Hélène et Thomas Chassaing
"We will not capitulate" (play on words with the name of the Toulouse town hall: the Capitol).
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"We're not giving up anything!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Not negotiable - Not amendable - Revoke the El Khomri project"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Precarity isn't a job"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"We're worth more than that"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Strike fund"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"15 years of study - 45 years of work - 5 years of retirement - WORK - SHUT UP - AND DIE"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"General Dream (french pun with General Strike)- I'm for class struggle"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Not amendable - Not negotiable - The El Khomri law, where are we headed?"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"No to the weakening of the work code - Work Law, No thank you!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The young in the galleys, the old in misery"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"For my future"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"There are some on the left who deserve a strong right"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Departmental union - Workforce of the Haute Garonne"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"You are all right-wing anyway"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The night is for sex work, not for grunt work" | "No to the labour reform law, we're not cattle"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The State, the people - You get the connection?"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The Work Law = Workers in hostage"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The Work Law : flexible hours - layoffs! No!" | "Forced flexibility - Supplemental hours at low pay - No to the double penalty for women"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Federation of public services - CGT Union City of Toulouse- Breach of the labour code - Violation of statutes / The same fight - Repeal criminal laws" | "No discussion, no compromise - Throw out the bosses' law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"What are the people demanding?"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"OK, We'll make it simple! 32 hrs permanent contract for all and we share the wealth"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Hands off our social benefits"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"1946-2016 Liberté Égalité Fraternité - I am Public Service" | "Revoke the Work Law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The cgt 31 - Health Social Action - Demand an increase in salaries to really share the wealth - We're working together"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Toulouse Airbus Workforce - Departmental Union Workforce of la Haute Garonne"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Demonstrations and Strikes - Repeal the Work Law" | "Unemployed, Intermittent, Temporary and Precarious Workers ON STRIKE"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Solidaires - Share the wealth" | "Solidaires - Employees' rights"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Solidaires" | "Shut down everything! - Union demands against the Work Law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Together against precarity to reclaim our social rights - Share the wealth!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Social justice? General strike!" | "Jaurès, they've gone mad, they're about to kill 36, Front Populaire"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Labour struggle - Against the work law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Labour struggle - Against the work law - Amplify the struggle"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Capitalism enslaves us - The government is asleep in its bed"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Don't demobilize in April, not one thread"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Separation of MEDEF (Federation of Employers) & the State" | "I'm for class struggle"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"We're not giving up anything - from the table - the cgt"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Socialists for the repeal of the Valls/Macron/El Khomri Law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"We're worth more than that - Work less and live more"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Get angry!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Vaseline won't help it get passed"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Generation Kleenex"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Papa, what's a permanent contract?" | "INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) against the Work Law"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Social Progress - Renew if you want to be able to retire"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"CNT, National Confederation of Workers, Toulouse 31 - Against the tyranny of the bosses - The Union's Response - General Strike"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Migrants - Work Law - Hollande that's enough economies made on the backs of the weak and the oppressed" | "Basic universal income = A Project for Civilization"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Give in a little more, that's giving up a lot more!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Employment is the question. Sacrificing out rights isn't the solution, let's spread out the cash"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Unemployed, intermittent & precarious workers, ON STRIKE" | "The bosses don't have the freedom to create employments contracts (CDI)"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"STATE OF EMERGENCY - Trouble makers to be sent out of public service!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Hollande isn't any better than Sarkozy. The bosses decide, the government carries it out. Enough!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Bankster oligarchs get out"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Workers' Struggle - demonstration June 14 - The struggle continues!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Whatever the powerful can do, the street can undo"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Don't forget that Hitler was voted into office"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"General Dream - Fiscal paradise, social inferno"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Hollande, Valls, Gattaz : grave diggers for the labour code"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Inverting the norms = Social dumping = Pauperization" according to the PS in 2003
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Only a crisis or the hardening of criticism will open a space for change" E. Chiapello | "No social policy without a social movement capable of imposing it." P. Bourdieu
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"This proposed law? What a screw-up!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Révolution - unemployemnt or slavery" | "No social policy without a social movement capable of imposing it." P. Bourdieu
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Nothing to negotiate... Everything to gain"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"the cgt - Employment, Assignments, Working conditions, Salaries: Change, it's happening now!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The hospital isn't an enterprise! Health is merchandise! NO to profitability, to privatization, to the El Khomri law! YES to respect for persons, to ""good care"", to employment - the cgt"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Get rid of Hollande, Valls, Ve République, UE, FMI, out!" | "Hands off our benefits"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Democracy - 5th century BC - 2016"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"The left tells us, you should know how to stop a strike (yes), but for that we must repeal the work law !!! - the cgt"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"the cgt - You will call the 115, you'll end up on the street... - the angry 115 : run for cover"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Precarity isn't a job
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Vade retro Manuel Valls"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"the cgt- A&D Metallurgy Ariège - The Anticapitalist Always Defiant"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"employees, youth, unemployed, retirees, Together, mobilized for our rights - Revoke the Work Law proposal"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"CAC 40, The 40 thieves!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Unemployed, part-time & precarious workers, ON STRIKE" | " Rebel Resistance "This is how you kill democracy, under the applause of senators." Princess Amidala "
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"François you're screwed, the toothless are in the street" | "The real left doesn't shit on its own with some 49.3"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Valls you kill me - Our tee-shirts are worth more than your dirty suits"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"the cgt Air France - Union member, not a thug!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Here lies democracy"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
"Here lies democracy - 49.3 - The struggle continues!"
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
More than just repealing the law, the people want resignations before the elections
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Fight for better working conditions
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016.
STOP police violence, stop the criminalization of the public
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
2016 - Labour regulations - Dalloz | The Work Law, No Thanks
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Gattaz the Butcher - Labour Regulations
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
We don't work
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
The El Khomri Law, a rotten life - lafranceinsoumis.fr
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Work kills
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Workers, unemployed, UNITED
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Stop the "WORK LAW!" | Protest / Repeal the Work Law
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
the cgt - Not amendable, not negotiable
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Guardians of the peace, you are defending a dictator, what else is 49.3 ?
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
No Work Law, No article 49.3, General Refusal!
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
We won't pay for the crisis in your system - Save a demonstration, bash a cop
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
the cgt
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
In the end, we are the ones who win!
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Night Upright
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Night Upright
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Nuit Debout at the Capitole (central plaza, Toulouse) RDV 18H
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Separate from MEDEF & from the state | Nuit Debout - The General Dream | March 32, March 32, March 35, March 39
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Night Upright
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Welcome: Nuit Debout, We'll say it again, as often as necessary, The Work Law, It will not pass
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Nuit Debout! Express yourself!
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
District Debout
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Workshop Local Debout
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Health Debout
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law", Toulouse, France - 2016
Social Work
Demonstration against the "Labour Law" or "El Khomri Law". Toulouse, France - 2016.