"Welcome to Bonn. Deutsche Telekom wishes a successful climate conference 2017." Near the site of COP23, the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Organized by the Fiji Islands (but held in Bonn for logistical reasons), it takes place from 6 to 17 November 2017, not far from the United Nations campus and the Rheinaue park.One of the entry pavilions for COP23, the 23rd annual climate conference on climate. "The Fiji Islands (are) the organizers of the (...) international conference on climate, COP23, but the latter, [which] takes place at the end of 2017, is [as an exception] held in Bonn [Germany] (...) Reason invoked: the Pacific archipelago is unable to accommodate 15 to 20,000 people on a single site and to accommodate them nearby." It is the first time that a small island state has organized a COP. "Small island states are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, such as rising sea levels and more extreme weather events." https://www.lemonde.fr/conferences-climat/article/2016/11/18/organisee-par-les-iles-fidji-la-cop23-se-deroulera-a-bonn-en-allemagne_5033537_5024922.html "The 2017 UN Climate Change Conference will take place from 6 to 17 November at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB) in Bonn, Germany, the seat of the UNFCCC secretariat." (The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted during the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 by 154 states, to which must be added all the members of the European Community.) "The World Conference Center Bonn is located in the middle of Bonn's former government quarter, in the immediate vicinity of the United Nations Campus, Deutsche Post DHL, the international media broadcaster Deutsche Welle, international organisations, and next to the Rhine river." (...) "It can accommodate up to 7,000 people." https://unfccc.int/process/conferences/un-climate-change-conference-november-2017/about/frequently-asked-questions-on-cop-23#eq-1 https://www.worldccbonn.com/en.htmlThe 23rd annual United Nations climate conference is held on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn. On the right, the Post Tower houses the central administrative headquarters of Deutsche Post AG. "The Post Tower is the tallest skyscraper in the city of Bonn, and (...) the tallest skyscraper in Germany outside of Frankfurt am Main. (...) It is equipped with a revolutionary ventilation system in the sense that, instead of being equipped with a central vertical duct, ventilation is installed on each floor, thereby limiting air loss . The yellow vest displays the international logo, symbol of the anti-nuclear movement: "Nuclear? No thanks!" (Nuclear? Nein Danke!). Left, facing the Post Tower, the street leads to one of the COP23 entrances. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Tower https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucléaire_%3F_Non_merci_!"Warm Welcome COP23" In the district where COP23 is held, near the Post Tower, a word of welcome in the windows of this house. The 23rd annual United Nations climate conference is held in Bonn, under the chairmanship of Fiji, which could not host the event at their home for logistical reasons. The city is the former capital of the Federal Republic of Germany and is home to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). "The time when Bonn represented West Germany as the capital was not the worst, and the 'Republic of Bonn' is remembered as an emblem of the period of ascent, after the war, a period of diplomacy and democracy." https://www.germany.travel/fr/villes-et-culture/villes/bonn.htmlIn front of one of the entrances where COP23 is held, buses that take participants to the 23rd climate conference. "This year, the annual conference chaired by the Republic of Fiji was held in Bonn, Germany and brought together more than 25,000 climate negotiators and observers for the 196 countries that signed the Paris agreement." http://groupe-capsud.com/cop23-bilan-demi-teinte-selon-nicolas-hulot/Part of the security network around COP23. Representatives from nearly 200 countries are gathered for the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference, hosted by Fiji, in Bonn. "The priority of the Fijian presidency is to progress in the negotiations of the rules for the application of the Paris Agreement, to organize the dialogue "Talanoa" of 2018 (1st global assessment of actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions), and also to make progress on adaptation issues." https://www.ecologique-solidaire.gouv.fr/cop23-en-questions"Mission 2050 - Zero Emissions" On the Rhine, at the foot of the Post Tower, advertisement of the German postal service. "Our new climate protection goal is to reduce all logistics-related emissions to zero by 2050." "Deutsche Post DHL is currently made up of two major groups: Deutsche Post, the German postal company, responsible for the transport of mail and parcels in Germany; DHL, the international transport and logistics group, itself composed of several specialized divisions." "DHL offers an unrivaled portfolio of logistics services, from national and international parcel distribution to international express transportation, including road, rail, air and sea freight, as well as management of industrial supply chains." https://www.logistics.dhl/global-en/home/about-us/corporate-responsibility/mission-2050.html https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Post https://www.logistics.dhl/fr-fr/home.html"Make our planet great again" on a bag belonging to one of the COP23 participants. It's a phrase used by Emmanuel Macron echoing Donald Trump when he withdrew from the Paris Accords (in 2015 195 countries adopted the first universally binding agreement on climate). "Make America Great Again" was first used by Ronald Reagan during the presidential election of 1980." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_America_Great_Again"Bonn World Climate Capital 2017 - Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General", "Bonn World Climate Capital 2017 - Nazhat Shameem Khan, Chief climate negotiator for COP23", "Bonn 2017 Further. Faster. Together" "Indeed, only by going Further, Faster, Together in Bonn can the world write the next chapter of decisive and defining climate action and the hope of a better, prosperous and more secure world." https://unfccc.int/news/time-to-go-further-faster-together “Weltklimakonferenz - COP23, Ökumenisches Gebet für die Schöpfung” (World Climate Conference - COP23, Ecumenical Prayer for Creation.) A small church, close to the Post Tower and the site of the 23rd annual United Nations conference on the climate. "According to the climate agreements, negotiated in Paris in 2015, all the signatories have committed to limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius. However, no concrete regulations have been adopted to achieve this goal. COP23's mission is to work on proposed texts, leading to the development of these rules. According to the declarations of the French Ministry of the Environment (Nicolas Hulot), 'decisive decisions are not to be expected this year.' The rulebook is to be published at the next climate conference in Katowice (Poland) in autumn 2018." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conférence_de_Bonn_de_2017_sur_les_changements_climatiques "Formation Frauen: 30 sculptures of women form a circle without beginning or end next to the Post Tower in Bonn. The work does not present women as victims, but as people responsible for their own development." "Developing countries are the hardest hit by climate change, especially their indigenous peoples. At COP23, delegates from around the world hope to establish rules to protect them from the devastating consequences of global warming. This teepee in the Rheinaue, the Bonn park where COP23 is being held, is also a global effort. It is made up of hundreds of squares crocheted by people from all over the world." https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-frauen-de-formation-30-women-sculptures-form-a-circle-of-no-beginning-32157817.html"This replica of the statue of liberty, the torch of which emits smoke, was designed by Danish artist Jens Galschiot and installed near COP23 in Bonn to denounce the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris agreement. " On his tablet is written 'Freedom to pollute'. There is also "an installation entitled 'climate refugees', both created by the artist (...) and exhibited at Rheinaue Park during the Conference of United Nations on climate change (...) in Germany." "His work stages and deals with cultural values, focusing on hypocrisy, human rights and ecology." https://www.france24.com/fr/20171117-cop23-fin-bonn-fidji-negociations-retrait-etats-unis-alliance-anti-charbon https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jens_Galschiot https://www.adscollect.com/ad/208309"Climate Planete 05.-17.11.2017 # Uniting4Climate Wilkommen" (Planète Climat 05.