"The convoy called "On to the COP" will travel in stages of 40 to 70 km before arriving in Paris on November 28, two days before the opening of COP21. A convoy of 200 bicycles and five tractors left Saturday morning from Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique) toward Paris to demand, among other things, "shutting down" the project for a new Nantes airport, on the occasion of COP21." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-depart-de-200-bicyclettes-de-notre-dame-des-landes-a-destination-de-paris-2623937A "tractor-bike" which will take them to the gates of Paris on November 28, two days before the opening of the international climate conference. They intend to "denounce the glaring hypocrisy between the government's will to fight global warming and the destruction of more than 1,600 hectares of agricultural land and wetlands to build a new airport," explained the organizers, occupiers of the "ZAD" - the "zone to defend" - and associations opposed to the airport. https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-depart-de-200-bicyclettes-de-notre-dame-des-landes-a-destination-de-paris-2623937"A convoy of zadists, who left just a week ago from Notre-Dame-des-Landes headed for Paris and COP 21, stopped this Saturday in Versailles. 200 bikes and 5 tractors gathered in Place D "Arms, just in front of the chateau. Opponents of the airport project, joined by convoys from Agen, Dijon and Bure, organized a large 'ZAD banquet' there." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/climat-environnement/notre-dame-des-landes-les-opposants-s-approchent-de-versailles-1448705534Before reaching Versailles here, "There are about 300 yet to arrive (...) Saturday morning in Yvelines. And despite the current state of emergency and the ban on demonstrations in Île-de-France, the zadists want to make their voices heard on the eve of the international climate conference." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/climat-environnement/notre-dame-des-landes-les-opposants-s-approchent-de-versailles-1448705534The arrival at Versailles of the convoy "the tractor-bike of Notre-Dame-des-Landes." "(...) [T]he procession of anti-airport demonstrators was on its way to Paris and the conference on the climate when it was stopped (...) by numerous gendarmes (...) for two solid hours (. ..) which caused a reaction by the trip organizer. They stated in a press release that this blockage is 'another sign of the government's desire to muzzle any social and environmental protests during COP 21'." https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/pays-de-la-loire/bloque-par-les-forces-de-l-ordre-le-tracto-velo-de-nddl-est-reparti-860299.html"Between profit (...) the leaders have already chosen." Traditional dances after the banquet and speeches at Versailles. "This Saturday, November 28, nearly 300 zadists, who left Notre-Dame-des-Landes a week ago to demonstrate during COP21, arrived in Versailles in the early afternoon. They organized in front of the château a large banquet for struggling territories. (...) The installation of a banquet in front of the Palace of Versailles is highly symbolic. In their speech at the arrival of the convoy, the opponents of the airport project at Notre- dame-des-Landes recalled that 'in 1871, the people of Versailles crushed the town of Paris. The ZAD are today like so many new free communes and we affirm here that these communes will not be expelled any more'." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/climat-environnement/notre-dame-des-landes-les-opposants-s-approchent-de-versailles-1448705534At the Paris COP21, "NGOs were deprived of the big march planned for Paris on Sunday because of the state of emergency established after the attacks of November 13." "This gigantic pavement, which covers a good third of the Place de la République, is 'a monument symbolizing the determination of people to be listened to', explains Emma Ruby Sachs, deputy director of Avaaz, global movement for citizen mobilization, at the initiative of the operation." https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2015/11/29/cop-21-pas-de-marche-a-paris-mais-une-place-de-la-republique-recouverte-de-chaussures_1416972"Teach-Ins, virtual demonstrators, shoes on the asphalt, climate activists are looking for alternatives to the World March for the Climate, banned after the attacks of November 13. Among the anonymous shoes, some pairs belonging to VIPs have slipped in: 'those of Yeb Saño (Filipino negotiator at the UN on climate issues), the runnings of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the boots of actress Marion Cotillard, the stilettos of famous designer Vivienne Westwood (...) Even Pope Francis has sent a pair'." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/20/cop21-mobilisation-maintenue-malgre-l-interdiction-des-manifestations-du-29-novembre-et-12-decembre_4814497_4527432.html https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2015/11/29/cop-21-pas-de-marche-a-paris-mais-une-place-de-la-republique-recouverte-de-chaussures_1416972At the Paris COP21, "NGOs were deprived of the big march planned for Paris on Sunday because of the state of emergency established after the attacks of November 13." "This gigantic pavement, which covers a good third of the Place de la République, is 'a monument symbolizing the determination of people to be listened to', explains Emma Ruby Sachs, deputy director of Avaaz, global movement for citizen mobilization, at the initiative of the operation." https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2015/11/29/cop-21-pas-de-marche-a-paris-mais-une-place-de-la-republique-recouverte-de-chaussures_1416972"How to demonstrate without demonstrating? This is this new puzzle that the organizations making up the Climate Coalition 21 must resolve, following the government ban on two large street demonstrations on Sunday November 29 and December 12. This decision was announced by COP21 President Laurent Fabius five days after the deadly attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis on November 13." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/20/cop21-mobilisation-maintenue-malgre-l-interdiction-des-manifestations-du-29-novembre-et-12-decembre_4814497_4527432.htmlPresent at COP21, the Australian theater troupe "ClimActs" (Climate Acts) uses "the iconography of angels to support the vital role of protecting our precious human and natural resources and preventing the dangers of climate change." https://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/Des-anges-des-drapeaux-et-des-portiques-La-COP21-s-installe-au-Bourget-2015-11-30-1386889Protesters at COP21 in Paris. The movement "Citizens of the World (...): Everyone aspires to save endangered life and feels the need for an effective world organization respecting people, populations and nature's equilibrium." http://citmonde.free.fr/"The Climate 21 Coalition (...) had to give up demonstrating in the streets of Paris because of the attacks. As a result, it calls for forming a human chain on Sunday, the day before the kick-off of COP21 in the east of the capital." The Climate 21 Coalition brings together "more than 130 civil society organizations, from unions to international solidarity associations, including faith-based organizations, NGOs defending human rights, the environment and social movements." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-une-chaine-humaine-organisee-dimanche-a-paris-2625409 https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-naissance-dune-chaine-humaine-a-paris-pour-denoncer-letat-durgence-climatique-2627771 https://docplayer.fr/23354746-1-qu-est-ce-que-la-coalition-climat-21.html"More than 10,000" people according to the organizers, 4,500 according to the police, participated Sunday in the human chain in Paris along a boulevard in the east of the capital, to denounce "the state of climatic emergency" on the eve of the opening of COP21. https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-naissance-dune-chaine-humaine-a-paris-pour-denoncer-letat-durgence-climatique-2627771In front of the Bataclan. On the occasion of COP21, organizations (humanitarian, religious environmental NGOs, etc.) invited to form a human chain. It "will be formed on Boulevard Voltaire, the location of the Bataclan where 90 people died on November 13." "Following the heinous attacks, the authorities declared a state of emergency and banned the planned March for the Climate, effectively silencing the voices of those directly affected by climate change," writes the Climate Coalition 21. https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-une-chaine-humaine-organisee-dimanche-a-paris-2625409Three terrorists blew themselves up in front of the Stade de France and "other attacks subsequently took place in Paris in several streets of the 10th and 11th arrondissements where three individuals machine-gunned terraces of cafes and restaurants." In front of the Bataclan concert hall, two weeks after the attack in which 90 people died. On the eve of the official opening of the UN climate conference and at the initiative of Attac and Alternatiba, the Climate 21 Coalition calls for action: "For climate justice, for peace that it contributes, and as a tribute to the victims of the attacks, we will form a human chain in Paris on the sidewalks between Place de la République and Place de la Nation." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentats_du_13_novembre_2015_en_FranceAt the call of the Climate 21 Coalition, to demonstrate during the annual climate conference, "a human chain was formed at midday along Boulevard Voltaire, between Place de la République and Place de la Nation. Citing the figure of more than 10,000 participants (the police counted 4,500 participants) the organizers expressed their satisfaction 'given the current context.' 'There was a lot of gravity, dignity on the sidewalks. (...) It is a pleasure to have been able to lift the lid that has weighed on French society since the attacks' said Geneviève Azam, spokesperson for Attac, at a press conference." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-naissance-dune-chaine-humaine-a-paris-pour-denoncer-letat-durgence-climatique-2627771"'We have restarted a cycle of mobilization', said Jon Palais, spokesman for Alternatiba, who said he expected 'several thousand' participants before the event which, according to him was 'neither authorized nor prohibited'. 'Ten thousand people is a lot in the post-terrorist context,' he congratulated himself. 'We broke the state of stupefaction into which we were bombed, the state of emergency and the prohibitions on demonstrations', he said, regretting however 'a fault of the government to have prohibited the demonstrations. This prevents the right signal from being sent to civil society'." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-naissance-dune-chaine-humaine-a-paris-pour-denoncer-letat-durgence-climatique-2627771At the initiative of Attac and Alternatiba, the Climate Coalition 21 called "to form this human chain on the eve of the official opening of the UN climate conference where some 150 heads of state and Government officials are expected to try to reach an agreement to limit global warming. For one hour at midday on Boulevard Voltaire, the demonstrators held hands before dispersing, without the police intervening." