This young shepherd is keeping his herd away from the irrigated perimeter where rice is growing. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone is very impatient for the first rains. The dry season was so severe this year that the cattle were starving. Near South Kassak, Senegal, 22 June 2010.After leading his herd to a water, this young shepherd is cooling off. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. Near Ross Bethio, Senegal, 25 June 2010.This young shepherd is bringing his herd across a waterway in order to take them to a field where rice has just been harvested. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. Near Ross Bethio, Senegal, 26 June 2010.This shepherd is leading his herd to a watering spot. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. Near the track that leads to South Kassak, Senegal, 17 June 2010.A scene around a well. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone in this region of the Sahel is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. A little village, 20 km from Richard Toll, Senegal, 29 June 2010.A scene around a well. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone in this region of the Sahel is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. A little village, 20 km from Richard Toll, Senegal - 29 June 2010.A team of veterinarians has come to this little village in the Sahel region to “sound” the cows, do a census and place spiral catheters in preparation for the next insemination on D14. The ranchers will have a choice of inseminating their cows (a sturdy resistant local breed) with sperm from Holstein, Normande, Montbéliarde, or a breed of Brazilian cattle. The veterinarians, from La Laiterie du Berger in Richard Toll, are sent by the government under the auspices of the GOANA (Grand Agricultural Offensive for Food and Abundance) to carry out the insemination program. The goal is to make the cows, which presently produce a maximum of 3 liters per day, produce 10 to 15. I was skeptical, but Issa, one of the veterinarians, told me that it’s better for the herdsmen to have five cows who admittedly need more food and water, than to look after 15 to 20 in order to obtain the same amount of milk. This is the second year of the program, I will be very curious to know what happens over time. A small village, in the Sahel region of Senegal, 2 July 2010.Portrait of a herdsman with a small calf on his shoulders. He is taking his herd (which is in front of him) to a watering spot. Near Ross Bethio, Senegal, 27 June 2010.A scene of marking cattle in a little village of Fulani herdsmen. In this pre-winter period flocks suffer greatly because of the drought and I noticed along the roads and trails many casualties, many carcasses of animals. Not far from Ross Bhetio, Senegal, 25 June 2010.Milking a cow in a little Fulani village. The milk will be collected and shipped in the morning by Alassane and his driver to the “Laiterie du Berger”. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone in this region of the Sahel is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. A small village on the outskirts of Richard Toll, Senegal, 29 June 2010.Milking a cow in a little Fulani village. The milk will be collected and shipped in the morning by Alassane and his driver to the “Laiterie du Berger”. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone in this region of the Sahel is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. A small village on the outskirts of Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.This woman is delivering cows milk to Alassane. He and his driver are going to take it to the “Latierie du Berger”. A small Fulani village in the neighbourhood of Richard Toll, Senegal, 29 June 2010.This Fulani woman is using a small solar panel to recharge some mobile phones. A small village in the neighbourhood of Ross Bethio, Senegal, 25 June 2010.A family scene in a little Fulani village not far from Ross Bethio, Senegal, 25 June 2010.Scene at the entrance of a small grocery store in a little village. The young man is wearing knee socks of the a Spanish football club (Real de Madrid). Not far from Sandare, Mali, 29 Jully 2010.The second puncture of the morning for Alassane and his driver. It is their job to transport fresh milk to the Laiterie du Berger. In the neighbourhood of Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.The second puncture of the morning for Alassane and his driver. It is their job to transport fresh milk to the Laiterie du Berger. In the neighbourhood of Richard Toll, Senegal - 30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others I was told use imported milk powder exclusively. The director general and co-founder of the dairy, Bagoré Bathily, is a veterinarian trained in Europe. Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others use imported milk powder exclusively. The dairy provides an example of a small operation that faces a lot of difficulties: there is not enough equipment, problems in storage, collection from isolated, hard-to-reach areas, unfair competition from imported milk powder. According to many observers a major effort must be made to help to the market for locally produced milk, the majority of which comes from small family farms, in order to correct the balance of trade and to fight against poverty. Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others I was told use imported milk powder exclusively. The director general and co-founder of the dairy, Bagoré Bathily, is a veterinarian trained in Europe. Richard Toll, Senegal,30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others I was told use imported milk powder exclusively. The dairy provides an example of a small operation that faces a lot of difficulties : there is not enough equipment, problems in storage, collection from isolated, hard-to-reach areas, unfair competition from imported milk powder. According to many observers a major effort must be made to help to the market for locally produced milk, the majority of which comes from small family farms, in order to correct the balance of trade and to fight against poverty. Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others I was told use imported milk powder exclusively. The director general and co-founder of the dairy, Bagoré Bathily, is a veterinarian trained in Europe. Richard Toll, Senegal - 30 June 2010.La Laiterie du Berger, located in the Sahel region, uses only milk collected in the villages or surrounding hamlets, whereas others I was told use imported milk powder exclusively. The dairy provides an example of a small operation that faces a lot of difficulties : there is not enough equipment, problems in storage, collection from isolated, hard-to-reach areas, unfair competition from imported milk powder. According to many observers a major effort must be made to help to the market for locally produced milk, the majority of which comes from small family farms, in order to correct the balance of trade and to fight against poverty. Richard Toll, Senegal, 30 June 2010.These two Fulani children are collecting water from one of the very first rains of the wet season. Everyone has been waiting impatiently since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. In the neighbourhood of Richard Toll, Senegal, 26 June 2010.A scene near Bokiladji, Senegal. Everyone has been waiting for the rain since the dry season was hard this year. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 21 July 2010.Scene near the Diama dam which marks the border between Senegal and Mauritania. We are at the end of the dry season and everyone is waiting impatiently for the first rains, since this year the drought has been so bad that the cattle were starving. Senegal, 12 June 2010.In this season just prior to the rains, the herds suffer a lot from the drought, and I noticed along the roads and trails many casualties, many carcasses of animals. Near Taredji, Senegal, 4 July 2010.The dry season has been very hard and the herds have suffered a lot. I noticed along the roads and trails many casualties, many carcasses of animals. In the neighbourhood of Daharatou, Senegal, 23 July 2010.Scene at the beginning of the wet season. Everyone has been waiting impatiently for the rain, since the dry season was hard this year and the cattle were starving. In the neighbourhood of Mboumba, Senegal, 8 July 2010.Scene at the beginning of the wet season. Everyone has been waiting impatiently for the rain, since the dry season was hard this year and the cattle were starving. In the neighbourhood of Mboumba, Senegal, 8 July 2010.At the beginning of the rainy season. A bucket belonging to the "Laiterie du Berger" was dropped here. When it is filled it will be taken to the dairy. In the neighbourhood of Richard Toll, Senegal, 4 July 2010.After a heavy rain at the beginning of the wet season, a Fulani farmer carries home a cake of peanut meal, which she bought in a village a good 2 km away from her house, and which she will feed to her cattle which are hungry from the drought of the preceding season and are currently weakened by the cold and humidity of the past few days. Near Diandioly, Senegal, 13 July 2010.Having bought some peanut meal in the village of Diandioly situated a good 2 km from this village, this Fulani woman is feeding it to her little herd which has been starving during the dry season and now is weak from the heavy rain at the beginning of the wet season. Near Diandioly, Senegal, 13 July 2010.Feeding peanut meal. The herd was starving during the dry season and is now weakened by the heavy rain at the beginning of the wet season. Near Diandioly, Senegal, 13 July 2010.This rancher is holding a goat that has just died. The herd was starving during the dry season and is now weakened by the heavy rain at the beginning of the wet season. Near Diandioly, Senegal, 13 July 2010.A scene set in the rainy season in the vicinity of Bema, Mali, 1st August 2010During the rainy season, some Fulani children have taken the herd to this shallow pond. They take advantage of an opportunity to bathe. In the neighbourhood of Lakamane, Mali, 30 July 2010.Portrait of a Fulani child near a watering hole. He and his family are on a seasonal migration with the herds. They left their village several weeks ago to find forage for their cattle. With the return of the rains they are on their way home. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010.In the Sahel region of Senegal, at the beginning of the rainy season two children and their big brother who is a herdsman are returning to their village. They had left to find help for their herds which were starving during the drought. On the outskirts of Ounare, Senegal, 18 July 2010In the Sahel region of Senegal, at the beginning of the rainy season two children and their big brother who is a herdsman are returning to their village. They had left to find help for their herds which were starving during the drought. On the outskirts of Ounare, Senegal, 18 July 2010A border-crossing shepherd, leading his flock from Mali to Senegal. Mali now prohibits access to migrating Senegalese shepherds, which creates considerable tension at the border between the people of the two countries. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 20 July 2010A scene in the vicinity of Loropeni, Burkina Faso, 16 Octover 2010A border-crossing shepherd, leading his flock from Mali to Senegal. Mali now prohibits access to migrating Senegalese shepherds, which creates considerable tension at the border between the people of the two countries. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 20 July 2010Portrait of a young migrating shepherd in the vicinity of Bakel, Senegal, 22 July 2010Portrait of a migrating shepherd in the vicinity of Bakel, Senegal, 22 July 2010Portrait of border-crossing shepherds, leading their flock from Mali to Senegal. Mali now prohibits access to migrating Senegalese shepherds, which creates considerable tension at the border between the people of the two countries. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 20 July 2010Portrait of border-crossing shepherds, leading their flock from Mali to Senegal. Mali now prohibits access to migrating Senegalese shepherds, which creates considerable tension at the border between the people of the two countries. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 20 July 2010Portrait of border-crossing shepherds, leading their flock from Mali to Senegal. Mali now prohibits access to migrating Senegalese shepherds, which creates considerable tension at the border between the people of the two countries. In the neighbourhood of Bokiladji, Senegal, 20 July 2010Portrait of a migrating shepherd in the neighbourhood of Bakel, Senegal, 22 July 2010A migrating shepherd, after setting up camp for the night, is amusing himself with a donkey. In the neighbourhood of Kidira, just next to the border with Mali. Senegal, 23 October 2010In the Sahel region of Senegal, at the beginning of the rainy season two children and their big brother who is a herdsman are returning to their village. They had left to find help for their herds which were starving during the drought. Their snack is a mixture of milk, millet and sugar. On the outskirts of Ounare, Senegal, 18 July 2010Two migrating shepherds, after having set themselves up for the night, are looking a family photos. In the neighbourhood of Kidira, just next to the border with Mali. Senegal, 23 October 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 9 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010.Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 9 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 9 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 9 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Two hundred meters from their village, these Fulani women and children are here to wash up and do their laundry. Daharatou, Senegal, 23 July 2010Two hundred meters from their village, these Fulani women and children are here to wash up and do their laundry. Daharatou, Senegal, 23 July 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 7 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Segue, Mali, 8 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010Several Fulani families have been traveling “for a few months” in order to find the necessary grazing for their herds. Now that the rainy season has started they are on their way home to their villages situated in the Sahel region of Nara. In the neighbourhood of Diamena, Mali, 6 August 2010A Fulani shepherd and part of his herd during the rainy season. Near the road leading to Niema, Mail, 7 September 2010The Fulani herdsmen sell some of their cattle in the villages they pass through whenever they need money. Segue, Mail, 11 August 2010A young man is looking after one of his sheep that he hopes to sell, under a large hoarding advertising powdered milk imported from France. Bamako, Mail, 29 August 2010