Równość! (Equality!), Nie wę giel! (No more coal!), Saturday December 8 2018, Plac Wolności, Katowice, Poland. This protester prepares his sign with the hourglass logo of Extinction Rebellion. Born in October 2018, "Extinction Rebellion, abbreviated as XR, is an international social movement that aims to bring about radical change, through direct actions and nonviolent resistance, in order to limit global warming and minimize the risk of extinction of humanity and ecological collapse (...) On February 20, 2019, 260 Swiss, French and Belgian researchers in turn publish an open letter in which they support school strikes for the climate and write: 'We believe a movement of civil disobedience like Extinction Rebellion is a form of radicalism that is part of the instinct for survival'."
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_Rebellion"Węgiel czarne zło-to" (Coal black gold) Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"Leonardo Dicaprio Ambasador Planety Matka Ziemia" (Leonard Dicaprio, Ambassador from Mother Earth) - Angels of Illumination Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"There is no planet B" "I want to be able to look my children in the eye and say that I did everything that I could" "Clean earth, No petrol" "Fight like a native woman. For your children, for your people ..." Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"Coal must go!" (Coal must go) Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"The climate is a common good - CAFOD - Just One World" Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"Be protecters of the world - CAFOD - Just One World" Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"The solution, No more polution" "A change in politics, not in the climate" Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"Leave it in the ground" "Inaction isn't an option" Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"The climate is changing, why shouldn't we?" "Fair stock" "Our future, our choice, Let them hear our voice" "Tell future generations: 'It was good for the economy'" Global March for Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - 8 December 2018"Nuclear energy ensures faster and cheaper decarbonisation" "We need all the low carbon energies now" "Nuclear power is a key part of the solution to climate change" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Nuclear energy ensures faster and cheaper decarbonisation" "We need all the low carbon energies now" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Our goal: To be rid of coal" Plac Wolności (Freedom Square), starting point of the Climate March in Katowice, Poland. Greta Thunberg speaks in this country which hosts the 24th COP (Annual Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).
This young Swedish 15-year-old environmental activist caused a sensation during this summit where she indicated that the world needs concrete actions. “She is behind a global movement: middle and high school students skip Friday to demand action on climate change. She had started alone, sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament, with her little cardboard sign that read: “school strike for the climate”. The hashtag #FridaysForFuture has spread to Scandinavia but also to Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and to Australia, where thousands of students gathered in front of regional parliaments on November 30. And she was just named to Time's list of the 25 most influential teens of the year. " Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Stop Climate Change Now" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."The planet before profit" "Wake Up!" "Duda ogarnij się! (Duda, [the name of Poland's President] That's Enough!" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."No Future under Coal" "Wybieram OZE" (I choose RES [renewable energy sources]) "Welcome to the 24th COPD (Conference to the Parties of Sickness) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease of Katowice" As a reminder, more than 60% of pollution in Poland is due to coal burned by individuals and businesses. This is a real public health problem that kills 50,000 people every year. Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Stop financing coal" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Feminists demand climate justice" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Listen to Youth" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Capitalism is destructive to nature and human dignity" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Bla bla bla, Act Now!" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.Head of the procession framed by the Polish police. Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Stop!, you're killing me!" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Smog horror ojczyzna" (Our country's smog horror) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Smog horror ojczyzna" (Our country's smog horror) "Women for the Climate" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."The future is renewable! #100% RES" (renewable energy sources) "Climate actions now! - Renewables is how" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Matkę ziemię mamy tylko jedna" (We only have one Mother Earth) "Women for the Climate" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Przestancie przez was giniemy" (Stop because of you, we're dying) "Warning! The coal, oil and gas lobbies can cause irreversible damage to your atmosphere" "Don't injure the climate" "Build the ambition for climate justice - #Act4Climate" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Take investment out of fossil fuels and put it into renewable energy" - #BigShift "Stop! You're killing me!" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Obudź się!" (Wake up!) "Czas ocalic nasz dom!" (Time to save our home!) "Stop climate change now!" "Our goal is to put an end to coal!" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Czesty kominy dla zdrowej rodziny" (Clean chimneys for a healthy family) "It's time to save the planet" "Do we need a catastrophy to change our system???" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."partia zieloni" (Green Party) "Our goal is to put an end to coal" "Don't injure the climate" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Elektrownia Ostrołęka C puści z dymem PKB!" (Ostrołęka C Power Plant will blow up GDP!) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Heaven's protector" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Tchórzewski klimat psuje Ostrołękę c buduje!" (The climate of Tchórzewski [Poland's Minster of Energy] is poluted by the construction of Ostrołękę) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."No future with coal!" "Save the planet, choose 100% clean energy" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Duda ogarnij się!" (Duda [the name of the Polish president], that's enough!) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.On the edge of the Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Obudź się!" (Wake up!) "Czas ocalic nasz dom!" (Time to save our home!) "Czesty kominy dla zdrowej rodziny" (Clean chimneys for a healthy family) "Act now of swim later" "Don't injure the climate" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Paris Agreement Guidelines Do them: Balanced Comprehensive ... " Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Zwień politykę a nie climat!" (Change the politics, not the climate) "Get out of coal now!" "COP24, United not divided" "You can deport activists but you can't deport activism" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Oddajcie dzieciom" (Think of the children) "2012 Pèlerins: 1,883 kilometers on foot from Bonn to Katowice. Our goal: To save the climate, Climate justice...for undeveloped countries and for our grandchildren...They shouldn't have to pay for our life style." Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Polityku, obudź się!" (Politician, wake up!) "Zmieniamy klimat!" (We are changing the climate) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Zmieniamy klimat!" (We are changing the climate) Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Save the Earth" Global March for the Climate at COP24. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Czesty kominy dla zdrowej rodziny" (Clean chimneys for a healthy family) "Our goal is to put an end to coal" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Chcę żyć w czystym mieście" (I want to live in a clean city) "Our goal is to put an end to coal" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Dorosu!!! Obudzcie" (Dorosu !!! Wake up) "Czesty kominy dla zdrowej rodziny" (Clean chimneys for a healthy family) "Stop climate change now!" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Czesty kominy dla zdrowej rodziny" (Clean chimneys for a healthy family) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Ada, I've come to tell them this is your future, Love" "Don't close your eyes to 1.5° C" "Cafod - Be the protectors of Creation": Pope Francis "Cafod - Our climate is a common good" "I'm sure the dinosaurs thought that they had more time" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Tell future generations that it was for the good of the economy." Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Zmień paliwo a nie climat" (Change fuel, not the climate) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Remuez-vous pour la justice" (Stand up for justice) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Climate justice" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Moc powiedziec nie Wstrzymuje oddechu" (The power to say no! I'm holding my breath) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Financer le climat est votre devoir, ce n'est pas de la charité" ("Financing the climate is your duty, it is not charity") (Asian peoples movement on debt and development) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."Dosyć trucia! Nieudolna wladza musi odejść" (Enough poisoning! Inept power must go) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."#jak Mikolaj Pomogej chopie" (Like Saint Nicholas, Help Me) "Wiatraki" (Windmills) Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018."The only viable future is without fossil fuels" "Fossil fuels mean big expenses for the future" Global March for the Climate in front of the convention center where COP24 is being held. Katowice, Poland - December 8, 2018.