The famous Place Jemaa el-Fna in the early morning. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Electric cars presentation near the Jemaa el Fna and the Gueliz neighborhood. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
On the right, the cars were driven from the Paris COP21 to Marrakech where COP22 takes place. The story is recounted in: (accessed 20 September 2020).
Note that we will find this project MIPAI (the Méditerranean Intelligence and Public Affairs Institute) in our monitoring of COP24 in Poland.Francesco Zizola Exhibition presented by Noor Photo Agency (in the background a view of the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque). Proposed by the French Development Agency (AFD), the exhibition is entitled "Morocco and France: Together on Climate Change"
"[…] The photographer Francesco Zizola created a photo report last July to illustrate projects related to the climate that Morocco has effected with the support of AFD. His report will be an outdoor exhibition from 7 to 18 November on the gates of Lalla Hasna Park. The projects presented are the solar plant Noor Ouarzazate, the Rabat-Salé tramway, the OCP water strategy (1) and sustainable steam financed by the FGEF. (2) […]"*
(1) OCP: Office Chérifien des Phosphates
(2) FFEM: French Fund for World Environment
* (accessed 20 September 2020)A security guard in front of Noor Photo Agency's exhibition of Francesco Zizola (in the background a view of the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque). Proposed by the French Development Agency (AFD), the exhibition is entitled "Morocco and France: Together on Climate Change"
"[…] The photographer Francesco Zizola presented a photo report last July to illustrate the projects related to climate that Morocco created with the support of AFD. His photoreportage will be an outdoor exhibition, from 7 to 18 November on the gates of Lalla Hasna Park. The projects are the solar plant Noor Ouarzazate, the Rabat-Salé tramway, the OCP water strategy (1) and sustainable steam financed by the FGEF (2) […]."*
(1) OCP: (Office chérifien des phosphates)
(2) FFEM: French Fund for World Environment
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)Carriage in the colors of the COP22 near the famous Jemaa el Fna Square and near the COP site (1). The conference, "which took place from 7 to 18 November 2016, was presented as the COP of the action, which would materialize the Paris Agreement."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
(1) COP. "The UN has adopted in 1992 at the Summit of the Rio de Janeiro Earth, a framework for taking action against climate change: UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on climate Change). This agreement brings together almost all countries of the world who are qualified as "Parties". Their representatives meet once a year since 1995 during the "COP" (Conferences of the Parties) or "COP" in French."**
** (accessed 20 September 2020)Street scene in the district of Bab Doukkala (1). Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
(1) "Bab Doukkala (Arabic: باب دكالة, in Berber […] aggur not idukkalen) is a fortified gate at Marrakesh. It is located northwest of the medina and is one of the major portals to the old city. It is also one of the oldest, since its existence dates from the Almoravid period. By extension, Bab Doukkala is also the name of the neighboring district of the gate area, the main axis and the main mosque of the same name."*
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scene in the Gueliz (1) during the COP22 held from 7 to 18 November 2016. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
(1) "[…] These are called the modern neighborhoods of Marrakech, which designed by the French, penetrated in straight lines, with buildings, wide avenues and crossroads with traffic lights (respected, except by Moped). All this, in a successful harmony of ocher. As to the chaotic East, the famous souk and their lines of merchants are gone. But lovers, jeans torn at the knees, trendy boutiques, lounge music and outdoor tables are all here.
The length of Mohammed V avenue, between Place Abdel Moumen Ben Ali and la Place du 16-November, where the of the central Post Office is located. In the middle, a giant shopping center, the Eden Square, dozens of stores, Zara, Adidas, Etam, Celio without forgetting the giants of local telephony. Routine. There is an eternity, the site was home to a charming flower market, one euro for a bunch of roses, which catered to all passing lovers. The site is now occupied by buildings with balconies and terraces, it is the most expensive square meters in Marrakesh, 2000 to 3000 euros, sometimes much more.[…]"*
* (accessed September 20 2020)Electric bikes in the Gueliz neighbourhood near the site where COP22 takes place from 7 to 18 November, 2016. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Mural on the wall of a school and solar panels on the site of COP22, which was held from 7 to 18 November 2016, in the district of Bab Ighli. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
The COP "[…] this event, unprecedented in its size, with around 30,000 people expected to be welcomed in Marrakech over 22 ha, including 8 ha covered, on a model close to the Cop21 at Le Bourget.