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-naissance-dune-chaine-humaine-a-paris-pour-denoncer-letat-durgence-climatique-2627771After the human chain organized by the Climate 21 Coalition "for climate justice, for the peace it contributes, and as tribute to the victims of the attacks," meals are served at the foot of the statue of the Republic. Place de la République, which became a place of rememberance after the attacks of January 2015, mountains of flowers and candles are deposited by the people who pay tribute to the last victims of the attacks of November 13. "Emergency = Climate and not the police state, State of emergency ... Climate" Scene at Place de la République just before the start of the unauthorized demonstration following the attacks of November 13. This rally challenges the state of emergency to put pressure on the governments gathered in Paris for COP 21. http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2015/11/28/01016-20151128ARTFIG00042-des-militants-ecologistes-assignes-a-residence-le-temps-de-la-cop21.php"You are not puppets - Hypocrisy" At the end of the morning, a human chain was "set up between Republic and Nation, bringing together thousands of people. Originally, a demonstration was to be held on this route, but it was canceled following the November 13 attacks." Place de la République is nevertheless the start of the unauthorized event. "Thousands of people (... chant) slogans for the defense of the climate." https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000"Climatic threat greater than Police + terrorism threat" "The day before the opening of COP21, and while demonstrations are prohibited, the police (... are blocking the exit from the square). Under the state of emergency called after the jihadist attacks, more than 300 people were taken into police custody, but almost all were later released." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-la-police-disperse-une-manifestation-non-autorisee-a-paris-2635041"Intensive livestock breeding, or the great forgotten polluter of COP21" Place de la République, while demonstrations are prohibited because of the state of emergency proclaimed after the jihadist attacks, this woman brandishes her sign to get the attention of the participants in the 21st annual climate conference."State of climate emergency, Stop of capitalism" While the demonstrations are prohibited because of the state of emergency proclaimed after the jihadist attacks, an unauthorized demonstration shows "the determination of the civil society toput pressure on the heads of state from around the world who will open COP 21 on Monday. And to press them to reach the most ambitious agreement possible in order to combat global warming." https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000"The silence of the slippers does not mask the noise of the boots" Place de la République, while demonstrations are prohibited because of the state of emergency proclaimed after the jihadist attacks. An unauthorized demonstration sets off to show "the determination of civil society to put pressure on the heads of state from around the world, who will open COP 21 on Monday. And to press them to reach the most ambitious agreement possible in order to to fight global warming." https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000On the eve of the opening of COP21, and although demonstrations had been banned, "thousands of activists gathered on Place de la République on Sunday in Paris, some hooded and armed with projectiles." "Exchanges between demonstrators and the police (...) who will proceed 'to arrest 208 and put 174 in police custody'." https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-la-police-disperse-une-manifestation-non-autorisee-a-paris-2635041 https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000The day before the opening of the 21st Annual Climate Conference, "although demonstrations had been banned, scuffles between demonstrators and police (...broke out) at Place de la République. (...) Arousing general indignation (...) some of the violent activists went to the memorial to the victims of the attacks to recover projectiles, candles or flowerpots." These strew the ground. https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000Place de la République. "It was to be a rally to 'defy the state of emergency' (... decreed after the jihadist attacks) and put pressure on the governments gathered in Paris for COP21." Following clashes between demonstrators and the police, "more than 300 people have been taken into police custody, but almost all have been released." "A thousand people continued to chant slogans for the defense of the climate before gradually exiting the place. (...) 'Basically, we had to walk for the climate, but it degenerated. We are disappointed that the climate message didn't get through'." https://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/29/cop-21-malgre-l-interdiction-manifestation-tendue-en-cours-place-de-la-republique-a-paris_1417000 https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-la-police-disperse-une-manifestation-non-autorisee-a-paris-2635041“Later, it will be too late # COP21 Paris, The planet is in our hands # COP21 Paris” Left photo: In the Paris metro, after the banquet in Versailles for the Notre-Dame-des-Landes tractor-bike to Paris. "This militant action [was] intended to take advantage of COP21, a climate conference, to demand the abandonment of the airport project at Notre-Dame-des-Landes." Right photo: Advertising campaign in the subway corridor. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/la-tracto-velo-des-anti-aeroport-jusqua-paris-est-maintenue-3846474"With EDF, we are all committed to the 2° C objective" Arc de Triomphe, Paris. Cyclists pass in front of advertisements from EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with COP21. In the end, "This is the big surprise of COP21. The 195 states are committed to limiting global warming 'well below 2° C' and with the aim of keeping the temperature increase below 1.5° C." https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2015/12/12/accord-cop21-rechauffement-15-possible_n_8793184.html"Come to the Flèche d'Or [Parisian concert venue] for the Pinocchio Climate Awards ceremony, rewarding the most scandalous actions of Greenwashing." On December 3, EDF (...) was the big winner of the Pinocchio Climate Prize. These "are organized by Friends of the Earth France, Friends of the Earth Europe, the Corporate Europe Observatory, CRID and Peuples Solidaires -ActionAid France. (... They) denounce the responsibility of these companies in weakening climate policies and the impact of their activities on local communities. (...) EDF, also a sponsor of COP 21 (...) owns 16 coal-fired power plants around the world, some of them among the most polluting in Europe. (...) The Pinocchio Climate Awards call on governments to take concrete measures to end the impunity enjoyed by large companies today, by putting in place binding regulations, such as the French bill on the duty of vigilance of multinationals and the UN negotiations around a binding international treaty on multinationals and human rights." http://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/12/03/les-laureats-des-prix-pinocchio-2015-sont-chevron-edf-et-bnp-paribas/ https://paris.eelv.fr/remise-des-prix-pinocchio-du-climat/"Barack Obama arrives at the COP - 1st day of COP21 in Le Bourget" Webcast of the opening of COP21 in Le Bourget. 21st annual UN climate conference brings together some 150 heads of state and government to try to reach an agreement to limit global warming. https://www.europe1.fr/societe/cop21-la-police-disperse-une-manifestation-non-autorisee-a-paris-2635041Le Bourget, arrival point of public transport for COP21 with police on horseback. Participants are then transported by bus to the conference venue (21st UN climate conference, in Paris from November 30 to December 12, 2015). On the poster: "Nuclear: the zero carbon asset - MRC" (political party, Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen). Conversely, for the association Sortir du nuclear, "these slogans are nothing more or less than a 'greenwashing' operation (the idea that a company abuses or misuses the ecological argument)." EDF, one of the partner companies of COP21 "presents itself as 'official partner of a low carbon world' and ensures producing 98% of its electricity 'without CO2'(...) does not take into account the entire nuclear electricity manufacturing cycle (...). The extraction of uranium which will be used to produce nuclear energy, produces CO2 emissions, as does the production of fuel and downstream nuclear waste management." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouvement_républicain_et_citoyen https://www.france24.com/fr/20160108-edf-publicite-epinglee-jury-deontologie-publicitaire-cop-21-environnementIn Le Bourget, in the parking lot where the buildings created for COP21 are installed, an electric car and wind trees. "The Wind Tree (... with) wind leaves. (...) Imagined by the French company NewWind, (...) its Wind Tree begins to operate with winds of 2m/s as opposed to 4 or 5 m/s for traditional wind turbines. (...) It aims to capture wind energy and produce electricity thanks to 72 micro-turbines comparable to leaves. (...) Electric power derived from the wind shaft reaches 3.1 kW." https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org/des-arbres-producteurs-delectricite-150305COP21 participants in front of the display of national flags in front of the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st climate conference. COP21 costs 187 million euros. "I would like us to be able to finance 20% of the COP through sponsorship," said Laurent Fabius, judging this objective "very ambitious". For now, the amount of contributions has reached "10%, half of our target," he said. "There are many French companies, there are international companies" and "all these companies are friends of the climate," said the minister. http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2015/05/27/97002-20150527FILWWW00195-cop21-cout-de-170-millions-d-euros-20-de-mecenat-espere.phpCOP21 participants take a souvenir photo among the national flags installed in front of the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. COP21 costs 187 million euros, of which "20% should be financed, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs (and President of COP21), Laurent Fabius, wished by the private sector. (...) (He presents ) around twenty COP21 partner companies via in-kind services or financial participation, including Engie (ex GDf Suez), EDF, Renault Nissan, Suez Environnement, Air France, ERDF, Axa, BNP Paribas, Air France , LVMH." http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2015/05/27/97002-20150527FILWWW00195-cop21-cout-de-170-millions-d-euros-20-de-mecenat-espere.phpBreak time for participants in front of the COP21 entrance hall. "Le Bourget was the only site capable of accommodating nearly 40,000 participants for 10 days. A place large enough to easily create an ephemeral city of 80,000 square meters and several security perimeters to ensure the protection of heads of state present." COP21 costs 187 million euros, of which "20% covered by partner companies, French and foreign. (...) Companies can deduct 60% of the amount of their contribution from their taxable income. 'More than a dozen others (companies) have also told us of their intention to support us,' added the Minister (and President of COP21 Laurent Fabius). 'This partnership is due to two main reasons', he said. 'We want to ensure a high level of environmental requirements for the conference itself.' These companies will, for example, 'help set up ecological transport' or contribute 'to the energy optimization of buildings'." https://bfmbusiness.bfmtv.com/entreprise/ce-que-coute-a-la-france-l-organisation-de-la-cop21-914743.html http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2015/05/27/97002-20150527FILWWW00195-cop21-cout-de-170-millions-d-euros-20-de-mecenat-espere.phpInterview with an American Indian and photo in front of the entrance to the place where the 21st annual climate conference is held, at Le Bourget. COP21 costs 187 million euros. "There are more than 56 private sponsors chosen by the French government to help finance COP21, private funding that the government wanted to reach 20% of the overall budget. The French authorities were committed to ensuring that private sponsors of the COP21 are climate-compatible and to publish the conventions signed between the State and the sponsors. This is not the case." http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2015/05/27/97002-20150527FILWWW00195-cop21-cout-de-170-millions-d-euros-20-de-mecenat-espere.php https://france.attac.org/nos-publications/notes-et-rapports/article/sponsors-de-la-cop21-qui-a-donne-quoiInside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference, in the part open to the public and associations, as well as conferences. Various stands await participants. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign. "As we have expressed since June 2015, and since several times, a good part of the sponsors of COP21 are not climate-compatible. The majority of the chosen companies emit massively greenhouse gases, responsible for climate change, or derive their profits from activities dependent on highly carbon-intensive sectors and investments," such as: EDF, Engie, Air France, Renault-Nissan, Suez Environnement ... https://france.attac.org/nos-publications/notes-et-rapports/article/sponsors-de-la-cop21-qui-a-donne-quoiScenes inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference, in the part open to the public and associations as well as conferences. Various stands await participants. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign. "A good part (... of the sponsors) are not climate-compatible (...): EDF and Engie whose emissions caused by their coal-fired power plants are equivalent to almost half of France's emissions, Air France which is opposed to the reduction of emissions in the aviation sector, Renault-Nissan which manufactures extremely polluting cars, Suez Environment which is known for its participation in the pro-gas lobby of French shale." https://france.attac.org/nos-publications/notes-et-rapports/article/sponsors-de-la-cop21-qui-a-donne-quoiAt Le Bourget, in the buildings created for COP21, photo sessions: selfie with an American Indian and group photo. This 21st annual climate conference is an opportunity for them to recall the threat of agribusiness, which never stops eating forests and threatening the environment and climate. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by the private sector. "(...) Some surprising facts about the main sponsors. (...) EDF and Engie (...) own 44 coal-fired power plants worldwide, which emit 190 million tonnes of CO2 each year. equivalent to the annual discharges from Belgium. (...) Engie's production comes only at 4% from renewable sources while EDF's 'energy mix' is composed of 80% nuclear, perceived as a false solution by environmental associations. The report also stresses that the construction of gigantic hydroelectric dams, although 'green', had catastrophic consequences on the environment and the population, in particular in Amazonia." https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/cop21-les-ong-pointent-du-doigt-la-position-delicate-des-sponsors-1089228Scenes inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. In the part open to the public and associations, various stands and conference venues await participants. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by the private sector. "The secretary general of COP21, Pierre-Henri Guignard, assured in essence that there was 'no a priori exclusion', as long as a company committed to the climate. He added that some candidates deemed too 'climate-incompatible' had been discouraged. In addition, the minimum advance of 100,000 euros no longer seems to be in order." https://www.lemonde.fr/climat/article/2015/05/27/climat-des-ong-denoncent-le-financement-de-la-cop21-par-des-champions-de-la-pollution_4641937_1652612.htmlScenes inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. "'Lobby Planet Paris' 'Ethics and climate change' 'Lobby Planet Paris - Special COP 21' is published jointly by Aitec, Attac France, Corporate Europe Observatory, the Observatoire des multinationales and the Transnational Institute. It is available in French and English From La Défense to the Champs-Élysées and Le Bourget, the book guides readers through the major lobbying venues of the French capital and also contains information on the official corporate sponsors of the Conference and on the main events organized by the private sector which will be held in Paris during the COP, explaining why they are only diverting attention from the real solutions to the climate crisis." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/Scene inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. Polar bears are numerous at COP21 here in the Climate Generation Areas area. This disguise, says Jens Galschiøt (Danish artist in bear costume), is 'One way (...) to make COP21 participants aware of the threats to the Arctic and its fauna.' COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by the private sector. "'(...) the list of patrons of the 21st UN Climate Conference (...) includes French multinationals which are not compatible with the climate', accuse Les Amis de la Terre, Attac France, the Corporate Europe Observatory, WECF and 350.org. Very indignent, they denounce 'the inconsistency of the government' and fear that 'the negotiations will end up in the hands of polluters'. For Célia Gautier, an official of the Climate Action Network (RAC), 'The government clearly did not choose the actors of the energy transition' EDF, like Engie, invests 'massively in coal' abroad, she affirms." http://www.ciup.fr/accueil/cop21-vernissage-ours-unbearable-exposition-montagnes-monde-changement-climatique-58935/ http://www.ciup.fr/espace-presse/communiques/ https://www.lemonde.fr/climat/article/2015/05/27/climat-des-ong-denoncent-le-financement-de-la-cop21-par-des-champions-de-la-pollution_4641937_1652612.html"Renault-Nissan: threatening Mississipi workers is not sustainable" "I'm looking for more talk on: food - climate change to make change happen" Moments during a break in the part open to the public and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. This COP21 participant is from Canada. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign. "Official sponsor of COP21, Renault-Nissan puts particular emphasis on the electric car, but the impact of these green cars on the environment is only slightly less than that of conventional vehicles. According to the Environment Agency and energy management (Ademe), the manufacture of batteries emits so much CO2 that you have to travel 50 to 100,000 km in an electric car to start being less CO2 producer than in a thermal car." Moments during a break for these Chinese participants in COP21 (the 21st UN climate conference). It is held at Le Bourget, in Paris and brings together some 150 heads of state and government who will try to reach an agreement to limit global warming. "Several associations denounce the participation of polluting companies in the COP21 conference (...) 'By sponsoring climate negotiations, major polluters can promote themselves as if they were part of the solution, when in fact they are doing it part of the problem,' says the association Brandalism. (...). Indeed, to partially finance the event, with a budget estimated at 180 million euros, the French government called on twenty companies, not frankly green according to the NGOs. Among these sponsors, we find the energy giants Engie (ex-GDF Suez), EDF, Suez Environment, companies linked to transport such as Renault Nissan, Air France and Michelin, and even banks and insurance companies like BNP Paribas and Axa." https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/cop21-les-ong-pointent-du-doigt-la-position-delicate-des-sponsors-1089228“Be vegan - Make peace” Inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference, in the part open to the public and associations. This COP21 participant invites you to be vegan and make peace. "Véganisme (francization of English veganism), also known as integral veganism (expression used in Quebec and sometimes in France), is a way of life consisting in consuming no product from animals or their exploitation." (The vegan person ...) "frequents circuses without animals, observes animals in nature without hunting them, eats 100% vegetables, chooses to dress in materials not derived from the exploitation of animals (cotton, plastics ...) and uses untested cosmetic and cleaning products." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Véganisme https://www.l214.com/etre-vegan"The climate is changing and us?" Moment of relaxation at the France stand. Inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference in the part open to the public and associations. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign. "The biggest contributors are companies in which the State is a major or very significant shareholder: EDF, ERDF, Renault, STIP and La Poste are the only structures to have contributed more than a million euros. Global multinationals such as Google, Axa, Carrefour, BNP, Sanofi, have become sponsors of COP 21 for smaller amounts, less than 250,000 euros. Apart from BNP the banking sector is poorly represented according to the secretariat, it is because of the 'strong pressures of certain NGOs to adopt a policy of disinvestment in certain mining projects, and in particular coalmines' which lead the sector to 'fear being met with hostile reactions in the event of too great visibility within the COP'." https://france.attac.org/nos-publications/notes-et-rapports/article/sponsors-de-la-cop21-qui-a-donne-quoiMoments of relaxation and discussion for these participants in COP21 (the 21st UN climate conference). Drinking a beer with another bear, the Danish artist Jens Galschiøt. He "chose to join the Paris Air Show ... disguised as a bear. 'One way,' he said, 'to educate COP21 participants about the threats to the Arctic and its wildlife.' He has used his art for militant purposes for years." On the poster: "Anthropocene (the Era of Man, is a term relating to the chronology of geology proposed to characterize the epoch of Earth's history which began when human activities had a significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystem)." The Anthropocene is a proposed epoch dating from the beginning of significant human impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, anthropogenic climate change. http://www.ciup.fr/accueil/cop21-vernissage-ours-unbearable-exposition-montagnes-monde-changement-climatique-58935/ http://www.ciup.fr/espace-presse/communiques/Snack break and smartphone check inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference in the Forum Area open to the public and associations. COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign. "The most ridiculous is that the two French groups exposed (... for greenwashing) are also among the biggest sponsors of COP21 (...) Their presence has already been pointed out by several NGOs earlier this week." https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/cop21-bnp-paribas-et-edf-recoivent-le-prix-pinocchio-du-climat-1089949Visit of the French President in the space open to the public at COP21. "The Head of State expects (...) that this world climate conference will lead to an agreement in December. 'An agreement which has a binding scope and which contains a review clause in time to assess the reality of the commitments of each country. And lay out the consequences on the international level,' he said. (...) 