-17.11.2017 #Welcome to Unite for Climate Action). In the Freizeitpark Rheinaue (a park near the Rhine), a COP23 infrastructure for use by the public. "The World Bank's global partnership program, Connect4Climate, joins the new COP23 presidency of the government of the Republic of Fiji, in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as other partners for present the # Uniting4Climate communication campaign, which aims to highlight unity in favor of climate solutions; countries, cities, regions, businesses, civil society and citizens unite to act for the climate . (...) the communication campaign could include solutions to rising oceans and vulnerability management, opportunities for climate action and how resilient low carbon economies are built through unified actions." https://www.greenafricadirectory.org/uniting4climate-uniting-climate-action-cop23/Interview on Brazilian TV and bikes for hire near one of the entrances to COP23. One of the two main conference areas on the Rhine: "The 'Bonn Zone', located in the (...) Rheinaue park, will host events relating to climate action, including high level events level, side events, and exhibitions organized by the UNFCCC and the German government. The area will also be used for media activities and events in the delegations' pavilions." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-rails"Souk of Morocco - Einkaufen wie im Orient" (Shopping as in the East) In the Freizeitpark Rheinaue (a liesure park near the Rhine), near the place where the COP23 takes place. This Moroccan gentleman lives in Bonn with his family. His stand offers tea, argan, etc. Morocco was the host country of the previous COP, the 22nd annual United Nations climate conference was held in Marrakech in 2016. On the right, It's time for a meal break, (very German menu, sausages and fries) under the watch of the camera, for these Fijians participating in the summit."Welcome, Bula, Willkommen, How are you ?, Say cheese !, Taba mada! Bitte Lächeln !, COP23 Fiji - Bonn 2017" (Welcome, How are you ?, Smile!, in Fijian and German). The "Bula Zone", one of the two main conference areas of COP23 on the Rhine, reflects Fijian culture. It "consists of the World Conference Center, the UN campus and an extension of the area behind the Deutsche Welle building (German international radio) in Bonn. The word" Bula "comes from Fijian meaning hello and expresses a blessing, a wish for health and happiness." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-railsOn the banks of the Rhine and in the immediate vicinity of the United Nations campus, the tarpaulin barriers which surround the venue for COP23. "How are you ?, Say cheese !, Taba mada !, Bitte Lächeln! COP23 Fiji - Bonn 2017" (How are you ?, Smile! In English, Fijian and German). "The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as host of the conference, collaborates with the German government, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the city of Bonn and the Fijian Presidency of COP23 to ensure a dynamic and successful conference." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-railsNear the site of COP23 and in the immediate vicinity of the United Nations campus. The tarpaulin barrier that surrounds the site of the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Representatives from nearly 200 countries are gathered to enforce the Paris agreement, signed in 2015 and which aims to limit global warming to less than 2°C above that of the Industrial Revolution. "Bula!, Wananavu!, Viel Glück!" (Welcome, Wonderful, Good luck).At the foot of the DHL Post Tower, facilities to host the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."Let's stop Climate change, Sustain forests, The resource of future, Be part of the ..., Write your Message of future on a board" "At the United Nations climate summit in Bonn, negotiators discuss goals, funding and measures to slow global warming. But not just talk: artists and activists have channeled their creativity to the call to action." "Forests are crucial to the climate. Each year, they absorb millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. Activists from the German Forests Association who want the woods better protected have brought this art project to Bonn. Over the course of the summit, it will grow into an 8-meter tree with a globe on top." https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362In the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "German Forestry expresses the concern for the forests threatened by climate change through this interactive work of art calling to: An artist builds a 5 to 8 m high sculpture from wood scraps. (...) The artist will start on the first day of the conference, meaning that the sculpture will 'grow' in the course of the conference and in front of the delegates and visitors; (...) at the end of the conference the work of art will become a symbol of the global mission and a joint effort to preserve the forests, the resource of future." "The forests are of crucial importance for climate protection: Along with the world's oceans, forests are the most important carbon reservoirs. Currently about 2.5 billion tons of carbon are bound in the German forests and forest soils." https://www.forstwirtschaft-in-deutschland.de/fileadmin/content/news/COP23FactSheet_engl_3Climate.pdf https://www.forstwirtschaft-in-deutschland.de/fileadmin/content/news/COP23FactSheet_engl_1Art.pdfParticipants at the summit in the Rheinaue Park which hosts the facilities and in front of one of the entrances to the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."Don't nuke the climate - Energiewende oder ...?!" "During climate negotiations we engage in activities and seek cooperation with other environmental and citizens networks to protect the climate agreements from being polluted by pro-nuclear language." An anti-nuclear activist near the site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. http://www.dont-nuke-the-climate.org/"Climate finance is an obligation!, Stop financing fossil fuels, Clean coal is a dirty lie!, By the end of 2018 governments must ban fracking and new fossil fuel extractions, Stop the dirty energy now!" One of the rare demonstrations (they were prohibited during the COP) in front of the entrance to site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference."End coal and all dirty energies, Capitalism is not compatible with climate justice, Claiming power, transform energy systems for people and communities" One of the rare demonstrations (they were prohibited during the COP) in front of the entrance to the site where the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference."Climate Women Speak, Protect & Defend the Web of Life, Keep Fossil Fuels In The Ground" "The Women's Earth and Climate Action Network is currently on the ground in Bonn, Germany, engaged in intensive climate justice advocacy and action with our Delegation and diverse global allies during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP23 Climate Talks. (...) During COP23 and far beyond, WECAN international is thankful for the opportunity to work in solidarity with the global members of the UNFCCC Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)." https://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2017/11/update-wecan-at-cop23-climate-talks-in.htmlA policeman in front of one of the entrances to the site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference.Joschka Fischer, surrounded by police, in front of one of the entrances to the site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. Joschka Fischer "is a German politician, member of Alliance 90/The Greens. From 1998 to 2005, he was Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany. (...) A public figure still active, he regularly took positions in favor of a federal Europe. (...) preferred candidate of the Germans to replace Angela Merkel in the chancellery if the Greens and the SPD win the elections in 2013. But, even if he feels 'honored by such confidence, [his] return to politics is excluded,' he told the newspaper Bild am Sonntag, as German environmentalists outstripped their ally, the Social Democratic Party, in the polls. He was for a long time Germany's most popular politician." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joschka_FischerPolice on horseback in the Rheinaue Park near the site hosting the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.In the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In the distance, the sphere 'The world in peril'. "The goal of the Paris Climate Agreement is to keep global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius. Today, people are already suffering the consequences of climate change, like droughts and extreme weather events. At the 'Climate Planet' in Bonn, visitors can learn about climate change and how it affects them. The 20-meter-tall globe was thought up by Germany's Development Ministry. 