(Image archive) - A cow of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed and the medals won by the breeder. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - A cow of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed and the medals won by the breeder. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The medals won by the breeder. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The breeder is getting ready to ship his three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) that he will show at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris from February 27 to March 7. Here he is helping out the person who is going to replace him on the farm for a week and look after the other cows. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The breeder is getting ready to ship his three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) that he will show at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris from February 27 to March 7. Here he is giving instructions to the person who is going to replace him on the farm for a week and look after the other cows. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The breeder (here in the company of his daughter) is getting ready to ship his three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) that he will show at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris to be held between February 27 and March 7. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - A few hours before leaving for the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris, the breeder gives an interview to a journalist who works for the agricultural press. He will show three cows in the competition for the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - A few hours before leaving for the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris, the breeder gives an interview to a journalist who works for the agricultural press. He will show three cows in the competition for the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - Just before leaving for the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris, the breeder who is going to show three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) drops by to say good-bye to his parents. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The breeder is getting ready to ship his three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) that he will show at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris from February 27 to March 7. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - The breeder is getting ready to ship his three cows (of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed) that he will show at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris from February 27 to March 7. He has just led one of his cows into the truck that will look after their transport. Department of Tarn and Garonne, France - 25 February 2010(Image archive) - Around 8:00 PM, the last arrivals for the day at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. They left Languiole in Averyron at 11:00 in the morning and encountered a little snow along the way. Paris, France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Around 8:00 PM, the last arrivals for the day at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. They left Languiole in Averyron at 11:00 in the morning and encountered a little snow along the way. Paris, France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the arrival of cows and bulls at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene before the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the day on the eve of the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the day on the eve of the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the day on the eve of the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Late at night a young man keeps watch over the cow of a friend who has gone off to eat. He has to make sure among other things that the cow doesn't dirty itself before the competition that will take place the next day. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the end of the day on the eve of the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 26 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the clean up before the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the clean up after the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 2 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the clean up before the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, some journalists and some security guards. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, some journalists and some security guards. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, makes a stop and the Danone stand. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, makes a stop and the Danone stand. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, some journalists and some security guards. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire, the European Commissioner of Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos and the Minister of Agriculture of New Zealand, Hon David Carter. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire and the European Commissioner of Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos at the CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information). Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Here are the French Minister of Agriculture, Bruno Le Maire and the European Commissioner of Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos at the CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information). Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - A speech at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris by Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Agriculture. Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Here is Pascal Massol, President of the Apli (National Association of Independent Milk Producers). Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Here is Pascal Massol, President of the Apli (National Association of Independent Milk Producers). Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Here Pascal Massol, President of the Apli (National Association of Independent Milk Producers) speaks out. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Here Pascal Massol, President of the Apli (National Association of Independent Milk Producers) speaks out. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene of the visit by Nicolas Sarkozy on the penultimate day of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - A presidential visit on the penultimate day of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. Nicolas Sarkozy had snubbed the opening causing dissatisfaction among the profession. France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred of dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Several hundred dairy farmers from all over France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, in response to a call from the Apli and the EMB, are gathered at the Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris for a "funeral march" aimed at denouncing the low price of milk. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the opening of the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris at the FNSEA stand (National Federation of Farmers Unions). Here is the European Commissioner of Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos with Jean-Michel Lematayer (President of the FNSEA). Paris, France - 27 February 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the FNSEA stand (National Federation of Farmers Unions). International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 5 March 2010(Image archive) - A party at the FNSEA stand (National Federation of Farmers Unions). International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 5 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene on the "Candia" stand at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene before the start of the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Written on the back of the overalls it says, "Farmer and proud of it!" Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Early in the morning, a scene before the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Early in the morning, a scene before the opening to the public of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - A hair trim for a cow of the Prim'Holstein breed for the competition that will take place the next day. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - A hair trim for a cow of the Prim'Holstein breed for the competition that will take place today. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene prior to the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene just before the start of the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait just before the start of the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene just before the start of the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Here the cows and bulls are being led to the ring where the competition takes place. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait of a breeder in the ring during the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait of a breeder in the ring. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - The podium in the ring during the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - The podium in the ring during the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - The podium in the ring during the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Here the breeder who has won the first prize (Concours Général Agricole - Paris 2010 - Espèce Bovine premier prix) raises his hand. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 5 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. Here the winner of the first prize (Paris 2010, Espèce bovine) relaxes after the pressure of the competition. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Following the competition for cows and bulls of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a scene at the party in the space allocated to breeders. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 3 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris in the space allocated to breeders of Blondes d'Aquitaine. Here the delegation from Bretagne provides a meal of crêpes. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at a party at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris in the space allocated to breeders of Blondes d'Aquitaine. Here the delegation from Bretagne provides a meal of crêpes. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait on the CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. On show is a heifer of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - The CIV stand (Centre for Beef Information) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 4 March 2010(Image archive) - A display by a distributer of raw milk. Paris, France - 5 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the general competition (dairy products - national) at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 1 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene in the quarters allocated to farmers (cows of the Simmental breed). International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene in the quarters allocated to farmers (cows of the Normand breed). International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene in the quarters allocated to farmers. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene in the quarters allocated to farmers. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Late in the evening some students watch over the cows (Prim'Holstein breed). They have to make sure among other things that the cows don't dirty themselves before the competition among agricultural lycées that will take place the next day. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Late at night some students watch over the cows (Prim'Holstein breed). They have to make sure among other things that the cows don't dirty themselves before the competition among agricultural lycées that will take place the next day. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Late at night some students watch over the cows (Prim'Holstein breed). They have to make sure among other things that the cows don't dirty themselves before the competition among agricultural lycées that will take place the next day. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - View of Pavilion 1, Port of Verssailles. International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 6 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 2 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 2 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene at the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 2 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismantling the area allocated to breeders of Blonde d'Aquitaine cows and bulls. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France 7 March 2010(Image archive) - The last day of the Salon, a cow of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed boards a truck. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - The last day of the Salon, a cow of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed boards a truck. International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait of a breeder (Blonde d'Aquitaine). International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Portrait of a breeder (Blonde d'Aquitaine). International Salon de l'Agriculture of Paris. France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Scene during the dismantling at the end of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismanteling of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismanteling of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismanteling of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismanteling of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010(Image archive) - Dismanteling of the International Salon de l'Agriculture. Paris, France - 7 March 2010