Scene at the edge of a village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010Cultivating yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Cultivating yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Cultivating yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Cultivating yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting yams, Burkina Faso, October 2010A group of children in a little village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010In a little village of yam growers, a woman is preparing to serve millet beer (dolo). Burkina Faso, October 2010“Tilika” fetish, “the local spirit who guards the houses.” The villagers have killed a chicken and a guinea hen to tell the household god about the work that has been done in the gardens (building yam mounds). Burkina Faso, October 2010Scene in a little village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010Before a storm, the women are packing up the harvest that had been drying on the roof of a house. A small village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010A small village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010A small village of yam growers. Burkina Faso, October 2010Carrying yams to be sold at the market. Burkina Faso, October 2010Carrying yams to be sold at the market. Burkina Faso, October 2010Carrying yams to be sold at the market. Burkina Faso, October 2010Carrying yams to be sold at the market. Burkina Faso, October 2010Loading yams. Burkina Faso, October 2010Portrait of a yam buyer in a truck. Burkina Faso, October 2010At the side of the road, a family sells their production of yams. Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting manioc. Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting manioc. Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting manioc. Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting manioc. Burkina Faso, October 2010Harvesting manioc. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010A manioc processing plant. Burkina Faso, October 2010Sacks of processed manioc (attiéké) ready to sell. Burkina Faso, October 2010