'ACAB' An acronym used by anticapitalist militants is being repurposed from its original ('All Cops are Bastards') to 'All Capitalists are Bastards'." https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACABA fox and a bear in Bonn. The sculpture "Unbearable", representing a bear impaled on a pipeline, a curve representing the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere from the pre-industrial era to the present day. "Unbearable" is a creation by the Dane Jens Galschiot. It is exhibited, next to its statue of liberty whose torch smokes, in the Freizeitpark Rheinaue. Jens Galschiøt is a committed artist who has used his art for years for a militant purpose, here the devastating consequences of human CO2 emissions."Saving our climate starts on our plates. Go Vegan, Peta ”. Two activist in front of one of the entrances to the 23rd annual climate conference. "Vegan" designates a person who excludes any animal product from his diet and from his daily life. The vegan person 'frequents circuses without animals, observes animals in nature without hunting them, eats in 100% vegetable mode, chooses to dress in materials not derived from the exploitation of animals (cotton, synthetic materials ... ) and uses untested cosmetic and cleaning products.” On the right, at the foot of the Post Tower, birds decorate the windows. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganisme https://www.l214.com/etre-vegan"I want my grandchildren to know that I was not silent, Don't burn my future, Fusion Not Fission, Puszca nasza jest, Sea level is rising ..." "The Bonn theater displaying the anger and the demand of the demonstrators through an exhibition of protest posters." In the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "Climate activists are calling for urgent divestment from coal. Before and during COP23, many of them have been protesting for a rapid end of our fossil fuel dependency. Thousands of people have already taken to the streets in Bonn and the Bonn Theater is showcasing protestors' anger and demands in an exhibition of protest posters (...)" https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362Near the Post Tower in the Rheinaue Par, which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "Cause of climate change is the national and global population growth! A climate activist poses in front of sign installations: "The theater in Bonn showing the anger and demand of protesters during a protest poster exhibition." Sur la droite, a climate activist poses in front of an installation of placards, "Bonn theater displays protesters' anger and demands in a protest poster exhibition. https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362A Chinese participant in COP23. "Die Null ist das Ziel" (Zero is the goal). "Clean Shuttle" Waiating at a bus stop, an American attending the 23rd annual climate conference, an advertisement for the German Post (Deutsche Post DHL). "Mission 2050 - 0 Emissions". "Our new climate protection target is to reduce all logistics-related emissions to zero by the year 2050." https://www.logistics.dhl/global-en/home/about-us/corporate-responsibility/mission-2050.htmlA Fijian participant in front of the entrance to the site of COP23. "This Pacific archipelago is organizing the 23rd Climate Conference. It begins this Monday (...) in Germany. Fiji, threatened by rising sea levels, cannot accommodate the meeting!" "A traditional Fijian canoe, called a drua, serves as a symbol of resilience and unity for the UN conference on climate change in Bonn." And there is also : "A double-hull dugout canoe displayed for the occasion" is a superb example of Fijian dexterity; it also illustrates the resilience of ancestral Pacific culture in the face of the adverse effects of climate change, "said Nick Nuttall, spokesperson for the COP23 and UN Climate Change Communication Director." https://www.ouest-france.fr/monde/fidji/cop23-aux-fidji-la-premiere-ecole-refugiee-climatique-5361407 https://unfccc.int/fr/news/une-pirogue-des-fidji-symbole-de-resilience-et-dunite-exposee-la-cop23Good morning! Yadra! Guten Morgen! (in English, Fidjian and German). Sustainable Claus outside the walls of the site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. I had already photographed him in Paris and Morocco during previous COPs. This fervent follower of BlockChain (see Hack4Climate - All money is traced) was not allowed inside, just like me. And we spend the day together in the cold. "Phillip (...) co-founder of ‘Republic of conscience.com’ who had a very simple idea to touch everyone’s life to make this earth a slightly better place. (...) instead of promoting luxurious and expensive gifting items he merely encouraged making your own gifts from your heart every Wednesday. He just wanted that for three hours everyone would (...) spend quality time with your loved ones." https://sicsscop23.wordpress.com/2017/11/06/coy13/"I am cycling to save the planet", "I am cycling for greener cities" Two COP participants (an Englishman and an Ivorian) in the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.Pause for a break for these two participants at the COP, in the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. On the left, a Fijian and on the right, also an islander, but from the island of Barbados. "A vulnerable island state, Fiji is already suffering the impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels and the occurrence of more violent cyclones. Ensuring the full implementation of the Paris Agreement - the main mission in Bonn in November - will be decisive for the very survival of the archipelago." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/une-pirogue-des-fidji-symbole-de-resilience-et-dunite-exposee-la-cop23"I'm cycling for halt climate change", "Stop Poverty" Two participants at the COP (one Indonesian and one Scandinavian). In the Rheinaue Park which adjoins the site of the 23rd annual conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Rheinaue Park, "a few hundred meters (...) from Bonn city center (...) a real haven of peace, nature and much appreciated greenery, ( ...) truly the lungs of the city." https://www.monnuage.fr/point-d-interet/freizeitpark-a36753On public transport, two Cambodians participating in the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "In addition to an already well-functioning and integrated public transport system, the municipality will provide additional trams and buses to allow access to the COP. (...) Inevitable emissions, such as those that are associated with the majority of the global footprint, will be offset, including by the UN Climate Neutral Now initiative." (An app allows users to measure their greenhouse gas emissions and perform missions that generate points that can turn into WGP (W Green Pay) an electronic currency). https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-rails https://unfccc.int/fr/news/agir-pour-le-climat-grace-a-une-application-mobileOn public transport, two Cambodian participants and one from West Africa at the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "The city of Bonn and the entire region are undertaking a number of measures to boost sustainability. (...) Deutsche Bahn (the German Railway Company), with funding from the State of Rhineland North Westphalia, is also building a UN Campus train stop near the conference venue." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-railsUsing public transport, Senegalese participants in the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "In order to achieve the overall objective of climate neutrality, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated during the conference will be reduced as much as possible." https://unfccc.int/fr/news/sb46-communique-planification-de-la-cop23-sur-les-rails"See you later!" "Sota tale!" "Auf Wiedersehen!" (In English, Fijian and German) A Senegalese participant outside "the walls" of the 23rd annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "At the exit from the Bula Zone, where the closed-door negotiations for this Cop23 are taking place, the Sudanese Mohamed Kabbar appeared tired on Thursday evening. He launched a last appeal to the rich industrialized nations, 'Where there is the will, there are a thousand resources; where there is none, there are a thousand pretexts.' An African saying, he specifies, 'rather faithful to the global situation in which we find ourselves: 43 African countries, more than 78% of the continent, have ratified the Agreement signed at COP21 in Paris, yet our countries have only benefited from 3.9% of the 100 billion from the Adaptation Fund to global warming. Mine in particular, Sudan, is dying of drought'." https://www.ouest-france.fr/environnement/climat/cop-23-les-africains-decus-par-les-promesses-des-pays-riches-5382970 "#1°5C", "#PriceOnCarbon", "Creative Klima" "As part of the programming (...) designed for the 23rd Conference of the Parties for the Climate (...) Creative Klima offers exhibitions, conferences, workshops, debates, awards, musical programming and numerous festivities, on the ship MS Beethoven on the banks of the Rhine, a few meters from the international conference center, as well as at the French Institute Bonn. (...) Creative Klima brings together major players, French and international, from the fields of social entrepreneurship, energy, culture and climate: (...) the glaciologist, climatologist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jean Jouzel and Gilles Vermot Desroches , director of sustainable development at Schneider Electric, (...) the Art of Change 21 association, the Schneider Electric Foundation, the Ashoka global network, the French Bonn Institute, Atelier 21 and its Paleo-Energetic and Solar Sound System initiatives , International Weather and Climate Forum." https://bonn.institutfrancais.de/agenda/evenement/2017-11-14t170000-conference-climat-et-energie-avec-jean-jouzel-et-gilles-vermot-desroches"On