International Exhibition of Agriculture Under Plastic. Visitors look at a model of the region covered with greenhouses. Spain, near Almeria, 2006International Exhibition of Agriculture Under Plastic. A detail of a model of the region known as "the sea of plastic". Spain, near Almeria, 2006Greenhouses on the coast of the Mediterranean. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near Adra, 2006Greenhouses after the harvest. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Greenhouses irrigated by desalinated sea water. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A chaotic dump near the greenhouses. pain, Province d'Almeria, 2006In front of the cooperative, large billboards advertising phytosanitary products. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Watermelons being harvested by a Senegalese worker. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007On Sunday, in front of the greenhouses, some Spaniards playing on an ATV cross paths with an immigrant worker fetching water on his bicycle. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A Spaniard playing golf in front of the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006An immigrant worker returning from work in the greenhouses. In the distance a sand storm is brewing. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007Evicted by the police, these immigrants from Mali now sleep outside of the building, near the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Evicted by the police, this Malian immigrant now lives outside of the building, near the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006victed by the police, this Malian immigrant now lives outside of the building, near the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A truck from the Casi agricultural cooperative picks up a Malian labourer. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006In front of a poster from the Casi agricultural cooperative, "Each time we eat more tomatoes all over Europe", a truck belonging to a plastic sheeting firm. The coastal plain of Almeria, called "Eldorado", brings in 500 million dollars through the production of fruits and vegetables. 15,000 trucks full are delivered north each month. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006These Malian immigrants are returning to the patera shed where they live (patera from the name of the makeshift boats on which these immigrants arrive in Spain) with cartons of milk donated by Caritas. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006These Malian immigrants are preparing diner near a patera shed where they live. Patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which these immigrants arrive in Spain. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A meal taken by Malian workers near the patera shed where they live. Patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which these immigrants arrive in Spain. On the left, milk in a granary to protect it from the rats. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Evicted by the police, these Malian immigrants now live outside of the building, near the greenhouses. This immigrant drinks water from a carboy that contained chemicals. Spain, Province Almeria, 2006Malian immigrant workers play football near the reservoir that serves to irrigate the greenhouses and from which they draw their water. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Two union representatives from SOC (Sindicato de obreros del campo) negotiate by telephone to try to block the expulsion of immigrants from the shed called patera (patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which Africans arrive in Spain). Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006The interior of a patera shed (patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which Africans arrive in Spain) where immigrant labourers live among the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007The interior of a patera shed (patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which Africans arrive in Spain) where immigrant labourers live among the greenhouses. The cell phone enables them to stay in contact and keep up-to-date on potential places and dates for employment. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007The interior of a patera shed (patera, from the name of the makeshift boats on which Africans arrive in Spain) where immigrant labourers live among the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A Malian labourer after work near the patera shed (patera from the name for the makeshift boats on which African immigrants arrive in Spain). Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A Malian immigrant worker in front of his "cortijo". A small labourers' shack surrounded by greenhouses, rented jointly for 300€ per month, without hot water. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Souvenir photos of a Malian worker, the occupant of a "cortijo"( a small labourers' shack surrounded by greenhouses, rented jointly for 300€ per month, without hot water). Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006The room of a worker who agreed to be interviewed. He lives in a cortijo (an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants) facing vegetable growing greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Moroccan workers in a "cortijo" (an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants). Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007A makeshift bathroom in a "cortijo"(an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants). Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A makeshift dining room in a "cortijo" (an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants). Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006In front of some "chabolas" (plastic shelters for immigrants, near the greenhouses), two union representatives from SOC (Sindicato de obreros del campo) pass on information to Moroccan workers. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2006A Moroccan labourer returning from work, he is approaching his "chabolas" (plastic shelters for immigrants) surrounded by greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007An immigrant Moroccan worker in his "chabolas" (plastic shelters for immigrants, near the greenhouses), after his day's work in the greenhouses that surround him. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Souvenir photos of a Moroccan labourer, an occupant of the "chabolas" (plastic shelters for immigrants, near the greenhouses). Injured in one of the photos after a gas explosion. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007A Moroccan immigrant labourer in his "chabolas" (a makeshift shelter constructed in the middle of the greenhouses out of salvaged materal) after his day of work. Spain, Province Almeria, near Ejido, 2007Two Moroccan workers study Spanish after work, near the "chabolas" (makeshift shelters constructed in the middle of the greenhouses out of salvaged materal) which are surrounded by greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Racist graffiti: "ARABS NO, RUSSIANS YES". In 2000, El Ejido earned a sad reputation for the anti-Moroccan riots that took place on on the 5th, 6th and 7th of February. Many analysts think that racism is coupled to intensive agriculture. It facilitates splitting of the labour market. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2006A Senegalese who now lives in Spain. She works in a factory packaging fruits and vegetables. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007At the town hall, a couple waiting for a meeting with their lawyer to regularize their status in Spain. El Ejido is a symbol of prosperity (Eldorado) whose population has increased ten-fold, passing 50,000 in 20 years, and profits enormously from intensive agriculture which brings 500 million dollars to the region each year. pain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2006The town's main street where one finds a number of imposing banks. El Ejido is a symbol of prosperity (Eldorado) whose population has increased ten-fold, passing 50,000 in 20 years, and profits enormously from intensive agriculture which brings 500 million dollars to the region each year. Spain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2006The town's main street where one finds a number of imposing banks. A Moroccan worker, in his apartment which overlooks the place where employers and workers meet ; an apartment which he shares with other immigrants. Spain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2006 A Moroccan worker, in his apartment which overlooks the place where employers and workers meet ; an apartment which he shares with other immigrants. Spain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2006Moroccan immigrant workers, living in an apartment (shared by many) after the evening meal. Spain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2007Moroccan immigrant workers checking their documents before handing them over to their lawyer for the purpose of regularizing their status in Spain. Spain, Province d'Almeria, El Ejido, 2007This union representative from SOC (Sindicato de obreros del campo : Union of Agricultural Workers), arranges meetings between these immigrant workers and the immigration police in order to regularize their working visas (cartes de séjour): issuing of cartes de séjour, renewal of cartes de séjour, fingerprinting for the cartes de séjour. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A demonstration organized in Almeria by SOC (Sindicato de obreros del campo : Union of agricultural workers). The union has very few followers among what are said to be 80,000 immigrant workers. Unions have a great deal of trouble mobilizing, because the day labourers are more concerned with daily survival than with the defense of their rights. Spain, Almeria, 2007Immigrants in a locutorio : a place to telephone or connect to the Internet. An essential place for immigrants in order to maintain contact with the family who have remained at home. Some have been away for 10 years and more. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007A young man in front of the entrance to a bordello-cortijo (cortijo : an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants), in the middle of the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007A group in front of the entrance to a bordello-cortijo (cortijo : an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants), in the middle of the greenhouses. Spain, Province Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Scene in a bordello-cortijo (cortijo : an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants), in the middle of the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Interior of a room in one of the bordello-cortijo (cortijo : an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrants), in the middle of the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007Spraying chemicals on zucchini. This worker from Mali spent 3 years trying to enter Europe. He passed through Libya, then through Cyprus where he was in prison for one year. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006The preparation of chemicals. Cortijo (an abandoned agricultural shed, rented or loaned to immigrant workers) is in the background. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Spraying chemicals on zucchini. This worker from Mali spent 3 years trying to enter Europe. He passed through Libya, then through Cyprus where he was in prison for one year. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006A Senegalese worker and his employer, watermelon harvest. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007The owner of a farm fills crates with tomatoes to take them to the cooperative. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007The owner of a farm fills and stacks his crates of tomatoes late in the evening to take them to the cooperative the next morning. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A Spanish farmer on his way to deliver his crop of tomatoes to the cooperative. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near Almeria, 2007.At the cooperative, a farm owner checks the weight of his delivery of tomatoes. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007At the cooperative, a farm owner waits for the final bid. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007Wednesday, November 29, blockage of the central avenue of the village by farmers, following some raids on the greenhouses that same morning. Those who employ undocumented workers were the target of heavy fines. They explain to the Guardia Civil that it is the height of the harvest season and the harvest will absolutely not be possible without thousands of immigrant workers. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006Wednesday, November 29. Following raids on the greenhouses in the morning that resulted in heavy fines for those farmers employing undocumented workers, that afternoon's demonstration terminates in the evening at the town hall, where the mayor proves to be understanding. It is in fact the height of the harvest season and the harvest will absolutely not be possible without thousands of immigrant workers. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2006The farmer looking after his greenhouses (9,000 square meters). He has a hard time at the end of the month making ends meet, even working 7 days out of 7, 10 months out of 12. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007Inspection by the farmers' cooperative of a farmer's crop of tomatoes. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A problem in understanding between a farmer and his employee. A dispute about papers. Spain, Province Almeria, 2007Calculation of wages for this day worker, who has harvested watermelons for the farmer in the afternoon. Most of the time a day's work pays about 30€, although collective agreements have been signed for 37,2€. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A farmer in one of his greenhouses at the end of the harvest. Spain, Province d'Almeria, 2007A refuse dump from the greenhouses. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido, 2007A display booth at the International Exhibition of Agriculture Under Plastic. Spain, near Almeria, 2006.A conference room at the International Exhibition of Agriculture Under Plastic. Spain, near Almeria, 2006.A display booth at the International Exhibition of Agriculture Under Plastic. Spain, near Almeria, 2006.A visit to the greenhouses by some South American engineers from an agricultural training centre, with a view to future implementations in their country. Spain, near Almeria, 2006A visit to the greenhouses by some South American engineers from an agricultural training centre, with a view to future implementations in their country. Spain, near Almeria, 2006A visit to the greenhouses by some South American engineers from an agricultural training centre, with a view to future implementations in their country. Spain, near Almeria, 2006A technician checks on the greenhouse crops in an agricultural training centre. Spain, near Almeria, 2006A trolley labeled "Nature choice" in a greenhouse. Spain, Province d'Almeria, near El Ejido,2006