A house rented to immigrant labourers employed in the harvests. Immokalee is known as the most productive agricultural region in Florida. It is the state's largest industry. Florida, Immokalee, 2009The family of an immigrant labourer employed in the tomato harvest. The mother is worried about her sick child. She installed a small air-conditioner but it is too weak to cut down the heat in the room. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A trailer rented by Mexican workers at a price of $250 USD per week. Without air-conditioning these trailers are not well adapted to the climate, especially during the worst season (June 1st November 30th) with its storms, tornados and cyclones. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A trailer rented by Mexican workers at a price of $250 USD per week. This Mexican labourer is resting because a rainy spell has stopped work for the day. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A trailer rented by Haitian workers. Trailers like this rent for about 300 euros per week. Approximately ten people live inside. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A Mexican worker rests after a day of work. He shares a house with 8 others at a price of $314 USD per week. They must also pay for the gas. Florida, Immokalee, 2009This man is repairing the ceiling light in the kitchen. He is the handyman working for a company that owns a large portion of the houses rented to migrant workers. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A family of immigrant labourers employed in the tomato harvest. She has just handed over a fortnight's rent ($600 USD) for the house that she shares with 5 other people. They are considering how much money goes to rent. They look a little defeated. Florida, Immokalee, 2009The entrance of a building with rooms for immigrant workers. Impossible to know how much they cost. Very fearful, the occupants asked me to leave, telling me "the owner is very nice and the rooms are free."! Florida, Immokalee, 2009The interior of a trailer where a man is sleeping. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Inside an apartment shared by several people. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A building entirely rented to migrant Haitian workers and their families. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Rented apartments made available by the Administration for Legal Immigrant Workers (about 2 in 10 according to my own informal survey). Florida, Immokalee, 2009A rented apartment made available by the Administration for Legal Immigrant Workers (about 2 in 10 according to my own informal survey). Florida, Immokalee, 2009 A rented apartment made available by the Administration for Legal Immigrant Workers (about 2 in 10 according to my own informal survey). Florida, Immokalee, 2009 Dinner in a shelter (Friendship House) for the homeless, where you find immigrant workers and American victims of the economic crisis. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A dormitory in a shelter (Friendship House) for the homeless, where you find immigrant workers and American victims of the economic crisis. A bedcheck is made prior to turning off the lights. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A dormitory in a shelter (Friendship House) for the homeless, where you find immigrant workers (a Haitian in this image) and American victims of the economic crisis. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Breakfast in a shelter (Friendship House) for the homeless, about five o'clock in the morning, before going to work or in search of a job. Florida, Immokalee, 2009About five o'clock in the morning, in a place that is well known for picking up agricultural day jobs, people are waiting for the bus that will take them to the fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009About five o'clock in the morning, in a place that is well known for picking up agricultural day jobs, people are waiting for the bus that will take them to the fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009About six o'clock in the morning, the departure of the bus taking workers to the fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Stocking up on water and ice in preparation for a day to be spent in the fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Workers depart in the morning to harvest fruit and vegetables in the fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Aboard a bus carrying these workers to an orange grove. Florida, Immokalee, 2009The interior of a truck carrying South American farm labourers. Florida, Homestead, 2009A place that is well known for picking up agricultural day work, in the background a deal is being made to sign up for a day's work. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A place that is well known for picking up agricultural day work, at the end of the season it is getting difficult to find work every day. Florida, Immokalee, 2009At about 8 in the morning in a place that is well known for picking up agricultural day work. They are waiting a little longer before going home and coming back tomorrow. Florida, Immokalee, 2009The squash harvest. The rhythm of the work is very fast. In order to keep up they have to literally run. Florida, 2009The bean harvest. On this farm the rhythm of the work is monitored and very fast. Florida, 2009The squash harvest. The rhythm of the work is very fast. In order to keep up they have to literally run. Florida, 2009Eggplants are harvested by a worker who moves about with the change of seasons. Florida, 2009Eggplants left in the field after the harvest. Florida, 2009In an orange grove an immigrant labourer moves his equipment. Florida, 2009Picking oranges. In this operation they pay $12.50 USD per bucket. Depending on the worker and the quality of the oranges, a bucket takes 1 to 2 hours to fill. Florida, 2009Picking oranges. In this operation they pay $12.50 USD per bucket. Depending