the banks of the Rhine, a few meters from the international conference center, Scenic Crystal, the 'Hack Boat', welcomes participants of #Hack4Climate. One hundred hackers from thirty countries are gathered for a climate action on this boat to remind us that Fiji is the organizing country of the COP this year. Climate change is the world's biggest challenge. The blockchain * (All money is traced) has disruptive innovation potential. #Hack4Climate brings the two together. The Connect4Climate team visited the 24-hour Hackathon at COP23 and is interviewed by project manager Nick Beglinger and some of the participants to find out why this new technology has unique potential for advancing climate action. #Uniting4Climate" * "Blockchain is a technology that allows you to keep track of a set of transactions, in a decentralized, secure and transparent way, in the form of a chain of hashed blocks." http://artofchange21.com/fr/portfolio-items/actions_pendant_les_cop_climat/ https://www.connect4climate.org/event/hack4climate-cop23 https://www.economie.gouv.fr/entreprises/blockchain-definition-avantage-utilisation-application https://blockgeeks.com/guides/fr/quest-ce-que-la-technologie-blockchain-un-guide-pas-a-pas-pour-debutants/Aboard the Scenic Crystal, the "Hack Boat" which welcomes participants of # Hack4Climate, on the banks of the Rhine, a few meters from the international conference center where COP23 is held. One hundred hackers from thirty countries have come together for climate action. "Hack4Climate is a 4-day Climate/Blockchain hackathon event. Its objective is to mobilize the "blockchain"/ DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) community for #ClimateAction, in order to guarantee the implementation work of the Paris climate agreement. Hack4Climate is organized with the support of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany at the COP23 climate conference in November 2017. It is funded by public sponsors and private and organized as part of the Climate Ledger Initiative. (CLI), an international multi-stakeholder initiative at the intersection of climate and DLT. Hack4Climate will be the first hackathon linked to the COP." https://www.connect4climate.org/event/hack4climate-cop23On the banks of the Rhine, a few meters from the international conference center, on the Scenic Crystal, the "Hack Boat" which welcomes participants of #Hack4Climate. "FuturICT 2.0 is an international European project funded under the 2016 FLAG-ERA (JTC) transnational initiative. The project was inspired by the FuturICT pilot project and its objective is to find ways to understand and manage complex, global and socially interactive systems. From financial crises to climate change, from crime and conflicts to resource management: the world is currently facing great social challenges which must be faced with new approaches and new tools. FuturICT 2.0 aims to create an incentive system to meet some of the major challenges of modern society." http://artofchange21.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dossier-de-présentation-Creative-Klima.-Vdef.pdf" https://futurict2.eu/"America's pledge, #We are still in" The bag of a participant in the 23rd climate conference, inside the Scenic Crystal, the "Hack Boat" which welcomes the participants of # Hack4Climate. "On the banks of the Rhine, a few meters from the international conference center, (... a getogether of) major players, French and international, from the fields of social entrepreneurship, energy, culture and climate." "During COP23 in Bonn, America’s Pledge presented the official report on US climate action, analysing how US states, cities, businesses, citizens, and universities can support the Paris Agreement even without federal action." http://artofchange21.com/fr/portfolio-items/actions_pendant_les_cop_climat/ https://bonn.institutfrancais.de/agenda/evenement/2017-11-14t170000-conference-climat-et-energie-avec-jean-jouzel-et-gilles-vermot-desroches?language=fr http://www.climateaction.org/news/we-are-still-in-coalition-launched-the-americas-pledge-report-during-cop23On the Scenic Crystal, the "Hack Boat" one of the speakers, Leanne Kemp and a Fijian (from # Hack4Climate *) pose with the site of the 23rd annual climate conference in the background. "Hack4Climate is organized with the support of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn." # Hack4Climate (disruptive innovation fights climate change). "Leanne Kemp" is the founder and CEO of Everledger, a company that uses blockchain to track the origins of high-value assets. The objective of the platform is to help insurers, applicants and other stakeholders to fight fraud and money laundering." * # Hack4Climate - Blockchain" Above all, the crucial utility of the Blockchain is to guarantee the validity of a transaction by registering it not only on a main register, but also on a system of connected distributed registers, which are all connected via a secure validation mechanism.” https://www.connect4climate.org/video/hack4climate-blockchain-climate-change-cop23-bonn https://www.connect4climate.org/event/hack4climate-cop23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leanne_Kemp https://blockgeeks.com/guides/fr/quest-ce-que-la-technologie-blockchain-un-guide-pas-a-pas-pour-debutants/“Planet Earth First” Greenpeace boat on the Rhine, near the international conference center, site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "Greenpeace's demands for COP23: Governments meeting in Bonn must move forward in defining fair and solid implementation rules for the Paris Agreement, so that they will be finalized by 2018 as agreed by the States during COP22. These rules must make all countries accountable for their actions and make the Paris Agreement transparent, and they must also make it possible to define five-year goals within the framework of which States would be regularly called upon to take stock of their action and to upgrade the goals of their climate policies with regard to the 1.5 ° C / 2 ° C horizon." https://www.greenpeace.fr/cop23-ny-a-plus-de-temps-a-perdre/"Handeln statt Heucheln" (Act instead of being a hypocrit!) Greenpeace boat on the Rhine, near the international conference center, site of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "There is no time to lose. Millions of people are already suffering from the injustice of climate change. The governments meeting in Bonn must act in solidarity with those whose lives are affected, especially since This COP is chaired by the Fiji Islands, a small island state which, like others, is hit hard by the consequences of climate change. The year 2017 was particularly devastating with its hurricanes Harvey and Irma, reminding us that no country, industrialized or developing, is spared the ravages of climate change." On the Greenpeace banner, "Climate Chancellor" Angela Merkel. President of the Council of the EU in 2007, she participated in the decision to "reduce CO2 emissions in Europe by 20% by 2020. (...) Building on these successes, Merkel traveled to Greenland and was photographed in a red anorak on the glacier ice. (...) "No one can do without climate protection," said Merkel in 2007. A year later, however, she made it clear that she will not accept any climate protection rules that endanger jobs or investment in Germany." https://www.greenpeace.fr/cop23-ny-a-plus-de-temps-a-perdre/ https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article5445504/Der-Ehrgeiz-und-die-Mission-der-Klima-Kanzlerin.html"U.S. Climate Action Center #wearestillin, Climate Action Domes" "The Action Center became a central landmark of the talks in Bonn, with 27,000 square feet, the Action Center was larger than any prior U.S. federal center at previous UN climate talks. The center hosted governors, senators, mayors business leaders, a bipartisan group of 11 states, and attendees from around the world, reflecting the openness that has always characterized the American spirit." https://www.wearestillin.com/COP23The dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "U.S. Climate Action Center, #wearestillin, America's pledge" "American leaders used the flagship U.S. Climate Action Center, a first of its kind pavilion for American cities, states and businesses, as the base of their operations during the two weeks of negotiations, where they held 44 events before thousands of in-person attendees and more watching from around the world." https://www.wearestillin.com/COP23"U.S. Climate Action Center, #wearestillin, America's pledge" Inside the dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "America’s Pledge sends a very powerful message to the world that America is still in the game. (...) today are Americans who have the interests of their fellow citizens at the forefront of their endeavours. And within the Grand Coalition, we are showing that we can assemble the power of ideas, the power of organisation and the power of political will. Our calling is to create a global movement of climate action far beyond the confines of the UN negotiations. Our Grand Coalition brings together people of conviction and purpose right across the world. From city halls, school halls and church halls. To state houses, corporate