Villages surrounded by olive orchards. In the foreground is Zuheros, and in the background is Baena. The provinces of Jaen and Cordoba are the world's largest producers of olive oil. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Near Baena, the facade of a house. ''Agriculture is the profession most appropriate to the wise man, the most adapted to a simple life and the most dignified occupation for a free man.'' Cicero. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An old man on his mule, leaving Zuheros in the morning to go to his family's olive orchard. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An old man on his mule, leaving Zuheros in the morning to go to his family's olive orchard. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An old man on his mule, leaving Zuheros in the morning to go to his family's olive orchard. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An old man in his family's olive orchard. Spain, Cordoba, 2007Zuheros, in a restaurant with a view over the olive fields. A lunch break for a big grower on the first day of the olive harvest. Spain, Cordoba, 2007Olives harvested with the aid of a machine which shakes the trunk of the olive tree making the fruit fall into a net. Spain, Cordoba, 2006A Spanish olive grower who still doesn't use CEN contracts (contrato en origen) comes to watch their work in an olive grove belonging to his neighbour. Next year, he thinks that he will no longer hire Spanish workers (too expensive and less productive) and will rely on this type of contract. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Olives harvested with aid of a machine and poles by Romanian workers on a CEN contract (contrato en origen). Spain, Cordoba, 2006Olives harvested with aid of a machine and poles by Romanian workers on a CEN contract (contrato en origen). Spain, Cordoba, 2006An olive tree is uprooted by a machine that shakes it to make the olives fall down. A frequent accident in orchards under intensive production with this aggressive technique and without the special knowledge that the Romanian have. Spain, Cordoba, 2007In an olive grove, a South American team leader and a Romanian worker on a CEN contract (contrato en origen). Spain, Cordoba, 2006In an olive grove, a Romanian agricultural worker on a CEN contract (contrato en origen). Spain, Cordoba, 2006 In an olive grove, two Romanian agricultural workers on a CEN contract (contrato en origen). Spain, Cordoba, 2006In an olive grove, a Spanish agricultural worker. There are fewer and fewer Spanish labourers because of low wages. They have been migrating around the country. Now it is the immigrants who are taking up the baton. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Olives harvested with the aid of a machine which shakes the trunk of the olive tree making the fruit fall into a net. Afterwards men pick them up. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Olives harvested with the aid of a machine and poles by Spanish and a Moroccan worker. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Gathering olives that are "blown together" by machines prior to collecting. Spain, Cordoba, 2007Olive harvest. Loading the truck that will be going to the cooperative. Spain, Cordoba, 2007During a break, each time the Spanish workers and the Moroccan eat separately. There are fewer and fewer Spanish labourers because of low wages. They have been migrating around the country. Now it is the immigrants who are taking up the baton. Spain, Cordoba, 2006During a break, each time the Spanish workers and the Moroccan eat separately. There are fewer and fewer Spanish labourers because of low wages. They have been migrating around the country. Now it is the immigrants who are taking up the baton. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Olive harvest. A seasonal worker, one of the rare Spanish agricultural workers who are still migrating around the country. Now it is the immigrant workers and workers contracted by CEN (contrato en origen) who are taking up the baton. Spain, Cordoba, 2007A Spanish grower taking the first crop of the olive harvest of the year to the Baena cooperative. Spain, Cordoba, 2006Entrance of an olive producers' cooperative in Baena. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2006Unloading olives at the agricultural cooperative. The building is supported by the European Economic Community. Spain, Cordoba, 2006The yard of the agricultural cooperative where the olive crop is unloaded. Spain, Cordoba, 2006The olive harvest. Spain, Cordoba, 2006The production of oil after pressing the olives. The grower is satisfied with the taste. Spain, Cordoba, 2007Olive oil is bottled by the grower. Spain, Cordoba, 2007A grower visits the reservoir that irrigates his olive grove. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An olive grower inspects the growth of young trees. Spain, Cordoba, 2007A water reservoir. Olive groves are irrigated to increase their productivity. Ecologists say that there are serious problems of erosion and desertification with this practice of intensive agriculture. Spain, Cordoba, 2007An immigrant Slovakian worker come for the olive harvest. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007Two agricultural workers, Slovakian and Swiss, in an apartment that they rent with others. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007Slovakian agricultural workers learn Spanish, in an apartment that they rent with others.A Slovakian agricultural worker in the apartment which he rents and shares with others. He has just learned that his employer does not have any more work for them, when he was thinking that it would not end for another three weeks. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007In front of the local Red Cross in Baena. A farmer who is looking for workers for his olive fields negotiates his conditions with two Algerian labourers. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A Moroccan agricultural worker, come to take his shower at the local Red Cross after work. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A Moroccan worker come for the olive harvest, in the local Red Cross. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A labourer "in quarantine" at the local Red Cross, because he has tuberculosis. He was seen a few months later in Lerida for the fruit harvest. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007Inside the local Red Cross, a Cameroonian who told his story to French television shortly after he crossed the fences at Melilla. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007"They kept me outside the whole time, but thanks to the grace of God..." In the local Red Cross, a Cameroonian who told his story to French television shortly after he crossed the fences at Melilla. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007"It paid off this time." In the local Red Cross, a Cameroonian who told his story to French television shortly after he crossed the fences at Melilla. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007An immigrant worker from Cameroon looks over his visa documents. Trilingual, and aided by the villagers of Baena and the Red Cross, he was able to obtain his papers. Spain, Cordoba, 2007 In a canteen, set up by the municipality and volunteers, for the immigrant workers. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A volunteer who serves donated meals in the dining rooms to migrant workers. The olive harvest in Andalusia is the campaign that the migrant workers prefer because they get the best welcome here. It is here as well that the hourly wage is highest. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A Spanish class for workers organised by the community where some are on CEN contracts. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007The municipality organizes Spanish courses that follow the meal in the dining room. These two boys were introduced as still being minors. The olive harvest in Andalusia is the campaign that the migrant workers prefer because they get the best welcome here. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A course in useful information for labourers organized by the municipality, some of whom are on CEN contracts. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007In a bar, the only place in Spain notable for social diversity, a grower goes over his accounts. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A football match on TV in a cafe, one of the few places where one sees mixing between the locals and the immigrant workers. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007Mauritanians housed by the Red Cross, play with a console. The olive harvest in Andalusia is the campaign that the migrant workers prefer because they get the best welcome here. It is here as well that the hourly wage is highest. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A Mauritanian immigrant minor housed by the Red Cross, plays with a console. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007A locutorio (a place with Internet and telephone booths) at closing time. An essential place in the lives of immigrants in order to keep in contact with their families at home. Spain, Cordoba province, Baena, 2007