on the worker and the quality of the oranges, a bucket takes 1 to 2 hours to fill. Florida, 2009The orange harvest. The buckets are emptyed into a trailer behind a truck for transport. Florida produces more oranges than any other state in the USA. Florida, 2009At the edge of an orange grove an agricultural technician poses just before spraying. In one year the cost of spraying would be $40,000 USD for 100 acres. (1 acre = 0.4048 hectares). Florida, 2009An agricultural technician mixes the various products he will spray on the oranges. Normally protective clothing is required for this type of work but the intense heat discourages its use. Florida, 2009An orange grove planted to allow space for machines. They are used from mid November to the middle of May. Florida, 2009An agricultural technician starts up a for harvesting oranges. In a day these machines do the work of 200 labourers at a cost that is half the price. Florida, 2009These machines were introduced about 8 years ago and in Florida there are only about a dozen. The price for a set (2 machines and 4 bins) would be one million dollars. Florida, 2009At the edge of an orange grove, an apiculturer is about to move a bee hive rented by the orange growers for pollination. Florida, 2009Hundreds of bee hives begin their trip from the Florida orange groves to Wisconsin. Florida, 2009Harvesting tomatoes for a salary that is below the poverty line. Florida, 2009The tomato harvest. This young man has come on Saturday to help his father with his work. Florida, 2009The tomato harvest. This young man has come on Saturday to help his father with his work. Florida, 2009The tomato harvest. Depending on the company, these farm workers are paid by the box or by the hour. The minimum wage is normally $7.25 USD per hour. Florida, 2009A break for a snack in a field of eggplants. These workers can relax for a moment while they eat on their feet. Florida, 2009A break for a snack in a field of eggplants. Florida, 2009he pepper harvest by immigrant agricultural workers. Florida, 2009 An immigrant worker packages peppers in the back of a truck. Florida, 2009Watermelons being harvested by the first group of American workers I encountered after three months of reporting. Georgia, 2009Unloading watermelons at a cooperative by the first group of American workers I encountered after three months of reporting. Georgia, 2009At the cooperative they are unloading boxes of eggplants that were packed directly in the fields. Florida, 2009Travelling from one orange plantation to another, the workers show the tokens they have earned during the morning, each token representing a bucket (a bucket for this company is equal to $12.50 USD). Florida, 2009The foreman notes the ticket number purchased by each farm worker. In this farm workers are paid by the week. Florida, 2009A Mexican farm workers shows off a CD disk. Some have managed to bring their families with them but many have not. Florida, 2009A market on the weekend where many farm workers do their shopping and hang out. Florida, Homestead, 2009A market on the weekend where many farm workers do their shopping and hang out. Florida, Homestead, 2009A market on the weekend where many farm workers do their shopping and hang out. Florida, Homestead, 2009A market on the weekend where many farm workers do their shopping and hang out. Florida, Homestead, 2009A market on the weekend where many farm workers do their shopping and hang out. Florida, Homestead, 2009The interior of a Mexican restaurant. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Making dinner. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A call to the family. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Going off to school. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A haircut. Solidarity is important to each community. Florida, Immokalee, 2009One of the Mexican supermarkets in the city. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Problems related to alcohol are prominent among the latino community. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A seasonal immigrant worker watching TV in the room where he lives. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A hair salon, telephones, fax, and the possibility of sending money home. Florida, Immokalee, 2009An immigrant worker sends a money order home. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Police drop in at a club where many immigrant agricultural workers go. Florida, Labelle, 2009A used clothing outlet in front of the Catholic church (The Guadalupe Center). Florida, Immokalee, 2009Volunteers serve a meal at noon every day to the homeless. Some seasonal immigrant workers go there when they do not find work in fields. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A scene in front of a building rented entirely by members of the Haitian community. Florida, Immokalee, 2009In front of a building rented entirely by members of the Haitian community. This man is crushing soft drink cans which he can resell. Florida, Immokalee, 2009In front of a building rented entirely by members of the Haitian community, two newly arrived children are playing a game. Florida, Immokalee, 2009Almost directly in front of the police station is a place where immigrant agricultural workers habitually come to wait for day jobs. Florida, Homestead, 2009An advertisement for harvest workers in the blueberry fields in the state of Mississippi. Florida, Felda, 2009An example of false identity papers, very much in demand and very expensive, that workers need when looking for a job. This combination is known to all those in the pipeline. Florida, 2009At the end of the tomato season, this man like many others must head up to northern Florida or to another state to look for work. Florida, Immokalee, 2009A scene in a supermarket where the sign asks us to economize even more. Florida, 2009A scene in a supermarket where harvest fresh produce is announced. Florida, 2009