board rooms, factory floors and start-up hubs. And around kitchen tables or on rugs or mats, as in Fiji – everywhere where ordinary families gather who are an essential part of our Grand Coalition." https://cop23.com.fj/americas-pledge-sends-powerful-message-world-america-still-game-cop23-president/"U.S. Climate Action Center, #wearestillin, America's pledge" Inside the dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "During COP23 in Bonn, America’s Pledge presented the official report on US climate action, analysing how US states, cities, businesses, citizens, and universities can support the Paris Agreement even without federal action. (...) Michael Bloomberg, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, said: 'The group of American cities, states, and businesses who remain committed to the Paris Agreement represents a bigger economy than any nation outside the U.S. and China'." http://www.climateaction.org/news/we-are-still-in-coalition-launched-the-americas-pledge-report-during-cop23"U.S Climate Action Center, #wearestillin" Inside the dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "This U.S. subnational delegation is at COP23 in Bonn, Germany, to commit to keeping the U.S. Paris Agreement emissions reduction goal set by the Obama administration in Paris in 2015 – a commitment made in defiance of President Donald Trump. At the 23rd climate summit here in Bonn, a coalition of mayors, governors, U.S. senators and business leaders made an equally dramatic appearance to, in essence, apologize to the global community for sitting president Donald Trump, his threat to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and his administration’s clear siding with the fading but still influential fossil fuel industry." https://news.mongabay.com/2017/11/cop23-voices-from-americas-pledge-in-their-own-words/"America's pledge, #We are still in" Inside the dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "My friends, we can only achieve a response that matches the scale of this crisis with the huge movement that the Grand Coalition represents. For Fiji and other vulnerable countries, it is ultimately about our survival - of our ability to prosper and to prosper as nations and as peoples. Something wonderful is happening at COP23. The parties claiming greater ambition have been joined by as many non-party actors with the power to make a difference. And America’s Pledge is a great example of this new dynamic. It certainly gives me renewed optimism as president of the COP, no matter how difficult the challenge, we have the capacity and the will to fully implement the Paris Agreement. "COP23 president and Prime Minister Fijian Voreqe Bainimarama, who at the time urged the American president not to leave the Paris agreement." https://cop23.com.fj/americas-pledge-sends-powerful-message-world-america-still-game-cop23-president/"U.S. Climate Action Center, #wearestillin" In front of the dome that hosts the United States Climate Action Center during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "U.S. climate action was on full display during COP23, with over 100 prominent leaders from U.S. state and local governments, private sector and academia gathering in Bonn to voice support for the Paris Agreement and buoy confidence in the negotiations. The message to the world in Bonn was crystal clear: the U.S. is still in." https://www.wearestillin.com/COP23"Bonn Appetit" Pun involving "Bon" (good in French) and "Bonn") the host city for COP23. "The Saltshakers" and alternative, hard rock, post-grunge band. https://www.youtube.com/c/CarelessSaltshakersOn the banks of the Rhine. On the post, a poster of the COP23 which is held in Bonn, with the logo of the Fiji Islands which holds this year's presidency.Emergency vehicle "Emergency: Call 112 Emergency numbers in Germany are 110 (Police) and 112 (Fire and Ambulance). These numbers can be dialed from any phone and are free." "Euro-Rettung? Nicht um jeden Preis! Traudich Deutschland! - Alternative für Deutschland" (Save the Euro? Not at any cost! Germany trust yourself! - Alternative for Germany). A poster from AFD, Alternative für Deutschland (far right German political party). "The party denies the impact of man on global warming. Its program says that 'CO2 is not a polluting product'. It also criticizes Germany's current energy policy and wants to stop "expansion uncontrolled wind power. 'We want to put an end' to the policy of fighting global warming, 'because it reduces, needlessly, everyone's access to cheap energy,' states the party in its program for the European elections (.. in 2019). A line which wants to go against the demonstrations for the defense of the climate of thousands of young Germans which have occurred since December during the 'Fridays for future'. And which intends to oppose the recent decision of the government of end coal mining by 2038." https://www.nouvelobs.com/monde/20190520.AFP6817/la-fronde-anti-climat-nouveau-cheval-de-bataille-de-l-afd.html https://www.justlanded.com/francais/Allemagne/Guide-Allemagne/Sante/Urgences https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_pour_l'AllemagneScene on the streets of Bonn during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. Poster of Die Grünen greens. "The Alliance 90 / The Greens (in German: Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) is a center-left German political party. (...) The German Green Party (Die Grünen) was officially founded on January 13, 1980 in Karlsruhe, in West Germany, from the environmental and peace movement of the late 1970s." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_90_/_Les_VertsOpposing the Bonn Climate Summit, preparations before the demonstration and the occupation of the Hambach mine. "The climate summit in Bonn was accompanied by large mobilizations against the 'business-as-usual' attitude of the leaders, which means the death of our ecosystem. Tens of thousands of people took part in the protests, one part in Bonn and another at the Hambach coal mine, with the collective Ende Gelände." https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/COP-23-Manifestations-a-Bonn-contre-le-Sommet-ClimatPreparations before the anti-summit demonstration and the occupation of the Hambach mine. "The German government will try to use the climate negotiations to appear as a model country for energy transition and the leader in climate protection, when this is not really the case. This is why we are going to enter the Rhine lignite basin and send the whole world pictures of pollution in Germany." https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/COP-23-Manifestations-a-Bonn-contre-le-Sommet-ClimatA climate activist gives the finger to this barge on the Rhine which transports coal. "Even today, around a quarter of the electricity in Germany is produced by coal. Besides being a particularly polluting energy source, it is also extremely inefficient for the production of electricity. A large part of the energy produced is used to pump water from the coal mine, which encroaches on water supplies. In Rhineland, landscapes and forests thousands of years old, like that of Hambach, are continuously destroyed." https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/COP-23-Manifestations-a-Bonn-contre-le-Sommet-Climat"Burn Borders not Coal" Tram on a Bonn bridge and sticker on a pole during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference."Free us from the energies of the past - Greenpeace" Climate demonstration in Bonn during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. Polar bears in a Christmas window display in Bonn. "Animals are also suffering from climate change. Drought, floods and storms are destroying their natural habitats. The most emblematic example is the sad fate of polar bears. Due to global warming, ice is melting under their feet." https://www.dw.com/en/cop23-art-against-climate-change/g-41334362"Planet Earth First - Greenpeace” Thousands of people demonstrate for the climate in downtown Bonn during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference. "Energish Leben - Ohne Kohle" (Energetic life - Without coal). Climate demonstration in Bonn."World Bank Stop Fossil Exploration Finance! - Respect 1.5°C", "We are watching you!, Germanwatch", "abbaut, gehört verhaut - Mehr Gerechtigkeit für Klima", (Job exporters need a beating - More climate justice), "Do something for a change""Planet Earth First", "My children will ask: What have you done?", "ich brauche Wald zum Spielen" (I need the forest for recreation) Thousands of people demonstrate two days before the 23rd world climate conference, these families came to demand more actions from the 196 countries signatory to the Paris agreement which will meet in Bonn.""Kohle Risiko für Alle! Profite für Wenige" (The risks of coal are for everyone, Profit for the few), "Ecology before money" Two days before the 23rd annual climate conference, these people are mobilizing to make themselves heard by the leaders who will meet in the city."Pas de blabla sur le climat! Des actes! - Klima-Schutz Jetzt" (No more talk about climate, Act! - Protect the climate now), "Klima retten" (Save the climate), "Climate Crisis = Food Crisis - GROW : food, life, planet", "Climate change. Poverty. Hunger. It's