The development of this vast complex was awarded at the beginning of May to a consortium led by the French group Gl Events for 35 million euros."*
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Arrivals and departures officials near the "Blue Zone" or blue area (with official and accredited) of the Cop 22 under surveillance. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
"For 12 days, more than 20 000 people have crowded the site of COP22 in Bab Ighli, north of Marrakech, close to the airport. Some 300,000 m2 and 55 tents make up this monumental site entirely built according to the UN protocol.
Two distinct areas welcomed the participants. "The BLUE ZONE", 1km long, was administered entirely by the UN. It was this area that housed the different places for meetings and negotiations, the two plenary rooms, pavilions of the participating States, the media center and a tent where dozens of NGOs presented their programs. This area was strictly reserved for accredited persons.
"The GREEN ZONE" was for the general public and business. Two huge tents enclosed, on one side, the stands of universities, NGOs and Moroccan and international institutions, on the other, corporate booths with Moroccan and foreign companies exposing their innovative technologies and concepts."*
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)Greenpeace International Action at the entrance to the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
"Hundreds of government representatives and non-governmental attendees pose together at COP22 in Marrakech with a giant banner with the words 'We Will move ahead' to show their determination to carry on with action against climate change. […]"*
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Students inside the galleries of the Green Zone (the public and business area) of the COP22 taking place "on 22 ha, 8 hectares covered, on a model close to that of COP21 at Bourget.
The development of this vast complex was given early May to a consortium led by a French group GL Events for €35 million. "* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the Green Zone or Green Zone (the area for the public and business)* COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)Scenes in the Green Zone or Green Zone (the area for the public and business) of the COP22 taking place "on 22 ha, including 8 ha covered, on a model similar to COP21 at Bourget.
The development of this vast complex was awarded in early May to a consortium led by the French group GL Events for 35 million euros."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes at the COP22 taking place "on 22 ha, including 8 ha covered, on a model similar to that of COP21 at Bourget
The development of this vast complex was awarded in early May to a consortium led by the French group Gl Events for 35 million euros."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"Stand France" improvised outside of the Green Zone (the area for the public and business) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Final preparations for the opening of the Green Zone (the area set aside for the public and business) at COP22.
Here a portrait of King Mohammed VI of Morocco is about to be hung in the stand of Congolese company Eco-oil Energy, "the leader of palm oil in the Congo"* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Final preparations for the opening of the space set aside for the pulic and businesses at COP22.
Here a portrait of Denis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo since 1997*, in stand of the company Eco-oil Energy, "the palm oil leader in the Congo".** Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
** (accessed September 20 2020)At COP22, in the space set aside for the public and business.
Portrait of a Cop official who is installing the portrait of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the flag of the country, in preparation for the inauguration, ceremonies and meetings. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016In the space set aside for the public and businesses at COP22, booths at the COP with portraits of King Mohammed VI of Morocco. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.- "Committed Industrial ecosystems"
- "MADE IN MOROCCO - COP 22 When Morocco is going green"
Morocco's stand in the space set aside for the public and businesses at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016Preparations and stand of the triple A Moroccan Initiative:
"One year after the COP21 in Paris, COP22, in Marrakech in November, is going to be one of Africa and action. Giving priority to agriculture, the work of feeding the planet, which occupies more than 60% of the African population. To support the Triple A initiative (adaptation of African agriculture), Morocco has assembled on this theme a score of African Ministers in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the space set aside for the public and business (the Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016A lady from the COP22 staff in the area dedicated to the public and corporations (the Green Zone). Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.In the space set aside for the public and business (the Green Zone) visitors snap photos in front of Sidi Ali water bottles from "Oulmès Mineral Water".
