (Nation Association of Independent Milk Producers) in a recreation hall in a village, in an effort to create a milk bureau to defend the interests of small milk producers in the face of a significant fall in price and a national average decline in revenue of 54%. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A public meeting organized by the NAIMP (Nation Association of Independent Milk Producers) in a recreation hall in a village, in an effort to create a milk bureau to defend the interests of small milk producers in the face of a significant fall in price and a national average decline in revenue of 54%. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A public meeting organized by the NAIMP (Nation Association of Independent Milk Producers) in a recreation hall in a village, in an effort to create a milk bureau to defend the interests of small milk producers in the face of a significant fall in price and a national average decline in revenue of 54%. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A public meeting organized by the NAIMP (Nation Association of Independent Milk Producers) in a recreation hall in a village, in an effort to create a milk bureau to defend the interests of small milk producers in the face of a significant fall in price and a national average decline in revenue of 54%. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A road leading to a dairy farm. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A private drive leading to a country house along the road to a dairy farm. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer has just borrowed from his neighbour the tractor and the mixer that he will use to feed his herd. The equipment belongs to a neighbour who rents it in the spirit of cooperation. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Around 6 in the morning, the dairy farmer leads his cows to the milking parlour. There are two milkings per day, one in the morning and one at evening. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Around 6 in the morning, the dairy farmer leads his cows to the milking parlour. There are two milkings per day, one in the morning and one at evening. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the day, the dairy farmer leads his cows to the milking parlour. There are two milkings per day, one in the morning and one at evening. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the day, the dairy farmer leads his cows to the milking parlour. There are two milkings per day, one in the morning and one at evening. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the day, the dairy farmer leads his cows to the milking parlour. There are two milkings per day, one in the morning and one at evening. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the second milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the first milking of the day, the dairy farmer directs his cows toward the platform in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the first milking of the day. During this period of peak milk production, the milkings last about an hour and a half. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer removes the milking machine from the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer cleans the udder of a cow before attaching the milking machine. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer cleans the udder of a cow before attaching the milking machine. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer attaches the milking machine to the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer disinfects the udder of a cow before attaching the milking machine. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer attaches the milking machine to the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farmer in the milking parlour with his herd. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farmer in the milking parlour with his herd. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farming couple at work in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farming couple at work in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the cows are lined up on the milking platform and the dairy farmer goes to work while his mother watches. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a milking machine attached to the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer disinfects the udder of a cow before attaching the milking machine. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer disinfects the udder of a cow before attaching the milking machine. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farming couple at work in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the first milking of the day. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Scene in a milking parlour. A cow who can't wait for the milking machine begins to give milk. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer attaches the milking machine to the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the dairy farmer uses milk samples to check that a cow doesn't have an infection. The reagent will thicken the milk if it contains a significant number of white blood cells. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the milk inspector (who comes one day per month during milking times) takes samples that are sent to a laboratory for analysis. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the milk inspector (who comes one day per month during milking times) takes samples that are sent to a laboratory for analysis. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the milk inspector (who comes one day per month during milking times) takes samples that are sent to a laboratory for analysis. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, a dairy farmer attaches the milking machine to the udder of a cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farming couple take a young calf from her individual stall to lead her to the heifers stall. This calf will begin to produce milk at the end of her second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farming couple take a young calf from her individual stall to lead her to the heifers stall. This calf will begin to produce milk at the end of her second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer tethers the heifer to the railing in order to give her a vaccination against Q fever. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the early afternoon, the dairy farmer starts to de-horn his young calves. This is done mainly to keep them from hurting each other with their horns. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer prepares the feed for his herd. This is the hay that he produces himself. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer prepares the feed for his herd. This is the hay that he produces himself. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the barn, the dairy farmer feeds a cow isolated because of hypocalcemia following calving. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer preparing a feed mixture (a meal made of oil-rich grain) that supplements his own production (silage, hay and barley flour - the latter is what he is in the process of adding). Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer crosses the barnyard leading a young calf to the stall for the heifers. She will begin to produce milk at the end of her second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the stall for the heifers, the dairy farmer is bringing feed to the cows. This is the silage based on corn that he produces himself. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the stall for the heifers, the dairy farmer is bringing feed to the cows. This is the silage based on corn that he produces himself. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the barn, the dairy farmer speaks with his father who lends a hand feeding the herd. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene on a dairy farm where the calves are kept in individual stalls. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is loading silage based on corn that he grows himself to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is transporting silage, based on corn that he grows himself, to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is loading silage, based on corn that he grows himself, to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Scene on a farm showing in the foreground the silage produced by the dairy farmer to feed his herd during the winter. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is transporting silage, based on corn that he grows himself, to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is transporting silage, based on corn that he grows himself, to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is giving his young calves feed pellets plus hay and silage that he produces himself. They won't produce milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer has just borrowed from his neighbour the tractor and the mixer that he will use to feed his herd. The equipment belongs to a neighbour who rents it in the spirit of cooperation. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the barn, distributing, approximately every day, the feed that is produced partly by the farmer himself. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the barn, the dairy farmer takes a moment to check that the mixture is finished before proceeding with the daily feeding. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Loading the feed mixer that is used almost every day to distribute feed that is partly produced by the farmer himself. The equipment belongs to a neighbour who rents it in the spirit of cooperation. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The heifer's stall with two buckets containing feed supplements. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is loading silage, based on corn that he grows himself, to feed his heifers who won't be giving milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Silos containing the supply of silage that serves as part of the feed for the herd during the winter. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Silos containing the supply of silage that serves as part of the feed for the herd during the winter. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Silos containing the supply of silage that serves as part of the feed for the herd during the winter. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the corner office of the barn, the dairy farmer records the dates that the cows have been vaccinated. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farmer prepares his account books in the face of a significant fall in price and a national average decline in revenue of 54%. He hopes not to end in a deficit this year, like many farms that could find themselves out of business. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A technician prepares to artificially inseminate a cow that the dairy farmer has reported as being in heat. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A technician prepares to artificially inseminate a cow that the dairy farmer has reported as being in heat. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A technician prepares to artificially inseminate a cow that the dairy farmer has reported as being in heat. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farmer prepares an antibiotic injection for a sick cow. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer gets ready to vaccinate his heifers against Q fever. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the barn, the dairy farmer gives a nutritional supplement to a cow that is beginning to lactate. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer injects calcium in a cow who is hypocalcemic after calving. Her health will require two day of increased surveillance and close care. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farming couple cross the barn, leading a young calf to her stall with the heifers. She will begin to produce milk at the end of her second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Once a month, with the help of his neighbours, the dairy farmer entirely removes the bedding, cleaning and disinfecting the stable. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A father and his dairy farmer son. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - For the second time, the veterinarian has come to give an infusion of calcium to a cow that is hypocalcemic after calving. Her health will require two days of increased surveillance and close care. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Twice a day, the dairy farmer individually feeds the young calves in their stalls. They won't produce milk until the end of two years. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Twice a day, the dairy farmer individually feeds the young calves in their stalls. They won't produce milk until the end of two years. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer prepares the meals for the young calves who he feeds twice a day. Department of Tarn, France - December 200(Image archive) - The dairy farmer prepares the meals for the young calves who he feeds twice a day. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Portrait of the dairy farmer's mother. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene on a family farm. The dairy farmer is getting ready to feed his heifers while his mother prepares some cauliflower. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene on a family farm. The dairy farmer has just completed the first milking of the day, while his parents prepare a watermelon jam. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene on a family farm. The dairy farmer has gone to feed the heifers, while his mother prepares some cauliflower. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the milk storage room, the dairy farmer talks with his father who has come to get news about the cow with hypocalcemia after calving. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the milk storage room, the dairy farmer talks with his father who has come to get news about the cow with hypocalcemia after calving. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Milk collection every two days, in the evening. The milk collector records on a chart the amount of milk collected during this peak period of production, which is around 2700 liters. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - After collecting the milk it is on its way to the dairy. This milk will then be transported to Barcelona, where it will be packaged in milk cartons for Spanish consumption. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Twice a day, after each milking, the dairy farmer cleans the waiting area that leads to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Twice a day, after each milking, the dairy farmer cleans the waiting area that leads to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Twice a day, after each milking, the dairy farmer cleans the waiting area that leads to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A cow returns to the barn after milking. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Cleaning the rear passageway that the cows take on leaving the milking parlour. This morning some of the cows have diarrhea with some loss of blood. Constant vigilance on the health of the herd is necessary to respond quickly in case of illness. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer moves the straw to renew the bedding in the barn. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the morning, the dairy farmer adds straw to the stall for the heifers to renew their bedding. These young cows won't begin to give milk until the end of their second year. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - While the cows are in the milking parlour, the dairy farmer spreads straw in the barn to renew the bedding for the herd. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Before the evening milking and just after refreshing the straw, the dairy farmer spreads out the bedding for the herd. Department of Tarn, France - November 200(Image archive) - At the end of the afternoon, the dairy farmer's father helps clean the barn while the cows are in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the afternoon, the dairy farmer's father helps clean the barn while the cows are in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the afternoon, the dairy farmer cleans the entrance to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Late in the morning, the father of the dairy farmer lends a hand in emptying a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Late in the morning, the father of the dairy farmer lends a hand in emptying a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer is going to open the valve of his reservoir to prevent it from being damaged by ice. This reservoir furnishes him with a major source of water to irrigate his fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - This reservoir provides the dairy farmer with a major source of water to irrigate his fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - This reservoir provides the dairy farmer with a major source of water to irrigate his fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - At the end of the afternoon, the dairy farmer is cleaning the barn while the cows are in the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer has just emptied a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer has just emptied a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer has just emptied a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer has just emptied a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The manure taken from the barn will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer is going to empty a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the mid-afternoon, the dairy farmer has just emptied a trailer of manure. The manure will be used to fertilize the fields. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - A dairy farmer returns to his farm at the end of the afternoon to get ready for the second milking of the day. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer returns to his farm after opening the valve to his water reservoir to prevent it from being damaged by ice. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer returns to his farm after opening the valve to his water reservoir to prevent it from being damaged by ice. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - The dairy farmer returns to his farm after opening the valve to his water reservoir to prevent it from being damaged by ice. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer is forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer is forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. Department of Tarn, France - December 200(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer is forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer is forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. The veterinarian then has to perform a Caesarean section. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer was forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. The veterinarian then had to perform a Caesarean section. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer was forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. The veterinarian then had to perform a Caesarean section. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer was forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. The veterinarian then had to perform a Caesarean section. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - In the middle of the night, the dairy farmer was forced to call the veterinarian for a complicated calving, because the calf is too big. The veterinarian then had to perform a Caesarean section and now the cow is attending to her little calf. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Facing the house where the dairy farming couple live. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Facing the house where the dairy farming couple live. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Facing the house where the dairy farming couple live. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Facing the house where the dairy farming couple live. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Facing the house where the dairy farming couple live. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Winter scene on the farm. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Cows wait on the ramp leading to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene in the barn. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Cows wait on the ramp leading to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Cows wait on the ramp leading to the milking parlour. Department of Tarn, France - December 2009(Image archive) - Scene in the barn. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Scene in the barn. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009The dairy barn at night. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - Scene in the barn. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009(Image archive) - In the milking parlour, the dairy farmer and his designated photographer. Department of Tarn, France - November 2009