'I will explain at the United Nations podium next weekend that our country is ready to do more to finance the energy transition. (...) If we do not reach an agreement in Paris, in December (... refugees) will be even more numerous in ten, twenty or thirty years. (...) Investing in the climate today means preventing conflicts and not creating the refugees of tomorrow'." https://www.europe1.fr/politique/ce-que-hollande-attend-de-la-conference-de-la-cop-21-2519933“State of climate emergency” Coming from Indian chief Raoni and Captain Paul Watson at the 21st UN climate conference in Paris, Le Bourget. Paul Watson is a Canadian environmental activist and anti-specist. He founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an international non-profit maritime non-governmental organization, an activist group whose main concern is protecting the oceans. The chief "Raoni Metuktire, emblematic figure of the fight of the Indians of Amazonia for the preservation of their forest, will be present at the debates of the COP21. (...) The chief of the Kayapos is particularly worried about the recent legislative developments in Brazil, which risk modifying the equilibrium existing in the Amazon. They want to take the management of our own land away from us, so that they can develop mining there, extract other resources from it, or plant soybeans for export. (...) Opposed to the gigantic Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, chief Raoni calls on the international community to put an end to this much criticized project: 'Hydroelectric dams are very serious for indigenous peoples'." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Shepherd_Conservation_Society https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/raoni-j-espere-que-la-cop21-nous-aidera-a-preserver-les-terres-indigenes_1715159.html"Agriculture and forestry are mobilizing for the climate". Coming from the Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, at the 21st UN climate conference in Paris. We have "officially launched the global initiative '4 per 1000' (... which would allow greater carbon sequestration in soils through agricultural and forestry practices ...). To date, more than 100 States and organizations support the initiative. This is the concept (...) developed by INRA: if we increased the organic matter in soils every year by 4 grams per 1000 grams of CO2, we could offset all of the emissions of greenhouse gases emitted by the planet in one year. With the 4 per 1000 program, France is shedding light on a new challenge: the restoration of degraded land, especially in arid and semi-arid regions of the African continent. 'The more we cover the soil and the more we restore degraded land, the more the soil is rich in organic matter,' said Laurence Tubiana. (... the principle is simple: the more the organic matter in the soil is increased, the more greenhouse gases are stored ...). It’s an agronomic approach that reconciles agri-food production and sustainability objectives.' (...) 'A COP presidency must bring initiatives and solutions,' recalled Stéphane Le Foll." https://www.gouvernement.fr/cop21-les-engagements-nationaux-de-la-france-3403 https://agriculture.gouv.fr/cop21-4-pour-1000-un-programme-de-recherche-international-sur-la-sequestration-du-carbone-dans-les https://afac-agroforesteries.fr/invitation-de-stephane-le-foll-au-centre-de-conference-de-la-cop-21/During COP21 in Paris, Ségolène Royal (Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, head of the French Delegation to COP21) and Nicolas Hulot (Special Envoy of President François Hollande for the protection of the planet ) make an intervention, in the part open to the public and to associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. Nicolas Hulot's mission, "begun at the start of 2013, aimed 'to mobilize international opinion on the urgency of the ecological crisis and to ensure that the 21st UN conference on climate change is a moment collective ambition', explained the FNH (... Hulot Foundation) in a press release." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2016/01/06/fin-de-la-mission-de-nicolas-hulot-comme-envoye-special-de-hollande_4842819_4527432.htmlAt Le Bourget, at the site of COP21, the 21st annual UN Climate Conference. Ségolène Royal (Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, head of the French Delegation to COP21) and Nicolas Hulot (special envoy of President François Hollande for the protection of the planet) take a break between the interventions and interviews. "The Paris Pact for Water brings together 305 organizations and 87 countries. (...) 'This is the first time in the history of a COP that the challenges of freshwater have been officially taken into account. This pact will give a boost and can be considered an innovative instrument,' said Ms. Ségolène Royal, during the official day on water and adaptation to climate change on December 2." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2016/01/06/fin-de-la-mission-de-nicolas-hulot-comme-envoye-special-de-hollande_4842819_4527432.html https://www.riob.org/eletter/COP21-Signatures-Pacte-FR.htmlClimate Generations Areas. On the signs: "Climate Activists - Share your stories of hope + courage - Forum 4-6", "I am looking for a solution to save Mariana in Brasil" "These Climate Generations spaces are the only site of the Paris Climate 2015 conference that is accessible to the public" and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/les-espaces-generations-climat-de-la-cop-21-ouvre-gratuitement-au-public-ce-mardi-1448950851UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) "France is holding its COP21 - Senegal is collecting its waste - Preserving its environment" In the part open to the public and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference . COP21 costs 187 million euros, 20% of which is paid for by partner companies, French and foreign.Black workers dying for jobs! # HBCU at COP21, Don't frack up my neighborhood, I can't breathe. Events in the part open to the public and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference.There's Money 4 War But Can't Feed The Poor!, Don't frack up my neighborhood # HBCU at COP21. Events in the part open to the public and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference.Save indian farmers - Donate water. Events in the part open to the public and associations, inside the buildings created at Le Bourget for the 21st annual climate conference."Climate action zone" at 104, "cultural center in north-eastern Paris where daily general assemblies of a progressive civil society will take place. One hundred and thirty organizations (these range from secular scouts in France to Coordination Sud via Attac, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Confédération Paysanne, large trade unions and even traditional green NGOs) are part of the Climate Coalition 21. Those who mainly organize: (...) the march for the climate, the citizen summit for the climate, a day of 'mass action' ... All the (...) demonstrations of 'civil society' which take place on the margins of official, secure meetings at Le Bourget. It's a real counter-COP21 that is taking shape, an 'off' movement." http://www.slate.fr/story/108809/COP21-societe-civile"Militants sit on the ground, under the majestic nave of 104, in the north of Paris. From December 7 to 11, the performance hall is occupied by the 130 organizations of the Climate Coalition 21. (... ) On every floor, in every corner, we are thinking about the best ways to fight against global warming and to influence the negotiations under way within the framework of COP21." Here at the platform, "Naomi Klein: 'Climate action is the best hope for peace on the planet'. COP21 must be ambitious, our security depends on it, say the author of 'Shock Doctrine' and geographer Jason Box." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/22/l-ecologie-contre-la-terreur_4815076_4527432.html https://www.la-croix.com/Solidarite/Actualite/Dans-la-Zone-Action-Climat-les-militants-se-mobilisent-pour-peser-sur-les-discussions-de-la-COP-21-2015-12-08-1390357"The CentQuatre hosts the Climate Action Zone from December 7 to 11. (...) Nicolas Hulot is expected here on December 8, Naomi Klein on December 10. L'Aitec, Attac France, Sierra Club, T&E and 350.org, in collaboration with the Stop Tafta Collective and the Climate 21 Coalition, are organizing a Large Mobilization Assembly with Naomi Klein, journalist and essayist, author of 'This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate'. How do free-trade agreements undermine the fight against climate change and what can you do? The activist is expected to repeat what she wrote in the Guardian. For her, the cancellation of the marches in Paris is the very illustration of the injustice linked to climate change: 'Those who face the worst consequences of have almost no say in the debates'." https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/environnement/cop21-faute-de-marche-pour-le-climat-les-ong-se-mobilisent-autrement_1738546.html http://ulcgt11.fr/?Assemblee-de-mobilisation-avec-Naomi-Klein"Climate activists are vegan" Events at the CentQuatre cultural center in northeast Paris. "From December 7 to 11, the performance hall is taken over by the 130 organizations of the Climate 21 Coalition. COP21. Véganisme (francization of English veganism), also known as integral veganism (expression used in Quebec and sometimes in France), is a way of life consisting in consuming no products from animals or their exploitation." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/22/l-ecologie-contre-la-terreur_4815076_4527432.html https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Véganisme"Recycle or die". From Icebergs to the Pantheon. "'Faced with the ice, its incredible beauty, its age - hundreds of thousands of years, much more than the age of Paris - people will become physically aware of global warming. They can touch it, listen to it crack', says the Danish artist Olafur Eliasson, who installed his work 'Ice watch', twelve blocks of ice in Paris, on the Place du Panthéon from December 3. (...) The Icelandic-Danish creator is one of the big names in art gathered for COP21 in Paris." https://www.lejdd.fr/JDD-Paris/Des-icebergs-du-Groenland-devant-le-Pantheon-pour-la-COP21-761537The work of the Orlando-Danish Olafur Eliasson, "Ice Watch, a 'watch of ice' is made up of twelve icebergs arranged in a circle. It was initially to be installed on Place de la République before the state of emergency was declared after the terrible attacks of last November 13. (...) a new solution has been found: the twelve blocks of ice of 10 tonnes each - pieces of drifting pack ice caught in a lasso in a Greenlandic fjord - will melt from December 3, on the forecourt of the Pantheon , another symbolic place in Paris." Olafur Eliasson "is one of the big names in art gathered for COP21 in Paris." https://www.lejdd.fr/JDD-Paris/Des-icebergs-du-Groenland-devant-le-Pantheon-pour-la-COP21-761537Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais, under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector.' "Despite the uncertainties about the demonstrations planned around COP21 following the attacks of November 13, Gille Berhault, the president of the programming committee of Solutions COP21 and of Committee 21, is certain that the event at the Grand Palais will go forward. Security will be doubled. (...) 'It is important to say that the COP must take place with all its components, not to back down in the face of barbarism. We will double the budget and the resources allocated to security and we will perhaps limit the number of people who can access the Grand Palais', explains Gilles Berhault. 'We will also reduce certain festive components which are a bit inappropriate at the moment', he adds." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/l-exposition-de-solutions-cop21-au-grand-palais-maintenue.N363443Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais, Nef. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector. "And now what? Business solutions for climate" "From 4 to 10 December 2015 (...) during COP21: more than 4000 m² of exhibition space and 60 conferences to demonstrate solutions and innovations for the climate and the public at large, with free access." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/evenement/solutions-cop21Booths and conferences at Solutions COP21, Paris 2015 Grand Palais. "COP21 SOLUTIONS is a unique multi-stakeholder arrangement for promoting climate solutions." Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. On the left, Mathieu Ricard: French, Tibetan Buddhist monk, author and photographer. "Inertia is one of the problems of the environment. It would take a change of culture, of vision, to do away with the dominant economic opportunism, but we prefer to say that man will be inventive, that he will find solutions (...) except that if you have 30% of species disappear by 2050, it's not by keeping their DNA in a fridge that they will come back." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2015/12/10/matthieu-ricard-l-inertie-constitue-un-des-problemes-de-l-environnement_4828258_3244.html“Consumption and climate” COP21 SOLUTIONS at the Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. "From December 4 to 10, 2015 (...) during COP21: more than 4000 m² of exhibition space and 60 conferences to demonstrate solutions and innovations for the climate and the public at large, with free access." SOLUTIONS COP21 was "created in preparation for the United Nations conference to be held in Paris in December 2015. This initiative is supported by Committee 21 with the French Club of Sustainable Development (bringing together more than 100 public and private networks)." The Committee 21 has existed since 1995. Its purpose is to activate in France the Agenda 21, action program for the 21st century, ratified at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 by 170 heads of State and government." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/evenement/solutions-cop21Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais, under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. "ABB Commit to sustainable development" "Diester rapeseed, the climate is for" "The objective is to show to a large audience the multiple products, services, processes and innovations existing and planned around the world to fight against climate change and its impacts. To share these solutions, Solutions COP21 has several components which will take place throughout 2015 until COP21." ABB "is a major player in energy and automation technologies (..) an international leader in advanced technologies, which develops and deploys products and systems with high energy efficiency optimizing the sustainability of means of transport. (...) Biodiesel is a biofuel, renewable energy, biodegradable and non-toxic, made from vegetable oils (... from the pressing of rapeseed and sunflower seeds, which make up 90% of its raw material). It is mainly known as the Diester brand which is the contraction of diesel and ester." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://new.abb.com/sustainable-mobility/fr/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABB_(entreprise) https://www.qwant.com/?q=colza%20Diester&t=web https://www.terresoleopro.com/nos-produits/biocarburant-diester https://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/evenement/solutions-cop21COP21 solutions: the Grand Palais, temple of innovation. Under heavy surveillance due to the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector.' "... created by Nature, protected by men" Visitors test new headsets (virtual reality?) during the Solutions exhibition at COP21. https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector.' "Bioethanol Let's drive greener and cheaper" "Bioethanol or agroethanol is a biofuel usable in petrol engines. (...) produced from organic matter (biomass) (...) from agriculture, or waste from the forest industry, and belongs to the family of renewable energies. (...) This vegetable-based ethanol is nothing but ethyl alcohol, the same as that found in all alcoholic beverages." "Futuristic Venturi car ... electric VBB racing car, designed by Venturi in partnership with the Center for Automotive research at Ohio State University, whose speed record reaches 495 km/hour. Certainly, the beautiful object attracts many visitors. But the group has developed more useful products, such as Antarctica, an electric vehicle resistant to polar areas, also on display." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioéthanol http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/2015/12/08/01008-20151208ARTFIG00375-solutions-cop21-le-grand-palais-temple-de-l-innovation.phpSolutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. "Engie is a French energy industrial group. It was the third largest world group in the energy sector (excluding oil) in 2015. Its main shareholder is the French State, which holds a quarter of the capital (23.64% of the share capital and 33.84% of the voting rights of Engie)." "ENGIE (like Areva, Engie, Schneider, Suez Environnement, Séché, Veolia, Total, Vinci, SNCF ...) is a company that is part of Committee 21. In existence since 1995.Its purpose is to activate Agenda 21, an action program for the 21st century, ratified at the top of the earth in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 by 170 heads of state and government. (...) Its mission is to create the conditions for exchanges and partnerships between its members from all sectors so that they take ownership and implement, together, sustainable development on the scale of a territory. The Committee 21 participates in Solutions COP 21, which aims to promote initiatives and solutions for the climate." Elise Lucet in the middle of an interview at COP21 for the preparation of her Cash Investigation program which will tackle the case of Greenwashing (the green marketing that many companies practice to give themselves a responsible ecological image.) "Engie, Lafarge and Total, three flagships French industries, in front of the cameras, praise COP21 and commit to respecting its objectives, while, outside the field, they pollute on all levels. 'Climate, the great bluff of multinationals', an investigation by Jean-Baptiste Renaud at see in 'Cash Investigation' on Tuesday May 24 (2016) from 8:55 pm." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engie https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/l-exposition-de-solutions-cop21-au-grand-palais-maintenue.N363443 https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-magazine/france-2/cash-investigation/cash-investigation-du-mardi-24-mai-2016_1454987.htmlSolutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector.' "Veolia - Travel to the land of +2°C" "Veolia (formerly Veolia Environnement, Vivendi Environnement and previously Compagnie Générale des Eaux) is a French multinational, world leader in collective services. Veolia offers its customers, local authorities and businesses, expertise in three complementary areas: water cycle management, waste management and recovery and energy management." "How brands are committed to the climate" "In a number of booths run by institutions, they showcase their sustainable development approach. Certainly with 'greenwashing' and 'false innovations' denounced by certain NGOs, but not only." Here an activist clown with an Anticop poster: "States, diplomats, industrialists, banks, On the climate as on the rest, They are not the solution but the problem. Let's make a world together without them." http://www.anticop21.org https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veolia http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/2015/12/08/01008-20151208ARTFIG00375-solutions-cop21-le-grand-palais-temple-de-l-innovation.php https://paris-luttes.info/infos-pratiques-4137Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. An activist clown plays cat and mouse with security and poses here with his poster next to the Coca-Cola sign. On the Anticop poster she is holding is written: "States, diplomats, industrialists, banks, On the climate as on the rest, They are not the solution but the problem. Let's make a world together without them." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ http://www.anticop21.org https://paris-luttes.info/infos-pratiques-4137Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. Activist clowns in front of the screen which displays the National Televised New at 1:00 pm, then deciding to disturb it during a public meeting. "Rebel Clowns have interrupted a live TV program promoting bogus solutions, while all kinds of impromptu parties have been held in the offices of fossil fuel industries." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://agirpourlapaix.be/cop21-bilan-des-climate-games/"At the Grand Palais in Paris on the sidelines of the climate conference (...) the COP21 Solutions exhibition was disrupted (...) by demonstrators who denounced the 'good green conscience' of the companies participating in it. They were unceremoniously ejected." https://www.europe1.fr/faits-divers/grand-palais-lexposition-solutions-cop21-perturbee-par-des-manifestants-2631083During the Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 exhibition at the Grand Palais. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this 'as event that promotes the values of the private sector'. "We don't give up anything" "Several NGOs, including Attac or Friends of the Earth, had organized a false presence at this exhibit dedicated to the solutions of businesses, local authorities and associations, to fight against global warming. (... ) activists denounced the good green conscience that they believe companies buy by participating in it. Violently evacuated. Accompanied by journalists who covered this demonstration, these activists were surrounded by numerous plainclothes agents, equipped with 'police' or 'security' armbands." https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.lepoint.fr/societe/cop21-le-grand-palais-ouvre-ses-portes-au-grand-public-04-12-2015-1987362_23.phpSolutions COP21 Paris 2015 Grand Palais. SOLUTIONS COP21 is an unprecedented multi-actor system for promoting climate solutions. Under high surveillance because of the terrorists attacks and climate activists who see this as 'an event that promotes the values of the private sector'. "'Thirty demonstrators were pushed back from the Grand Palais and then detained,' said a police source, who did not immediately report any arrests. The Paris police headquarters had banned demonstrations on the Champs-Élysées and around the Grand Palais as part of the state of emergency." They were escorted to the metro. https://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/11/27/lobby-planet-paris-cartographie-dune-cop21-sous-influence/ https://www.europe1.fr/faits-divers/grand-palais-lexposition-solutions-cop21-perturbee-par-des-manifestants-2631083"(...) tell our children that we didn't know. # COP21 Paris" "Rebel Clowns" who demonstrated at the Solutions COP21 Paris 2015 exhibition at the Grand Palais were expelled and escorted to the metro. "Through play and nonviolent direct action, these people have expressed skepticism about improving the climate without a profound change in the global economic and political system." They pose behind an Anticop poster: "States, diplomats, industrialists, banks. On the climate as on the rest, they are not the solution but the problem. Let's make a world together without them." https://agirpourlapaix.be/cop21-bilan-des-climate-games/ https://paris-luttes.info/infos-pratiques-4137Disturbances in the Paris metro during COP21. Spanish climate activists use public transport while alerting the population to the dangers of global warming wearing costumes of polar bears. They participate in the 'Climate Games' of the artist and activist John Jordan. This one "pilot with Isabelle Frémeaux the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii), a kind of incubator of ideas mixing political activism and artistic creation." "We are preparing the biggest event of disobedience for the climate." "The Last Word - Actions for climate justice" https://ocece.