Note that "[…] in mid-April 2018, a protest against high prices was launched on Facebook. Anonymous, it encouraged a boycott of three brands ubiquitous in the kingdom and regularly accused using their dominant position to charge high prices. Targeted were the mineral water producer, Sidi Ali, belonging to the businesswoman and former boss of among the Moroccan elite, Miriem Bensalah-Chaqroun; service stations Afriquia held by the Minister of Agriculture and wealthy Moroccan, Aziz Akhannouch; and Danone, the Moroccan subsidiary of the French company."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
* (accessed September 20 2020)In the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016. In the space set aside for the public and business (the Green Zone) of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
- About Bombardier we found this on the net: "With nearly 60,000 employees spread between two industries, Bombardier is a world leader in the transportation industry, creating innovative planes and trains that change the standards in their market. Our products and services offer a world-class transportation experience, set new standards for passenger comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and safety. "*
- Regarding Danone, we see that the company will be shaken by an unprecedented boycott in Morocco because in "[…] mid-April 2018, a protest against high prices was launched on Facebook. An anonymous source encourages the boycott of three brands ubiquitous in the kingdom and regularly accused of taking advantage of their dominant position to charge high prices. The reference is to Sidi Ali mineral water, belonging to the influential businesswoman Miriem Bensalah-Chaqroun, service stations Afriquia held by the wealthy Minister of Agriculture Aziz Akhannouch, and the dairy producer Danone, the Moroccan subsidiary of the french group. […] This boycott is not the first that Danone must manage, but it is probably the most difficult in its history."** Marrakesh, Morocco - November 2016
*https: //
** (accessed 20 September 2020)Booths of the companies Michelin and Engie at COP22. Marrakech, Marocco - Novembrer 2016.Booths in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Booths in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Booths in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes of contract signing at COP22, notably with Chile at the Masen stand (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy).* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scene in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the Masen booth (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy).* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the Masen display (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy)* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
Images of the solar complex Noor Ouarzazate:
"Noor Ouarzazate complex (Arabic: محطة نور للطاقة الشمسية), is the first solar project developed within the framework of the Moroccan energy strategy which aims to increase the share of renewable energy (1) in the national electricity mix to over 52% by 2030.
The first phase of the complex, Noor Ouarzazate I, was inaugurated by King Mohammed VI in 2016."**
(1) RE: renewable energy
** (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the Masen display (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy)* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
Images of the solar complex Noor Ouarzazate
"Noor Ouarzazate complex (Arabic: محطة نور للطاقة الشمسية), is the first solar project developed within the framework of the Moroccan energy strategy which aims to increase the share of renewable energy (1) in the national electricity mix to over 52% by 2030.
The first phase of the complex, Noor Ouarzazate I, was inaugurated by King Mohammed VI in 2016."**
(1) RE: renewable energy
** (accessed 20 September 2020)Scenes in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) at COP22. In the photos, Ilyas El Omari (former president of the Tangier-Tetouan region-Al Hoceima)* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* Tubiana, "Ambassador for negotiations on climate change for France and 'climate champion' of the UN,* and Driss el Yazami, member of the steering committee, head of the civil society division, the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22), in the space dedicated to business and the public (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
In an interview given at Marrakech we read that she has launched at this Cop a "platform" on "long-term strategies, with a core of volunteers. Twenty countries, including Colombia, France, Germany and Brazil will participate. The idea is to achieve before 2018, those strategies needed to drastically reduce national emissions of greenhouse gases. Contributions on the table for the Paris agreement are quite conservative. So it's a question of showing how far along each one will really be in 2050. I have indeed pushed the idea that the platform integrates cities, regions or companies voluntarily engaged in this way . The American states, Washington and California, and also Catalonia, a region of Nigeria and two Australian regions will join this platform.
The participation of companies is interesting because governments can study their assumptions about the evolution of nature and technological costs. Too often, governments argue about the technologies of the past, of those of tomorrow.
Cities are also major players in the fight against climate change. For example, Chinese cities have announced a reduction in their emissions of greenhouse gases in advance of the targets set by national authorities."*
* (accessed 20 September 2020)
** in the space set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Laurence Tubiana, "Ambassador for negotiations on climate change for France and 'climate champions' of the UN"* poses with a climate activist of in the area set aside for the public and business (The Green Zone) of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
* 11-17-1200803763 (accessed 20 September 2020)Francois Hollande, President of the French Republic, at the opening of the COP21 which ended with the "Paris Accord" last year. Here he visits the area dedicated to the public and companies (The Green Zone) of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
The Paris Agreement:
"During the COP21 in Paris on 12 December 2015, the Parties to the UNFCCC reached a historic agreement to fight against climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable future with low carbon output. The Paris Agreement is based on the Convention and - for the first time - brings together all the nations around a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its consequences, with a increased support to help developing countries to do so. As such, it charts a new course in the global effort on climate.
