Hives of domestic bees at the edge of a watermelon field. These bees are rented to farmers to ensure the essential work of pollination. Felda, Florida 2009In Florida domestic bees are used to pollinate watermelons, oranges, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, zucchini. Here a hive near an orange grove. When they are finished pollinating, these bees will be shipped to Wisconsin. Felda, Florida 2009A forklift picks up the hives from an orange grove and carries them to a staging area. Felda, Florida 2009The hives are smoked to subdue the bees prior to staging, selecting and loading them on the truck. Felda, Florida 2009Hives are collected, sorted and checked prior to loading. Some will be left behind to make honey and others will be shipped. Felda, Florida 2009A forklift is used to assemble the hives prior to loading. All the hives are inspected. Some will be left behind to make honey and others will be shipped. Felda, Florida 2009A mixture of corn syrup and water is fed to domestic bees who will now stay in their hives and make honey. Felda, Florida 2009Preparation of the herbicide (Permrthrin/Cocyphosphate (Roundup)) that will kill the larva of the tiny mites that infect the hives. Felda, Florida 2009Spraying a dilute mixture of oxalyc acid, water and corn syrup to kill mites. Felda, Florida 2009An application of Tylosin (an antibiotic) to the hives of domestic bees. Felda, Florida 2009A brown insecticide strip containing Amitraz is placed in the hives to kill mites. Felda, Florida 2009The man on the left inspects the little box in which the queen is temporarily kept to see if she is still alive. When the queen is released she will establish a colony in one of the hives. Felda, Florida 2009Little boxes each containing a domestic queen bee that the owner has purchased. When they are released they will each establish a colony in one of the hives. Felda, Florida 2009Loading the truck which will carry the bees to Wisconsin where they will once again perform their pollination service for the farmers. Felda, Florida 2009Bee hives stacked high on the truck that will carry them to Wisconsin. Felda, Florida 2009Bee hives stacked high on the truck that will carry them to Wisconsin. Felda, Florida 2009The cab of the truck that will be used to transport the bees. Felda, Florida 2009The bees hit the road for Wisconsin. Felda, Florida 2009