Hélène et Thomas Chassaing fr / en

The Battle of Sivens (Part 1 and 2) Push and pull over a dam on the Tescou.

(Select an image to read the introduction. Below the introduction 'Reportage' will take you to the gallery.)

The Battle of Sivens Part 2

The Battle of Sivens Part 2

Tributes to Remi Fraisse and protests against the police violence that took place in Gaillac, Albi or Toulouse, the occupation during the winter, the judicial proceedings before the courts etc., until the decision of the General Council of Tarn on March 6th to expel the ZAD (Zone to Defend), and even a little later.

The Battle of Sivens Part 1

The Battle of Sivens Part 1

From deforestation until the big gathering at the end of October during which a young man, Rémi Fraisse, lost his life.

The Battle of Sivens - Portraits

The Battle of Sivens - Portraits

Series of portraits made over the course of several months mainly on the Testet ZAD (Zone to Defend).

The Battle of Sivens - Barricades

The Battle of Sivens - Barricades

Images of the different barricades constructed over the course of several months on the Testet ZAD (Zone to Defend).

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