The central objective of the Paris Agreement is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by maintaining the increase global temperature to a level well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to further restrict the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.[…]"*
* broadcast on screens in the Green Zone (the area set aside for the public and business) plenary sessions taking place in the blue area (or Blue Zone) for officials and accredited access.
Without a press card I was unable to access this second area. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016- "Civil society is mobilizing for a successful transition"
- "We do not abandon our beautiful planet #femmejusticeclimatique" >br>
Booths in the area set aside for the public and businesses at COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 22 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Scenes in the space set aside for the public and businesses (The Green Zone) of COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Every evening groups of musicians and dancers play traditional music at the main exit of the COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016."RADIOMARS (1) and OPC Consulting have partnered to design and produce the event "Spin Your Planet", in order to raise awareness of the adverse effects caused by global warming and promote clean and alternative energy. This performance, Labeled COP22, took place on the site of Bab Jdid in Morocco and contained a rotating LED sphere 7 meters in diameter, representing the earth, powered by clean energy produced by eight stationary bicycles.
An interactive installation where bike-produced energy was synchronized with the AV system. On the whole COP22, between bicycles and SmartFlower, generated around 500 kWh.
For this major event, the team NOVELTY (2) provided the technical installation, lighting, stage structure, sound and electricity distribution. "* Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
(1)"Share the passion of sport and music." It is this desire, common to the people who founded to RADIOMARS, Moroccan Sports Radio.
The enthusiasm of all Moroccans for sports and music is a fact. Beyond this, RADIOMARS fits entirely in Morocco in motion, a Morocco of challenges and openness.
(2) Novelty : Solutions Techniques audiovisuelles
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)- Marrakech station renovated in 2008 (1) and video projection (2) by the French company VLS* for COP22.
- Extension of the airport terminal, Terminal 3 (3) being completed. It will be inaugurated by King Mohammed VI on 21 December 2016.
"To complete this project by the architect Moroccan Abdou Lahlou, it took four years of hard work.
This new Airport terminal, Marrakech Menara, will allow the passage of 9 million passengers above its current 3.9 million per year in late 2015, hence all the efforts made from its conception to its final realization on the fluidity and ultra-fast delivery of tourists, both arriving and departing from the airport for their stay in Marrakech."(4) Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016
*VLS : Vidéo Lumière Son - Solutions Techniques Événementielles Globales
(4) (accessed 20 september 2020)- Entry:
"Concert on the occasion of the COP22, the large annual global conference on climate change held in Marrakech in November 2016.
Artists Youssou Ndour, Khatia Buniatishvili, Christophe Mae, Magic System, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Black M, Anggun, Yuri Buenaventura, Douzi, Asma Lamnawar, Fnaire, Youssoupha, Alif Naaba ..."*
- One of my roommates in a kind of Riad youth hostel where I had found a bed for a price equal to my budget in the neighborhood of Bab Doukkala. He is part of a group of Senegalese who have come to the COP.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Another of my roommates, in a kind of Riad-hostel where I had found a bed for a price equal to my budget in the neighborhood of Bab Doukkala. He is part of a group of Senegalese who have come to the COP. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.Traveling exhibition with the climate train to COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
"ONCF (1) is an official partner of the COP22. To mark this event, the Board has made a commitment in the design of a "climate train"* which will run from October 20 to November 18 in the country. Stops are planned in 12 cities, with media and awareness programs about the harm of climate change to the citizens, especially children. The outline of this event was presented by Mohamed Rabie Khlie, CEO of ONCF Friday.
To develop this "climate train", the Board has worked for 6 months with the Mohammed V University and engineering schools. This is a traveling exhibition that wants educational and fun around the causes and impacts of climate change. The exhibition is held in a train of 8 cars specially equipped to enable an interactive presentation on multimedia and explanation to the public of climate phenomena. […]"**
(1) The National Railroad Board (ONCF) is a Moroccan public corporation responsible for the operation of the country's railway network, both commercial and industrial, with financial autonomy. It was created in 1963 and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport
** (accessed 20 September 2020)Traveling exhibition on the climate train to COP22. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
"Three cars are devoted to scientific knowledge of climate, the effects of climate change since the beginning of the industrial era and the ongoing research on ways to mitigate and to adapt, particularly in Morocco and Africa. Volunteer guides provide further explanations and accompany visitors in the discovery of the exhibition. Threee additional cars host companies and partner institutions. These present the public with innovations and practical low carbon solutions, often already operational and accessible to all.