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/climat-desobeissance-cop21-paris-29nov-12-decDuring COP21, activists wearing costumes of polar bears in the streets of Paris. An effort to alert the public and public authorities of the danger of global warming.We are before Christmas and facing a window, a Spanish climate activist dressed as a polar bear to protest against global warming, on the occasion of COP21.In Montreuil: the "counter-summit" on climate. "People's climate summit" sign next to an activist from ANV-COP21. "Non-Violent Action COP21 (...) opposes projects and policies contributing to climate change by resorting mainly to civil disobedience actions. [It] constitutes the 'resistance' branch of the Alternatiba movement. (...) It was created in 2015 following a citizen appeal aiming 'to carry out non-violent actions before, during and after the Paris conference for the climate, held in December 2015, in order to contribute to the emergence of a mass movement of citizens to meet the climate challenge'." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_non-violente_COP21It’s not just COP21: there’s also the public's Counter-COP21 in Montreuil. Here demonstrators on bikes. "Action Non-Violente COP21 (ANV-COP21) is a non-violent citizen movement. [It] constitutes the 'resistance' branch of the Alternatiba movement. (...) The activists of the association use T-shirts and yellow vests as a distinctive sign, which will sometimes cause confusion in 2018 and 2019 with the 'Gilets Jaunes', which adopt similar dress codes." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_non-violente_COP21"In Seine-Saint-Denis, it is not only at Le Bourget that we are working on the climate. The city of Montreuil also intends to make its contribution for the planet. A citizens' Summit is organized there December 5 and 6, in parallel with COP21. (...) If many rallies have been banned as part of the state of emergency (such as the Climate March a week earlier), this 'Frequently Asked Alternatives' of Montreuil has been authorized." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/cop21-montreuil-le-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat-1449342303COP21 in Le Bourget and Montreuil: the public Summit on the climate "The festival of unbearable truths","Rights ahead!", " For two days, the communist city hosts a Global Village of Alternatives, a vast popular festival animated by concerts and conferences. Here, no heads of state, no government delegates, but hundreds of volunteers who came with a goal: present and share their concrete solutions for the planet." Contrary to the "technological headlong rush" presented for example at Solutions COP21. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/cop21-montreuil-le-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat-1449342303"I, François Hollande, I agree to close Fessenheim during my five-year term" ANV-COP21.org "COP21: Holland's appeal to be 'worthy of our planet'" (...) 'Day of action' at Bourget's, 'Counter-summit' in Montreuil. "At the site of the COP21 on Saturday there will be a 'day of action' which wants to highlight the initiatives of civil society. At 5 pm, François Hollande and the secretary general Ban Ki-Moon will officially end the day (5.12.2015). At the same time in Montreuil, the 'village of alternatives', there will be an all-weekend a 'counter-summit' which aims to bring together activists and associations who want to make their voices heard." https://www.francetvinfo.fr/meteo/climat/cop21/direct-cop21-la-presidence-francaise-doit-recevoir-le-projet-d-accord-avant-midi_1205721.html"It was a street parade on Place Jean Jaurès that kicked it off. A polar bear on a bicycle, a few banners to emphasize the urgency to act, and thousands of people from all over the world. Welcome to the Contra-Summit at Montreuil. (...) Among the installations there is also a smoking Statue of Liberty, 'freedom to pollute' written on her tablet, and destitute Africans at her feet" (a creation by Jens Galschiøt, Danish artist. His work presents and deals with cultural values, focusing on hypocrisy, human rights and ecology). https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/cop21-montreuil-le-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat-1449342303 https://www.qwant.com/?q=Jens%20Galschiøt,%20artiste%20danois&t=web"Montreuil is committed to the climate, Citizen Climate Summit" "Montreuil expects 20,000 people, on December 5 and 6, to attend a citizen climate summit. (...) Three major events organized by the Climate Coalition 21 and Alternatiba will punctuate these days of December 5 and 6: The Global Village of Alternatives (presentation of concrete initiatives and organization of festivities), The Climate Forum (conferences, debates and GA), The Farmers Market, 50 producers defending small-scale agriculture." https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/seine-saint-denis/montreuil-accueille-le-sommet-citoyen-pour-le-climat-871057.html"Save the Arctic! - No oil!" "Leave it in the ground - no planet B" There is not only COP21, there is also the citizens' Counter-CO21 in Montreuil. "It was a 'street parade' on Place Jean Jaurès that kicked it off. A polar bear on a bicycle, a few banners to announce the urgency to act, and thousands of people from all over the world." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/cop21-montreuil-le-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat-1449342303Citizens' Summit for Climate in Montreuil organized by Coalition 21 and Alternatiba. Chairs requisitioned from banks to "seat the 196 delegates (the same number as for the United Nations climate conference (...) in Paris-Le Bourget) of the 'great international summit on the issue of financing the Green Fund and social and ecological transition' (...) in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), Sunday, December 6, halfway through COP21." This is a call "to end the organized system of tax evasion with the clear message that money to save the climate does exist: it is in tax havens!" Interview with Geneviève Azam, lecturer at Toulouse II and member of Attac. "Attac (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizen Action) is an association which militates for social and environmental justice, and radically challenges the power taken by finance over people and nature. Attac carries out actions to encourage the development of alternatives and to put predatory banks and multinationals under citizen control." https://www.amisdelaterre.org/10-CHAISES-REQUISITIONNEES-DANS-UNE-BANQUE-BNP-A-NANCY https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/12/196-chaises-requisitionnees-pour-un-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat_4808486_4527432.html https://www.qwant.com/causes/association/fr_fr/attac"Requisitioned on: 17/11/2015 - Bank: BNP - City: Brussels" Counter-COP21 Summit in Montreuil. Since the beginning of September these activists have multiplied initiatives on the climate denouncing those who in their view contribute to global warming: the oil companies but also the banks. These chairs were requisitioned from banks by "anti-globalization activists and environmentalists [who] denounce tax evasion and the lack of financial means in the fight against global warming." These 196 chairs "requisitioned" for a climate summit will be returned on condition that the targeted banks stop funding fossil fuels and the practice of tax evasion. https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/article/2015/11/12/196-chaises-requisitionnees-pour-un-contre-sommet-sur-le-climat_4808486_4527432.htmlCitizens' Summit for Climate in Montreuil organized by Coalition 21 and Alternatiba. "Requisitioned on: 06/11/2015 - Bank: BNP - City: Nancy", "Requisitioned on: 06/11/2015 - Bank: BNP - City: Marseille", "Laurent Fabius, COP21 President, COP21 NDDL Airport, You must choose!" These chairs have been requisitioned from banks (BNP, Société Générale, Crédit Agricole and HSBC) by anti-globalization and environmental activists. The condition for returning them is that the targeted banks stop their bad practices. "We must act by all non-violent means at our disposal so that the banks stop their activities of tax evasion and that these tax havens are thereby dismantled. We must urgently push the States to find 100 billion euros for the climate, and much more. All and everyone a nicker of chairs." https://anv-cop21.org/appel-a-la-requisition-de-chaises/"Requisitioned on: 10/19/2015 -Bank: BNP -City: Paris" During COP21 at Le Bourget: Citizens' Summit for Climate in Montreuil. "ANV-COP21 [call] to participate in the campaign to requisition 196 chairs from the banks * involved in tax evasion before and during COP21!" "The 196 parties to the United Nations are unable to find 100 billion euros to finance the Green Climate Fund. However, in the European Union alone tax evasion costs 1,000 billion euros per year from the public budget. It is organized largely by banks, as the HSBC scandal has shown, French banks not being outdone, the first of them, BNP Paribas, with 171 subsidiaries in tax havens, including 7 in the Cayman Islands." "These chairs will serve as to support for a symbolic action in the context of COP21, and to encourage the citizens of the world to take action." * (BNP, Société Générale, Crédit Agricole and HSBC) https://anv-cop21.org/appel-a-la-requisition-de-chaises/ https://www.amisdelaterre.org/10-CHAISES-REQUISITIONNEES-DANS-UNE-BANQUE-BNP-A-NANCY"Requisitioned on: 10/31/2015 -Bank: BNP -City: Toulouse" During COP21 in Le Bourget: Citizens' Summit for Climate in Montreuil. "To respond to the serious and imminent threat posed by tax evasion, we [ANV-COP21, 'resistance' branch of the Alternatiba movement] call on citizens to requisition 196 chairs for COP21 from the offices of the banks* most invested in tax havens." * (BNP, Société Générale, Crédit Agricole and HSBC) https://anv-cop21.org/appel-a-la-requisition-de-chaises/"30,000 participants in the Citizens' Climate Summit in Montreuil. (...) Led by the Climate 21 Coalition which brings together 130 associations, the event is an alternative COP 21, echoing the climate conference taking place in Le Bourget until December 11. (...) No less than 30,000 people participated in meetings, debates, conferences (...) in a 'popular and festive' atmosphere, the city of Montreuil celebrated on Sunday evening." http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/montreuil-93100/cop-21-les-alternatifs-de-l-ecologie-se-sont-donnes-rendez-vous-a-montreuil-06-12-2015-5344289.php"Climate leaders, Don't frack up!" (Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is a controversial technique for extracting natural gas from shale layers). Inside the Lycée Jean Jaurès, which hosts the 'Climat Forum space' on the occasion of the Citizens' Climate Summit in Montreuil organized by Coalition 21 and Alternatiba.In a classroom at the Lycée Jean Jaurès provided by the city of Montreuil for the Citizen Climate Summit in Montreuil. A meeting with Via Campesina, among the many conferences that echo the COP21 held at Le Bourget. "The international peasant movement Via Campesina, which intends to be the voice of farmers in developing countries, (comes with) several peasant organizations including the Peasant Confederation to defend a sustainable agricultural model." http://www.rfi.fr/science/20151206-cop21-sommet-alternatif-montreuil-agriculture-durable-accaparemment-terresVandana Shiva among the listeners at one of the many conferences during COP21. "With her association Navdanya ('nine seeds'), she has gradually built up a training network in organic farming, helped to create more than 120 seed banks in India and hundreds more in the rest of the world and trained 500,000 Indian farmers in sustainable agriculture." https://www.nouvelobs.com/planete/cop21/20151201.OBS0495/inde-vandana-shiva-la-deesse-ecolo.html"Sixty activists from the peasant NGO, Via Campesina, demonstrated on Wednesday outside the Paris headquarters of the food giant Danone to protest against the climate-damaging 'multinational climaticides'." "Asking for food sovereignty in several languages, [... they] painted a red line on the sidewalk in front of the Paris headquarters of Danone, indicating that this line has been 'crossed' by multinationals which, according to them, lobby