Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. In front of one of the 4 places (EDF, Total, Societe Generale, the Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition) blocked by the demonstrators of the biggest action of civil disobedience for the climate ever organized in France. Clément Sénéchal (Campaigner and #climat spokesperson for the NGO Greenpeace France co-organizer of the action) with her colleague from Friends of the Earth. They display a framed photo of Emmanuel Macron, one of the approximately thirty portraits of the French president liberated from town halls in the months prior to the ANV-COP21 initiative. (Text of the interview with Clément Sénéchal can be found in Reporterre, the ecology daily of April 18, 2019). La Defense, Paris, April 19, 2019Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. In front of the EDF Tower, one of the company headquarters blocked by demonstrators during the largest action of civil disobedience for the climate ever organized in France. Behind the activists of Greenpeace and Debout and Determined for the Climate (a movement launched in June 2015 - a few months before COP21 - calling for determined non-violent actions) a framed photo of Emmanuel Macron, the one of the portraits of the French president taken from town halls in recent months at the initiative of ANV-COP21. "To date (March 25, 2019), twenty-seven portraits have been removed. Thirty-five activists were interviewed by the police, including twenty-one under police custody, according to lawyer for ANV-COP21, Alexandre Faro. Nine people were summoned for trial in Paris on September 11, 2019, two in Strasbourg on June 26 and two in Lyon on September 2." La Défense, Paris, April 19, 2019In front of the EDF Tower, one of the company headquarters blocked by demonstrators during the largest action of civil disobedience for the climate ever organized in France. Behind the activists of Greenpeace and Debout and Determined for the Climate (a movement launched in June 2015 - a few months before COP21 - calling for determined non-violent actions) a framed photo of Emmanuel Macron, the one of the portraits of the French president taken from town halls in recent months at the initiative of ANV-COP21. "To date (March 25, 2019), twenty-seven portraits have been removed. Thirty-five activists were interviewed by the police, including twenty-one under police custody, according to lawyer for ANV-COP21, Alexandre Faro. Nine people were summoned for trial in Paris on September 11, 2019, two in Strasbourg on June 26 and two in Lyon on September 2." La Défense, Paris, April 19, 2019During the operation "Block the Republic of polluters", the largest civil disobedience action for the climate ever organized in France. In front of the headquarters of the EDF company, HK (Kaddour Hadadi), HK and the Saltimbanks: a popular French music group particularly known for its committed texts dealing with social struggles, inequalities and the environment. The song "On lache rien" has become an anthem in many demonstrations in France. La Défense, Paris, April 19, 2019During the operation "Block the Republic of polluters", the largest civil disobedience action for the climate ever organized in France. In front of one of the four centers of power blocked by the demonstrators, HK alongside Kalune (Damien Kalune). The latter, an ecological and committed slam écolo singer, is also one of the many artists to react to climate change. One of his songs from 2017 is called "Mal de Terre". La Défense, Paris, April 19, 2019Interview in front of one of the four places (EDF, Total, Société Générale, the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition) blocked by the demonstrators in the biggest civil disobedience action for the climate ever organized in France. Jean-François Julliard is the director of Greenpeace, an association which fights against environmental crimes on all continents. Journalist, former secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, he is the author of Veilleurs du ciel (Don Quixote) and "We don't play around anymore! Manual of climate action and civil disobedience." (Le Seuil) La Défense, Paris, April 19, 2019Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019. Screenshot of the civil disobedience action "Block the Republic of Polluters". Paris - April 19, 2019.