Another car is made into a conference room, which can accommodate about 40 people. It is for debates, file projection and press briefings. The last car is a reception and conviviality area. In sum, this train will travel 2,900 km on the national rail network. At each stop of two days, an official opens the exhibit and gives the go-ahead to the different presentations. The morning is devoted to children. […]"*
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Inaugurations scenes during the COP22 at Lycée Mansour Eddahbi. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
"Philips Foundation, UNICEF and the Marrakech Regional Academy for Education and Training - Safi are proud today to announce their plans for improving the learning and living environment of students upgrading the lighting at the Lycée Mansour Eddahbi in Marrakech.
"I was delighted to see how this initiative has brought an improvement in community life especially to the girls and boys boarding school. It is not only energy efficiency, but it has an immediate impact on how students study, interact and see their environment." Says Fatoumata Ndiaye, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director.
The 650 students of the Lycée Mansour Eddahbi, including the 200 girls boarding school, benefit from the expertise of Philips Lighting and have access to the latest LED lighting products of the company that enable low power consumption and better quality lighting. LED lighting achieves up to 80% energy saving compared with conventional lighting systems."*
*és-de-presse/la-fondation-philips-unicef-et-lacadémie-régionale-de-leducation-et-de-la (accessed 20 September 2020)A part of the Lycée Mansour Eddahbi in Marrakech, newly fitted with LED lighting. Marrakech, Morocco - November 2016.
"[…] This first partnership between Philips Foundation and UNICEF in Morocco will benefit three projects in Marrakech by delivering a combination of LED lighting and lighting solutions using solar energy based on the specific needs of each place.
Philips Foundation is actively engaged in projects across the world to improve people's lives since its recognition as a charity in 2014. the Foundation will work with the UNICEF team to support Philips Lighting solutions to maximize the impact of their current projects and implement technology expansion opportunities through Morocco more quickly.
'We are proud to have the support of the Philips Foundation, UNICEF and the Regional Academy of Education and Training in Morocco.' said Karim El Khayati, Philips Lighting CEO for Francophone West Africa. 'The Philips Foundation is appealing to the innovative expertise of Philips Lighting and its solutions to provide improved learning and well-being for students of the Lycée Mansour Eddahbi'."*
*és-de-presse/la-fondation-philips-unicef-et-lacadémie-régionale-de-leducation-et-de-la (accessed 20 September 2020)Scene on a carriage in the colors of the COP22 with the slogan "Action Time"* during the March for Universal Climate Justice. Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
"Several thousand people, members of Moroccan and foreign associations, marched Sunday in Marrakech to demand more 'climate justice' from the States gathered for the climate conference of United Nations (COP22).
This imposing march, initiated by the Moroccan Coalition for Climate Justice, which brings together trade unions, associations for human rights, women, youth and development, spread out from the Plaza of 16 November throughout Bab Doukkala and through wide avenues of the ocher city."
* (accessed 20 September 2020)
**"The NGO (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during COP22 with strong messages for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL Generation, the Paris Agreement, has brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a carnival atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MOROCCO*: Science Teachers Association of Life and Earth of Morocco
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"Our world Our Future Our dignity"
"Uniting in Marrakech for Africa"
"The NGO (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event on the occasion of the COP22 with strong messages for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL Generation, the Paris Agreement, has brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a carnival atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MAROC* : Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"The NGO (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during the COP22 with strong messages for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL Generation, the Paris Agreement, has brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a carnival atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MAROC* : Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"The NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during the COP22 with a strong message for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL, Generation Paris Agreement, brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a carnival atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MAROC*: Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"The NGO (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during COP22 with a strong message for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL, Generation Paris Agreement, brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a carnival atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MOROCCO: Science Teachers Association of Life and Earth of Morocco
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"The NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during COP22 with a strong message for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL Generation, Paris Agreement, brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a festive atmosphere together with music to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MAROC* : Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"The NGO (Non Governmental Organization) AESVT MOROCCO (1) organized on Saturday afternoon a colorful event during COP22 with a strong message for the fight against climate change:
CARNIVAL Generation, Paris Agreement, brought together more than 800 participants who marched in a festive atmosphere, together with music, to Bab Doukkala in Marrakech."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
(1) AESVT MAROC* : Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. Several thousand people, members of Moroccan and foreign associations, marched Sunday in Marrakech to demand more 'climate justice' from the States gathered for the UN Climate Conference (COP22)."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 12, 2016.