during the ongoing negotiations at COP21." "I will protect the people" (The usual phrase on army recruitment posters). Squat where militants and alterglobalists stayed during COP21. "EDF, Greenwashing champion" "Accused of greenwashing, on December 3, EDF (with BNP-Paribas and Chevron) was the big winner of the Pinocchio Climate Awards. (...) These awards denounce the responsibility of these companies in weakening climate policies and the impact of their activities on local communities. (...) EDF, also a sponsor of COP 21 (...) owns 16 coal-fired power plants worldwide, some of them among the most polluting in Europe." https://www.zintv.org/COP21-action-contre-Danone https://www.terre-net.fr/actualite-agricole/politique-syndicalisme/article/via-campesina-manifeste-devant-danone-contre-les-multinationales-climaticides-205-115262.html http://www.prix-pinocchio.org/2015/12/03/les-laureats-des-prix-pinocchio-2015-sont-chevron-edf-et-bnp-paribas/Squat where foreign participants sometimes meet. For protesters who come to COP21 accommodation can be a real headache. "How and where to accommodate the thousands of people who will come to COP21 which opens on November 30 at Le Bourget. Although the 20,000 official delegates of the countries are supported by the organizers, the situation is more complicated for the 20,000 environmental activists who come alone." https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/cop21-le-casse-tete-de-l-hebergement-des-participants-1447413608Anti COP21 poster in a local accommodation offered by Paris-luttes.info: “States, diplomats, industrialists, banks, on the climate as on the rest, they are not the solution but the problem. Let's make a world together without them. Paris November 28 - December 12. www.anticop21.org. Accommodation for activists who came to demonstrate during the 21st annual climate conference, meals are served daily at the Alice Garden in Montreuil. https://paris-luttes.info/infos-pratiques-4137"Sixty activists from the peasant NGO, Via Campesina, (...) in front of the Parisian headquarters of the food giant Danone to protest against the 'multinational climaticides', harmful to the climate." "Paris December 9, 2015, the Agriculture Day of the Climate Action Zone begins with an action (...) to denounce the role of this multinational in promoting false solutions to climate change. False solutions (including a policy of compensation, not real reduction in emissions) that endanger peasant agriculture." https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2015/12/09/cop-21-happenings-actions-paris-ecologistes-photos_n_8759602.html https://www.zintv.org/COP21-action-contre-Danone"Decarbonated culture, #Fossil free culture" "Two days before the end of COP21, at Le Bourget and in front of the Louvre museum, activists have called for an ambitious agreement in favor of the climate. (...) At the Louvre, for a 'low-carbon culture' (... ) they protested against the sponsors [the oil companies Total and Eni] (...) of the most visited museum in the world" with the performance "Let's get out of the oil producers out of culture". On each umbrella, a letter from the slogan 'Fossil Free Culture'. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/meteo/climat/cop21/en-images-maitre-yoda-ours-geant-et-sit-in-les-ong-multiplient-les-actions-a-deux-jours-de-la-fin-de-la-cop21_1214079.html https://blogs.emi-cfd.coop/etatsdurgence/2015/12/10/cop21-stuart-basden-gardien-despoir/On the sidelines of COP21, in front of the Louvre pyramid, "Climate Guardian Angels" "Angels with unfolded wings, wearing long white dresses and wearing crowns of flowers, sing. They are the guardians of the climate and express hope." "This is why we are going to Paris and bringing with us thousands of letters and works of art from Australian children to the # COP21 talks in Paris, demanding that their voices be heard." https://blogs.emi-cfd.coop/etatsdurgence/2015/12/10/cop21-stuart-basden-gardien-despoir/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1480764262219891/"Free our power", "Clim Acts - Acting for Climate Justice" Coming from Australia, "We are the Climate Guardians, a theater protest troupe that uses the symbolism of angels to predict the dangers of government inaction in the face of climate change. For more than 2 years we have participated in rallies behind politicians and at the headquarters of conglomerates in the fossil fuel sector in order to promote climate justice for future generations." https://www.facebook.com/events/1480764262219891/Demonstrations in front of the Louvre pyramid, on the sidelines of COP21. "Livestock + byproducts cause at least 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions", "Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change are pigs chickens and cows? (Goodland + Anhang)" "Animal agriculture is the world biggest polluter" "Reducing emissions from agriculture will be imperative, as it will be impossible to stay within the target of 1, 5 or 2 degrees if agriculture does not contribute to the reduction of emissions (...) It is considered very important that of the 160 countries having submitted an emission reduction commitment at the Paris summit, 80% included agriculture in reduction targets or specific actions, and 64% stressed the importance of adaptation in agriculture." https://www.1millionwomen.com.au/blog/animal-agriculture-and-paris-agreement-what-does-it-mean/2 antiCOP21 posters in the street that leads to an alternative meeting place, Alice's garden, in Montreuil where "The Red Lines'"event is getting ready. "States, diplomats, industrialists, banks, on the climate as on the rest, yhey are not the solution but the problem. Let's make a world together without them. Paris November 28 - December 12. www.anticop21.org." "Welcome to green capitalism""The workshop of possibilities, Food on donation". The collective Le Jardin d'Alice. Location indicated by paris-luttes.info (which lists the "practical information that all those who join the anti-capitalist opposition to COP21 in Paris will need") as the address where meals are served every day. It is in Montreuil, in one of the places that "The Red Lines" demonstration is preparing. https://paris-luttes.info/infos-pratiques-4137"Brain storm": A moment to relax, "Fossil free" (Let’s free ourselves from fossil fuels), Découpage in the workshop section. In Alice's garden, "This winter, the 2,600 m2 room, spread over two floors, welcomed alternative players from around the world to attend Cop21, the environmental summit held in Le Bourget. 'Here, we served up to 500 people a day'." http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/decouvrez-les-merveilles-du-jardin-d-alice-24-03-2016-5654695.phpLarge red banner "Keep it in the ground". Preparations for the big event "The Red Lines" at the Jardin d'Alice. "Le Jardin d´Alice is a multidisciplinary collective, a place for artistic, ecological and social experimentation located in Montreuil." https://www.facebook.com/pg/CollectifLeJardindAlice/about/"Climate justice - Keep it in the ground, Only the revolution can save the planet" Preparations for the big event "The Red Lines" at "Jardin d'Alice, an cooperativ located in Montreuil, (...) which is another meeting place during the climate conference. On October 1, the artists' collective that rents this 2,600 square meter building opened the entire ground floor to activists." https://reporterre.net/Place-to-B-et-le-Jardin-d-Alice-deux-alternatives-differentes-a-la-COP"We are not fighting for nature, we are the nature that defends itself, ClimateGames.net" At the end of COP21, entrance to the place where the Climate Games Party is held during which the best realized protests (games.net) are going to be rewarded. It was the biggest disobedient action adventure game in the world. "#ClimateGames" "which sees both cyberspace and the street as playgrounds in which teams will form to develop civil disobedience actions against the power of multinationals." A project by Isabelle Frémeaux and John Jordan, co-founders of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii). http://www.makery.info/2015/05/11/climate-games-nous-sommes-la-nature-qui-se-defend/Closing evening of the Climate Games Party. "More than 600 people attended the Ceremony, clapped their hands to encourage the fox in charge of the applaudimeter, howled with joy when the prizes (...) were distributed to the winning teams. Some of these prizes have been awarded to very special winners, such as the Cloak of Invisibility which returned to all those under house arrest during the State of Emergency." https://agirpourlapaix.be/cop21-bilan-des-climate-games/Closing evening of the Climate Games Party where the best-led actions will be rewarded. "One of the creators of these 'climate games', the English artist and activist John Jordan explains how art and adventure games can multiply the potential of activism, and - why not - stir up those on the side of disobedient gamers." Divest for Our Future. "Join the campaign calling for (...) separation from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in socially responsible funds!" http://www.artcop21.com/fr/events/6450/ https://www.telerama.fr/monde/cop21-avec-les-climate-games-l-art-activisme-s-invite-a-la-conference-climat,135490.php http://www.divestforourfuture.org"Three activists from three separate forest occupation groups across Europe have climbed a tree in Parc Monceau, a public park in Paris, France. (...) This action takes place during the first week of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations (COP21), during which world leaders and companies meet in Paris to discuss negotiations focusing mainly on carbon emissions. Activists representing the occupation of the Hambach forest in Germany, the Stop Fennovoima campaign in Pyhajoki in Finland, and the Tant Qu'il Aura Des Bouilles campaign in France came together to raise awareness of their campaigns (... and) urge government leaders to end exploitation and the destruction of natural areas for energy use and development." https://globaljusticeecology.org/activists-stage-treesit-in-paris-alongside-cop21/At the start of COP21, "the activists currently occupying Parc Monceau want this action to draw attention to the little progress made in the fight against environmental destruction. (...) This action is also conducted in memory of Rémi Fraisse, a 21-year-old French activist who was killed by a grenade launched by the police a little over a year ago in October 2014. (... This death), as well as the numerous bodily injuries suffered by several members of the German occupation of Hambach, (... and the intimidation of) activists associated with the campaign to put an end to the construction of a new nuclear installation in Pyhajoki, Finland (...) serve to demonstrate that those who speak in the face of an ecocide face ever greater threats and danger as a result of their courage." https://globaljusticeecology.org/activists-stage-treesit-in-paris-alongside-cop21/Avenue des Armées on the Arc de Triomphe side, Avenue des Armées on the La Défense side. Thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21: "Don’t cross the red lines." "Instructions were given to come in pairs, with red accessories. The day before, during information sessions, red flowers were distributed. Once the pairs of demonstrators were on site, the scenario is as follows: at the first blow of fog horn, we gather in line, approaching in groups of three people who brandish umbrellas. With the following blows, follow the release of red accessories and two minutes of silence in tribute to the victims of climate change." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.htmlThousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21: "Don’t cross the red lines". "Philip McMaster, (...) the Canadian activist is a 'Sustaina Claus', as the badge sewn onto his red jacket specifies. "(...) Santa Claus is associated with consumption. My character as a sustainable Claus invites us to change the world to make it more sustainable. Good humor is very important. Here, people smile much more than at Le Bourget, which I also visited. Smiling, sharing, talking to each other is the first step to building a more sustainable world. SustainaClaus reminds people that EVERY TIME you see a sign saying 'Merry Christmas', it tells you to 'X off your Christmas list the things you don't need ... don't 'MASS CONSUME' without thinking, WASTE your money and our shared resources, instead, share your time, personal skills and craft with others so that these holidays are personal and meaningful for all." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyiJeXjW5_o https://www.la-croix.com/Ethique/Environnement/Les-blogueurs-et-les-activistes-du-climat-se-retrouvent-a-Place-to-B-2015-12-07-1389676"People power now, People power" Thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21, an action called: "Don't cross the red lines". "Noon: Form red lines between the tomb of the unknown soldier and La Défense. Instructions: The bulk of the mobilization will take place between the Champs-Elysées and Porte Maillot, along the avenue de la Grande Armée The epicenter will be at the Argentine metro station. The organizers recommend going down at around 11:30 am to one of the following stations: Charles-de-Gaulle Etoile, Ternes, Boissière, Kleber or Porte Maillot. Instructions have been given to come in pairs, with red accessories." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.html"Never trust a COP" "Oil dependence" Thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don't cross the red lines". "Next to the Arc de Triomphe, a long banner of red fabric was displayed all along the avenue of the Grande Armée where 3,500 demonstrators, according to the police, gathered in a festive atmosphere." https://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/De-multiples-rassemblements-pour-preparer-l-apres-COP21-2015-12-12-1392192"No war, no warming", "Climate justice" Avenue des Armées, Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrate at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don 't cross the red lines".Avenue des Armées on the Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action named: "Don’t cross the red lines". "Agribusiness disrupts the climate, peasant agriculture protects the earth, Confederation paysanne et Via Campesina." "Justice Climate" "A huge human fresco was created by activists who filled the streets of the capital, using the geolocation system on their mobile phones to write the words 'Climate', 'Justice' and 'Peace' in small green dots on an interactive map of Paris (www.climatejusticepeace.org)." https://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/De-multiples-rassemblements-pour-preparer-l-apres-COP21-2015-12-12-1392192Avenue des Armées on the Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don’t cross the red lines" with the participation of activist clowns.Avenue des Armées, Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don’t cross the red lines". Instructions were given to come in pairs wearing red accessories. "A Human fresco, 'a red line' and a minute of silence, thousands of environmental activists marked in their own way on Saturday the end of the negotiations against global warming in Paris, calling on citizens to continue to mobilize daily for 'climate justice'." https://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/De-multiples-rassemblements-pour-preparer-l-apres-COP21-2015-12-12-1392192"It is wrong to wreck the world", "1.5° or chaos" Avenue des Armées on the Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don’t cross the red lines". "On the occasion of the annual climate summit, 'grab the media’s attention as they turn toward political leaders and the deal expected to be reached after the COP. And hammer out an objective: to keep 80% of fossil fuels underground'." https://www.telerama.fr/monde/cop21-avec-les-climate-games-l-art-activisme-s-invite-a-la-conference-climat,135490.phpAvenue des Armées, Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action named: "Don’t cross the red lines". "Instructions were given to come in pairs, wearing red accessories. A Human fresco, a 'red line' and a minute of silence, thousands of environmental activists marked in their own way on Saturday the end of the negotiations against global warming in Paris, calling on citizens to continue to mobilize daily for 'climate justice'." https://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/De-multiples-rassemblements-pour-preparer-l-apres-COP21-2015-12-12-1392192"ZW Zero Waste France", "Zero waste for the climate" Zero Waste France is an association which defends the zero refuse, zero waste approach. Thousands of people demonstrate in champ de Mars at the end of COP21. "After the terrorist attacks of November 13, the Interior Ministry had banned large gatherings. (...) In the street? At a stadium? Authorized demonstrations, prohibited, tolerated? The suspense lasted until the day before D-Day, or rather 'D12', the code name chosen for this Saturday, December 12, the closing day of negotiations at COP21 and the climax of climate mobilizations." https://www.zerowastefrance.org/ https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.html"ZW Zero Waste France", "Zero waste for the climate" Avenue des Armées on the Arc de Triomphe side, thousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called: "Don't cross the red lines". "After the terrorist attacks of November 13, the Interior Ministry banned large gatherings. (...) In the street? At a stadium? Authorized demonstrations, prohibited, tolerated? The suspense lasted until the day before D-Day , or rather 'D12', the code name chosen for this Saturday, December 12, the closing day of negotiations at COP21 and the climax of climate mobilizations." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.html"Giant letters formed by individuals (...): this is part of the menu of actions at the end of COP21, this December 12. (...) To give to thousands of citizens, sometimes coming from around the world, the opportunity to 'have the last word'. The organizing NGOs, 350.org, Avaaz and Friends of the Earth, had to be flexible. 'Everything was organized under extremely complicated conditions, recognizes Malika Peyrault of Friends of the Earth. The government has very clearly played with us.' She sees this as a 'showdown'and these procrastinations as a way of a way to 'muzzle civil society'." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.htmlThousands of people demonstrated at the end of COP21 in an action called "Don’t cross the red lines". "2 pm: Form a human chain on le champ de Mars. The instructions: Join the thousand people who will gather at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and take them by the arm. The most motivated, who don't want to participate in the red lines action, are invited to go on site at noon to coordinate the formation of the chain. (...) This human chain is the repetition of the mode of action of November 29, the day before of the opening of COP21." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.html"Form a human chain on le champ de Mars. (...) The organizers are expecting for this closing rally between 15,000 and 20,000 people, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands that a march should have gathered. The only consolation for the militants, they will mobilize at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, the end point of the route which, before the attacks, had been refused by the prefecture." https://www.terraeco.net/COP21-Amis-de-la-Terre-350-org,63056.htmlDemonstration at the le champ de Mars on the last day of COP21. "They only look big if we are on our knees! Stand up and be determined for the climate! ANV-cop21.org". "Change the system, not the climate!"At the le champ de Mars on the last day of COP21, at the end of the speeches the singer HK intervenes with his song: 'Nothing to Lose'. "HK (Kaddour Hadadi) from HK and the Saltimbanks: a popular French music group, particularly known for their committed texts dealing with social struggles, inequalities and the environment. 'Nothing to Lose' is used (...) during numerous events in France and even in Quebec during le Printemps Érable." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/HK_et_Les_Saltimbanks"Our earth, our fight". Final song at COP21 for protesters at le champ de Mars. On the last day of the 21st annual climate conference, these spectator demonstrators are listening to "Nothing to Lose" performed by HK (Kaddour Hadadi) from HK and the Saltimbanks: a popular French music group "known for its committed texts dealing social struggles, inequalities and the environment." 'Nothing to lose' is "used (...) during many events in France and even in Quebec during the le Printemps Érable." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/HK_et_Les_Saltimbanks"Mother earth", "COP21, +3°C" Demonstration at le champ de Mars on the last day of COP21, with activists from Attac and ANV-COP21. "Attac is an association which militates for social and environmental justice, and radically challenges the power taken by finance over the people and nature. Attac carries out actions to favor the development of alternatives and to put under citizen control the banks and multinational predators." "Non-violent action COP21 (ANV-COP21) is a non-violent citizen movement that opposes projects and policies contributing to climate change mainly by resorting to acts of civil disobedience. It constitutes the 'resistance' branch of the Alternatiba movement." "After the terrorist attacks of November, the French government decided to ban most demonstrations at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21), where Paris is the host city." This demonstration (...) was authorized at the last minute, Friday, despite the state of emergency, at the call of several environmental organizations and in particular Alternatiba." https://www.euractiv.fr/section/l-europe-dans-le-monde/news/naomi-klein-reproche-a-la-france-de-museler-la-societe-civile/ https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/climat-environnement/cop-21-au-champ-de-mars-des-manifestants-sceptiques-apres-l-accord-de-paris-1449944969On the TV screen in the living room, Mr. Fabius strikes the final hammer blow of COP21. On the banner: "Laurent Fabius, President of COP21: this agreement sends a very strong signal in favor of a 'low carbon future', underlined President Barack Obama." "As a measure of its 'independence', France was able to mobilize the 'Second World diplomatic network' to 'push the climate agenda' in all the major international diplomatic and financial bodies, enthused the old Minister EELV of Development Pascal Canfin who worked under the supervision of Fabius. This 'brilliant success' will remain as 'the best illustration of the diplomacy of influence by which our country can influence the world order', congratulated on Wednesday at the Assembly, the Socialist President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Elisabeth Guigou." https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2016/02/10/laurent-fabius-bilan-cop21-reste_n_9188222.html"Climate, an unprecedented agreement". Final conclusion of COP21. Laurent Fabius welcomes "the conclusion of the 'historic' climate agreement." "After two weeks of intense negotiations between the ministers and delegations from one hundred and ninety-five countries, the president of COP21, Laurent Fabius, presented, on Saturday, December 12, the draft of a universal agreement to fight climate change, in the presence of President François Hollande and the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. A text, according to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, 'differentiated, fair, sustainable, dynamic and legally binding." https://www.lemonde.fr/cop21/video/2015/12/12/cop21-fabius-presente-un-texte-ambitieux-et-equilibre_4830567_4527432.html