* (accessed September 20, 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. Several thousand people […]"* Environmental activists of all nationalities marched Sunday in Marrakech to claim a universal climate justice in order to save planet earth and protect against the effects of climate change on the margins of COP22 held from 7 to 18 […]."**
"This imposing march, initiated by the Moroccan Coalition for climate justice, which brings together trade unions, human rights groups, women, youth and development, gathered at the November 16 Plaza and spread throughout Bab Doukkala along the wide avenues of the ocher city.[…]"* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016
** (accessed 20 September 2020)- "For a Fair Energy Transition"
- "If the rich countries continue to pollute … What will become of Africa?"
COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. […] The demonstrators called for effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from the negative effects of climate change which have worsened in recent years, threatening flora and fauna.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4th of August, as well as all other relevant international conventions, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C. […] "* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice.[…]
Participants also called for an end to the hegemony of polluting powers and do justice to the most vulnerable developing countries to guarantee the right to life for new generations.
They chanted slogans demanding the preservation of the dignity of migrants and people with special needs in a world of social justice and peace. […]"* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed September 20, 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. Several thousand people, members of Moroccan and foreign associations, marched Sunday in Marrakech to demand more 'climate justice' from the States gathered for the UN Climate Conference (COP22).[…]
More than 190 countries are meeting from 7 to 18 November in Marrakech to discuss the implementation of the agreement sealed last year in Paris and engaging the entire international community in the fight against climatic disturbances. On Tuesday, dozens of African leaders and French President Francois Hollande and the Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon will attend the COP22.[…]"* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed September 20, 2020)- "Time for Action"
- "We can't tell our children we didn't know"
"COP22 : Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. Several thousand people, members of Moroccan and foreign associations, marched Sunday in Marrakech to demand more 'climate justice' from the States gathered for the UN Climate Conference (COP22). […]"*
"The protesters have demanded effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from negative effects of climate change which have worsened in recent years, threatening wildlife and flora.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4th of this month, as well as all other relevant international conventions, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C."** Marrakesh, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)
** (accessed 20 September 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. […]
Protesters called for effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from negative effects of climate change that have worsened in recent years, threatening wildlife and flora.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4 of this month, and all other relevant international conventions, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)- "This March is Helping Moroccan Regime Greenwash - Its crimes # 300 km South"
- "Boycott Israel" "COP 22 polluted by Zionist - BDS"
"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice."*
* (accessed September 20, 2020"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. […]
Protesters called for effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from negative effects of climate change that have worsened in recent years, threatening wildlife and flora.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4th of this month, and all other relevant international conventions, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. […]
Protesters called for effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from negative effects of climate change that have worsened in recent years , threatening wildlife and flora.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4th of this month, and all other relevant international conventions, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)"COP22: Walk in Marrakech for universal climate justice. […] The demonstrators called for effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of reversing the warming trend of the planet earth to protect it from negative effects of climate change that have worsened in recent years, threatening flora and fauna.
They also called on the leaders of the states participating in the COP22 to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force on the 4th of this month, as well as all other international conventions relevant, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Walk for a universal climate justice concludes with Berber claims in the area of the Bab Doukkala.
"The Berbers, who celebrate the new year,"Yennayer", declared it a public holiday on Friday in Algeria, the first in the Maghreb, which includes indigenous North African populations that claim a broader identity and cultural recognition.
Berbers whose presence predates the Arabization and Islamization call themselves "Imazighen", the plural form of "Amazigh" which means "free man" in their language, Tamazight, different from Arabic.
Berbers are present in several countries of the Maghreb and the Sahara."* Marrakech, Morocco - November 13, 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Conferences and debates at the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech Forum From the Earth. * With the theme "Feeding the Planet, sustainable agricultures and Climate Initiatives and Solutions Alternatives" is organized by three Moroccan associations L'Orange Bleue Maghreb , Morocco Earth and Humanism and the IRAM (1).
"Introductory lectures followed by workshops with stakeholders. More FAO presence and official delegations.[…]
The Earth Forum has been accredited by COP22
The team of initiators is strengthened by a college of initial partners: UN Women, the Pierre Rabhi Endowment, Earth and Humanism, Espod, the University of Berlin …"*
(1) RIAM: Agro-ecological Network Initiatives in Morocco
* (accessed 20 September 2020) Conferences and debates at the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech for Earth Forum.
"By registering sustainable development as one of its new strategic direction, the Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) as an institution of higher education and research, also equipped with a specific objective: to contribute to the fight against global warming.
UCA recognizes the important role it should play in the mobilization of the entire university community, and more broadly, civil society around this issue and its the major consequences, but also in the search innovative solutions to this problem (mitigation and adaptation)."*
Earth Forum's theme is "Feeding the Planet, sustainable agriculture and climate initiatives and alternative solutions"
(1) RIAM. Agro-ecological Network Initiatives in Morocco
* at the Earth Forum with the theme "Feeding the Planet, Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Climate Initiatives and Solutions".
"The three Moroccan associations support the Earth Forum project, Orange Blue Maghreb, Moroccan Earth and Humanism, and the IRAM (1), are beginning to see the results of their efforts and their synergies: the Earth Forum takes shape as an exceptional alternative event in the heart of the COP22!"*
(1) RIAM: Agro-ecological Network Initiatives in Morocco
* ( accessed September 20, 2020)During COP22, the Earth Forum* at CIPA-Pierre Rabhi (Crossroads of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices) which is located between Ben Guerir and Marrakech in the village of Douar Skoura. Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016
On the site of the association Terre & Humanism Morocco we read:
"[…] CIPA-Pierre Rabhi is:
- A place to demonstrate the relevance agroecological techniques in a rural enclave hit by desertification, both biological and human.
- A space dedicated to experimentation, awareness and training for testing and dissemination of technical and social alternatives related to sustainable agriculture and responsible lifestyles.
- A center for training and dissemination of agroecology.["**
* (accessed 20 September 2020)
** (accessed 20 September 2020)During COP22, the Earth Forum * CIPA-Pierre Rabhi (Crossroad of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices) located between Ben Guerir and Marrakech in the village of Douar Skoura. Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016.
On the site of the association Earth and Humans Morocco we read:
The CIPA-Pierre Rabhi " […] has four main objectives which structured its four divisions:
- The experimental farm: experiment and demonstrate the relevance of agroecology facing the natural and human desertification of arid areas
- The training and pedagogy centre: Educate farmers, animators and local actors, and the pass the ethics of agroecology to difference generations and social strata
- The welcome centre: Disseminate knowledge and skills to become agroecological through cultural exchanges south/south, south/north
- The distribution centre: Animate national and international networks and promote sustainable techniques of agroecology. "**
* (consulté le 20 septembre 2020)
** (accessed 20 September 2020)During COP22, the Earth Forum* CIPA-Pierre Rabhi which is located between Ben Guerir and Marrakech in the village of Douar Skoura.
Tour of the garden of the CIPA "experimental farm" (Crossroad of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices).
One of its goals is to " […] experiment and demonstrate the relevance of the agroecology in the face of natural and human desertification of arid areas."* Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)During COP22, Earth Forum* of the CIPA-Pierre Rabhi which is located between Ben Guerir and Marrakech in the village of Douar Skoura.
Tour of the garden of the CIPA "experimental farm" (Crossroad of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices).
One of its goals is to "[…] experiment and demonstrate the relevance of agroecology in the face of natural and human desertification of arid areas. […]"** Douar Skoura , Morocco - November 2016.
* *
* (accessed 20 September 2020)Tour of the garden of the CIPA "experimental farm" (Crossroad of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices).
One of its goals is to "[…] experiment and demonstrate the relevance of agroecology in the face of natural and human desertification of arid regions. […]"* Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)A peacock in the "experimental farm" of the CIPA (Crossroad of Initiatives and Agro-ecological practices), one of whose goals is to "[…] experiment and demonstrate the relevance of agroecology in the face of natural and human desertification of arid regions. […]"* Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016.
* (accessed 20 September 2020)The "experimental farm" of the CIPA, one of whose goals is to "experiment and demonstrate the relevance of agroecology in the face of natural and human desertification of arid areas"* In the background the village Douar Skoura located forty km from Marrakech. Douar Skoura, Morocco - November 2016
* (accessed 20 September 2020)