all the same fight, OXFAM" These people have come to protest in Bonn two days before the 23rd annual climate conference. Representatives from nearly 200 countries will meet to enforce the Paris agreement. Concluded in 2015, which aims to limit global warming well below 2°C compared to the Industrial Revolution."Climate change. Poverty. Hunger. It's all the same fight", "Revolution Statt Pestizide" (Revolution instead of pesticides) Demonstrations opposed to climate change at Bonn.Demonstrations at Bonn during the 23rd annual UN climate conference. "One solution, Revolution! Rebell*", "#Me too, said Mother Earth""37+2=39= Fieber (fever) 37+5=42=Tod (death)" " Kapitalismus-Politik, verursacht Klimakatastrophe" (Capitalist politics cause the climate catastrophy) These people have come to protest in Bonn city center during the 23rd annual climate conference. On the sign it says that for humans a temperature increase of 2°C causes fever and that of 5°C causes death. A warning addressed to the representatives of nearly 200 countries who have come together to enforce the Paris Agreement. Concluded in 2015 which aims to limit global warming well below 2°C compared to the Industrial Revolution."Coal kills", "Don't nuke the climate", " Tod der Energiewende verhindern!" (Prevent the death of the energy transition) Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Time's up, Rise up!" Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Raus aus der Kohle, Frau Merkel!" (Get out of coal Madame Merkel!) Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Feminists demand climate justice", "People power now" "Climate justice for all!" Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference. https://www.businessfrance.fr/allemagne-tonnies-veut-augmenter-ses-capacites-d-abattage-a-rheda"Nein zur Kapazitätserweiterung bei Tönnies" (No to increased capacity at Tönnies), "Klimakiller = Menschenkiller = RWE" (Killer of the climate = killer of human beings = RWE) Tönnies is a food company based in Germany. It is notable in particular in the production and processing of meat, especially pork. Tönnies wants to increase its slaughter capacity in Rheda over the next few years, and reach the figure "of 3,500 tonnes per year at its factory in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, in North Rhine-Westphalia. The number one pork slaughterhouse in Germany is counting on a continued increase in demand for pork. Its slaughter volume should increase by 17% in the coming years and reach up to 30,400 animals per year (3,500 tonnes). This progress will be made thanks to new, more efficient machines. There are no plans to extend the plant or recruit new employees." https://www.businessfrance.fr/allemagne-tonnies-veut-augmenter-ses-capacites-d-abattage-a-rheda"50 km away: Germany's dirty secret, World master of brown coal" Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Planet Earth First", "Coal Kills", "Ausge CO2 HTL" (Out with CO2), "Climate justice" Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Klimaschutz fängt auf dem eigenen teller an!" (Climate protection starts on your own plate!) Demonstration at Bonn during the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Die nackte Wahrheit über Martin Luther" (The naked truth about Martin Luther) Demonstration at Bonn during the 23rd annual UN climate conference."Fossil Free Scotland", "0 Emissions, 0 Poverty, 0 Coal", "Stronger Together for Climate Action" Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference."No Coal" Angela Merkel, the German chancellor with the horns of the devil. In May 2011, "almost three months after the Fukushima disaster, Angela Merkel announced that Germany will stop operating its last reactors in 2022." "Activists want to destroy the image of an exemplary Germany from an ecological point of view. (...) in 2016, Germany produced 40% of its electricity using coal. Another reproach to the chancellor: last year (2016), the Merkel government introduced a cap on the growth of renewable energy, angering advocates of a rapid energy transition." "End Coal" "Even if the use of coal seems doomed, the (German) government has not yet set an expiry date on the exploitation of this fuel and it continues especially in the west and east of the country. In these regions it represents an important issue in terms of employment." Demonstration at Bonn two days before the 23rd annual UN conference on climate. https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org/sortie-irreversible-du-nucleaire-en-allemagne https://reporterre.net/Des-milliers-de-personnes-ont-manifeste-en-Allemagne-contre-le-charbon https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2018/09/16/foret-de-hambach-en-allemagne-expulsion-de-militants-ecologistes_5355832_3244.html"KlimaSkandal S21, Stuttgart 21" Demonstration at Bonn during the 23rd annual UN conference on climate. "The project, known as" Stuttgart 21 "or" S21 ", aims to reconstruct the railway station of Germany's sixth largest city, currently a terminal point, and transform it into a busy underground station on a vast transcontinental track connecting Paris to Bratislava. The necessary works are pharaonic." "21, 57 km of rails will be created, including 30 km of a high-speed line and 33 km underground divided into 16 tunnels, as well as 18 bridges." "As in Notre-Dame-des-Landes [in France], the debate is old (it dates back to the 1990s) and the controversy violent. It concerns especially the cost of the works." "The cost of the project has continued to drift: 2.4 MM € in 1994, 4.5 MM € in 2010, 6.5 MM € in 2013 and 7.7 MM € in 2017" "In particular due to the slowness the new estimates make the Stuttgart station the most expensive public building in Germany. The population expresses another point of disagreement: the felling of century-old trees in the Schlossgarten park in the heart of the city which was followed by 'violent repression of the police'." "There are also huge greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and operation of Stuttgart 21." "Hambach Wald bleibt" (Hambach forest remains), " Flucht und Todesursache, Klimawande! (Flight and cause of death, climate change) "RWE, an agreement between the government of the district of North Rhine-Westphalia and its service provider RWE (this energy company whose main resource is coal, the energy source among the most emitting CO2) authorizes the immense lignite quarry to extend by 100 hectares which means 'starting from October 15 [2018] to clear half of the last 200 hectares of the forest'." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuttgart_21 http://transportrail.canalblog.com/archives/2017/12/05/35931415.html https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20160212.OBS4553/referendum-sur-nddl-stuttgart-21-le-naufrage-allemand-qui-inspire-hollande.html https://lexpansion.lexpress.fr/actualites/1/actualite-economique/allemagne-la-justice-suspend-l-extension-d-une-vaste-mine-de-charbon_2038501.html https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/dans-la-foret-de-hambach-le-notre-dame-des-landes-allemand"Flucht - und Todesursache, Klimawande!" (Flight - and cause of death, Climate change)", "Nuklear? Nein danke!" (Nuclear, No thank you!) Demonstration at Bonn during the 23rd annual UN climate conference."RWE" (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft, Rheinland-Westphalia Electric Corporation) Demonstration during the 23rd annual UN climate conference. RWE is accused on this banner while the company indicates that: "RWE is the safety net of the energy transition. With our surface mines, our power plants and our trading platform, we guarantee security Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. RWE provides electricity and heat - safely and flexibly, 24 hours a day." "die Asse säuft ab" (The Asse overflows) La Asse is a nuclear waste landfill. "The Asse mine is a former salt mine in Lower Saxony, which has been operated since 1965 as a research mine, and between 1967 and 1978 as a full-scale technical test site, and in final use for storage of radioactive waste in a deep geological layer." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/RWE https://www.group.rwe/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_Asse"Protesters dressed as Donald Trump and polar bears on the sidelines of COP 23 in Bonn on November 11." "The Trump administration, which has confirmed its intention to leave the agreement but will not be able to do so formally before the end of 2020, has already announced that it will not disburse the funds promised by Barack Obama, in particular the 2 billion dollars for the UN Green Fund." "On Friday, an American scientific report, approved by the White House, underlines it: the current period is the hottest in the history of modern civilization, and the situation will get worse without a sharp reduction in gas emissions contributing to the greenhouse effect (GHG)." http://www.rfi.fr/europe/20171113-cop-23-bonn-enjeux-financement-deuxieme-semaine-discussions https://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2017/11/17/2686608-bonn-fin-cop-climat-compliquee-defection-americaine.html https://www.larepubliquedespyrenees.fr/2017/11/06/climat-la-cop23-s-ouvre-a-bonn-sur-des-appels-a-agir-urgemment,2213470.php"Protesters dressed as Donald Trump and polar bears on the sidelines of COP 23 in Bonn on November 11." "For the first time, a COP is chaired by a small island state, one of the most threatened and also the most involved in this fight. To stay below 2°C of warming (...), the other concrete mission of this COP23 will be to move forward on the rules for applying the Paris Agreement, a technical and eminently political phase: how do countries account for their actions?, what follow-up for the financial aid promised by the rich countries?, etc. Against this background of unknown American intentions. Washington, which wants to get out of the deal but will not be able to do so before November 2020, has reaffirmed its intention to participate in the debates on the rules of application, with the idea of 'protecting (its) national' interests." http://www.rfi.fr/europe/20171113-cop-23-bonn-enjeux-financement-deuxieme-semaine-discussions https://www.larepubliquedespyrenees.fr/2017/11/06/climat-la-cop23-s-ouvre-a-bonn-sur-des-appels-a-agir-urgemment,2213470.php"USA Trump : Climate Genocide" A huge banner unrolled by English climate activists. They wanted to hang it on a bridge over the Rhine, near the place where the COP is held, but the police prevented them."USA Trump : Climate Genocide" A huge banner unrolled by English climate activists. They wanted to hang it on a bridge over the Rhine, near the place where the COP is held, but the police prevented them."USA Trump : Climate Genocide" English climate activists want to hang this hugh banner on a bridge over the Rhine, near the place where the COP is held, but the police prevented them."Klima - oder Kohlekanzlerin? Greenpeace" (Climate chancellor - or coal chancellor? Greenpeace) "Is your ass jealous of the "shit" coming out of your mouth?" Angela Merkel (German Chancellor) and Donald Trump are implicated on these signs during the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference in Bonn. "'No one can do without climate protection,' said Merkel in 2007. A year later, however, she made it clear that she would not accept any climate protection rules that endanger jobs or investments in Germany." Donald Trump, the new president of the United States, announced on June 1, 2017 the exit of his country from the Paris climate agreement. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article5445504/Der-Ehrgeiz-und-die-Mission-der-Klima-Kanzlerin.html https://lemonde.fr/donald-trump/article/2017/06/01/climat"Contraception for coal power plants!", "Contraception for cars!" "CO2" (in the large black balloon). Messages from demonstrators two days before the 23rd annual UN climate conference held at Bonn."International rights of nature tribunal", "Article2. Inherent Rights of Mother Earth" At the podium, Ken Henshaw and Melissa Moreano: Expert: Melissa Moreano - Ecuador. She conducts research in the Amazon with local communities fighting against oil or mining in the region. Witness: Ken Henshaw - Nigeria. He comes from Kalaba, in the Niger Strait. This region has been exploited for its gas for over sixty years. Representing people impacted by these operations. Held n a museum (The Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn) and organized for the 4th time. "In the margins of the climate conference, an international tribunal for nature rights is screening projects that damage the environment. Among them [the French gold mine] Montagne d 'Or, in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, in north-west Guyana. (...) This citizen court is made up of environmental specialists and chaired by Tom B. K. Goldtooth, a figurehead in the struggle of the Indians against the Standing Rock pipeline project in Dakota. (...) Other cases are under the microscope by the court, such as shale gas extraction in the United States and coal mines in Germany." https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/cop-23-un-tribunal-citoyen-va-juger-le-projet-de-mine-d-or-geante-en-guyane_2456326.htmlThe old highway which was rerouted because of the enlargement of the lignite (brown coal) mine near Manheim, a village was also evacuated. "In Germany, one of the most advanced European countries in renewable energies, fossil fuel still provides almost half of the electricity. New mines have to be dug and entire villages risk being displaced and destroyed. Landscapes are devastated. And tens of millions of tonnes of CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere for many years, not to mention fine particles." https://www.medias-presse.info/en-allemagne-une-eglise-rasee-pour-du-charbon/86222/"Wilkommen in Manheim" (Welcome to Manheim) Manheim "is one of the twelve communes in the course of displacement and demolition in the Rhine mining basin to extend the three surface mines of Hambach, Inden and Garzweiler, these already extend over 9,000 hectares (twice the surface of the city of Lyon and the surface of the island of Anguilla) in a volcanic region and extract approximately 100 million tons per year, that is to say 57% of the German production." https://www.medias-presse.info/en-allemagne-une-eglise-rasee-pour-du-charbon/86222/Manheim, a village evacuated due to the expansion of the Hambach mine. "Germany’s energy asset is coal, new mines have to be dug, entire villages are razed to the ground, and people must give way to mining." Thousands of inhabitants are "displaced, following the authorization given to RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft) to extend these lignite mines to continue to extract fuel until… 2045 .. And tens of millions tonnes of CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere - not to mention fine particles - for many years, probably until 2045." https://www.medias-presse.info/en-allemagne-une-eglise-rasee-pour-du-charbon/86222/Manheim, a village displaced by the extension of the Hambach mine. "The villages of the Rhineland may not be the only ones on the list of communities scarified for coal. Germany has eleven active lignite mines and three coal mines, but these will close in 2018, when coal subsidies will end. With more than 178 million tonnes of lignite mined in 2014, the country is one of the world's largest producers of this type of coal." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deManheim, a village evacuated due to the extension of the Hambach mine. "The RWE company mines lignite, 'brown coal,' here. It extracts around 100 million tonnes per year from three surface mines, Hambach, Inden and Garzweiler. These already cover 9000 hectares, or twice the area of the city of Lyon. The fuel is sent to the RWE coal-fired power plants. To do this, you must level everything in the area: villages, fields, forests, farms. Legal remedies for the group of communities, complaints from a resident of Immerath [another village affected] and from the environmental association (German branch of Friends of the Earth) before the German constitutional court, have changed nothing." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deManheim, a village displaced by the extension of the Hambach surface mine. "The exploitation of lignite began in the region in the 18th century. It could have stopped with the entry into the 21st century and the development of renewable energies. But in the 1990s, RWE decided, and obtained authority, to extend these mines to continue extracting fuel from them until ... 2045. (...) The mines will indeed be extended, and the inhabitants displaced, either to other communes or to villages rebuilt a little farther away." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deBeet harvest. Not far from the Hambach forest, the Frimmersdorf coal-fired power plant, owned by RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft: Rhine-Westphalia Electrical Company) and mining lignite. This is "one of the most polluting sites in the world". "In a 2011 study on the German energy transition, Greenpeace Germany, for example, advocated a complete exit from lignite by 2030. It's urgent. Because if nothing is done, Germany will not respect its commitments to reduce by 40% its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to the level of 1990. In 2013, it was only barely 24%. Worse, German emissions have started to increase slightly since 2011." https://lenergeek.com/2013/10/31/centrale-de-frimmersdorf-un-des-sites-les-plus-polluants-du-monde/ https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deElsdorf-Kerpen. Viewpoint overlooking the Hambach surface coal mine, owned by RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft: Rhine and Westphalia Electircal Company). "The world climate conference will take place in Germany - the world leader in brown coal mining. The presidency is held by the Fiji Islands, a country made up of islands which are slowly being submerged by the waves. It is here, in the power stations of the mining basin of the Rhine, that the climate goes up in smoke, while on the Fiji islands, Tuvalu and Kiribati, the inhabitants have to leave their homes." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/"Leave it in the ground!" One of the slogans of climate activists, on the wall from a viewpoint above the construction site of the Hambach surface coal mine belonging to RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft: Rhine-Westphalia Electrical Company), “Mit inteligenter Technologie, RWE” (With intelligent technology, RWE) Explanatory panel of the RWE company placed on the viewpoint overlooking the construction site of the Hambach surface coal mine. Trucks of the mine and view of the Hambach surface coal mine, property of RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft: Rhine-Westphalia Electrical Company). "The Bonn summit gives us the opportunity to show the world who is responsible for climate change, who suffers from it and who benefits from it. In the coal mines, everyone can see this destruction. Here, what is inevitably going to happen becomes obvious: coal like uranium, oil and gas must remain in the ground - here and everywhere else! 'Ende Gelände'." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/This piece of mining equipment: coal extraction buckets, is exhibited next to the viewpoint on Tagebau Hambach belonging to RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Aktiengesellschaft: Rhine-Westphalia Electrical Company). "The Hambach mine is an open-pit lignite mine located in Germany. It is known to be the leading source of greenhouse gases in Europe and by the fight by its opponents to preserve the Hambach forest and threaten destruction of the mine." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_de_Hambach"Mann gönnt seinen Kindern ja sonst nichts!" (We have nothing better to offer our children!) A meeting held at the Buir railway station for these climate activists. Final preparations before departure for the occupation of the Hambach surface coal mine site. This was to demonstrate against RWE's plan to enlarge the mine while continuing to encroach on the Hambach forest. "Already in 2015, 2016 and August 2017, more than 4,000 activists from all over Europe mobilized against coal. During the climate conference in Bonn, we will act again, with people from the South, Pacific Island 'climate warriors', and with members of environmental organizations." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/"NRW": Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen (Police of North Rhine-Westphalia) The police of North Rhine-Westphalia are the national police of North Rhine-Westphalia. They are watching the procession of demonstrators (climate activists) who are heading for the Hambach open pit mine. "And since our governments remain inactive, we will be responsible for starting the exit of the coal ourselves. More than a thousand people will enter the mine to occupy the excavators and to stop the madness of the coal." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/ "Via Campesina", "Keep it in the ground", "System change, not climate change", "Stop coal power now, Ende Gelände" (Arrêtez l'énergie au charbon maintenant, Pas plus loin) La Voie paysanne (en espagnol) ""La Via Campesina militates for the right to food sovereignty and for the respect of small and medium-sized peasant structures" at the international level. "Ende Gelände (...) an important movement of civil disobedience in Germany, [aiming] to limit global warming by the progressive elimination of fossil fuels." The day before the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference, "4,500 people participated in a legal demonstration for climate justice, departing from Buir." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Via_Campesina https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ende_Gelände_2016 https://www.facebook.com/EGFrance/posts/1476569709117149"Keep it in the ground", "System change, not climate change", "Stop coal power now, Ende Gelände" "As COP23 prepares to start in Bonn, the collective Ende Gelände organized the occupation of the coal mine in order to demonstrate against its expansion. 4,500 people took part in the demonstration and between 1,000 and 2,000 activists then participated in the nonviolent action. Buir, Germany. 05/11/17 " http://hanslucas.com/agrosdidier/photo/13582"Auf Wiedersehen", (Good-bye), "Elsdor, Buir" The 4,500 people participating in a legal demonstration for climate justice leave Buir escorted by German police. Half will go to Elsdorf, to the Hambach surface mine. "This year, the COP is organized by the Fiji Islands, one of the states most threatened by the consequences of global warming. However, the closure of the coal mines, located 50 kilometers from the COP23 negotiations, is not on the German political agenda." https://www.facebook.com/EGFrance/posts/1476569709117149"We are nature defending itself" A tree trunk in the shape of a raised fist - one of the logos of "Hambi bleibt" (the Hambach forest remains) on the banner of these climate activists escorted by the German police. A mass of 4,500 protesters in Buir. 2,000 will head for the Hambach open pit mine. In white coveralls and with a protective masks, they protest the project to extend the mine and more generally that the mining of coal should be halted.Distribution of straw bags for these environmentalists, climate activists. They will serve as shields if there is a confrontation with the police during the occupation of the lignite (brown coal) mining site. "This morning, 4,500 people participated in a legal demonstration for climate justice, departing from Buir. An hour after departure, nearly 2,000 activists (including 120 French) from Ende Gelände left the procession to head for to the Hambach surface mine. They are supported by environmental activists around the world, including the Pacific Climate Warrior, a group of defenders of the Pacific Islands." https://www.facebook.com/EGFrance/posts/1476569709117149A chase between a climate activist and German police on the site of the Hambach open pit mine. "Dorothee Häussermann, also spokesperson (d'Ende Gelände): 'Once again, we have shown that we are capable of carrying out nonviolent mass actions. It is unacceptable that it is legal for villages and forests be sacrificed to extract coal. If laws protect the destruction of our livelihoods, we must oppose them. In view of the climate emergency, civil disobedience is more than necessary. Our actions are legitimate'." https://www.facebook.com/EGFrance/posts/1476569709117149"Ende Gelände: Open the Minds, Close the Mines", "Keep Coal in that Hole" Messages from climate activists at the RWE lignite mine. "The Hambach mine was blocked and three excavators had to be stopped! A strong signal to immediately exit coal as we approach #COP23." "This is where the climate is really negotiated. Global warming requires urgent action. But climate negotiations are proceeding slowly, held back by big companies and the capitalist obsession with profits." https://www.facebook.com/EGFrance/posts/1476569709117149 https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/Policemen in position on the site of the Hambach surface coal mine face climate activists. "When thousands of delegates from around the world meet in Bonn in November for the UN Climate Conference (COP23), we will make them remember just 50 km away the landscape is devastated by giant excavators." "The Bagger 293 is a giant German bucket wheel excavator, (...) It is used in the Hambach lignite mine in Germany. (...) The Bagger 293 measures 96 meters in height, 225 meters in length (...) and weighs 14,877 tonnes (it shares the weight record for a land vehicle with the Bagger 292). The bucket wheel measures over 20 meters in diameter and has 20 buckets, each capable of holding 15 cubic meters of load. It can dig 240,000 cubic meters of earth per day (...). The crew is made up of five people." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagger_293Mass civil disobedience action organized by Ende Gelände aimed at occupying the site of the lignite mine (brown coal and the most polluting). These climate activists in white coveralls with protective masks are heading for the excavator at the Hambach open pit mine in order to block its activity. They protest against the continued extraction of coal in Germany and around the world."There are no jobs on a dead planet" "Together, we will go to the mine, because together, we say 'Ende Gelände! No further!' against coal-fired power plants and climate destruction. Instead of discussing carbon credits, we are fighting for climate justice now, from 3 to 5 November in the Rhine basin!" The mine "is operated by RWE Power, a subsidiary of RWE. The RWE website states that approximately 1,300 employees work for this mine." "In fact, the number of mine and coal workers has collapsed in Germany since reunification. In 1990, 129,000 people worked in German lignite mines. [In 2015], there are barely 21,000 in coal mines and power plants, half of which are in the Rhineland." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_de_Hambach https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deIn front of excavators, a face-off between the police and climate activists. "Janna Aljets, spokesperson for Ende Gelände: "We are part of an international coalition in favor of an energy transition from below. Fossil resources must stay in the ground. We are gathered on this scene of climate destruction to send a clear message to the leaders who begin negotiations tomorrow. ""System change. Not climate change!, Energiekonzerne enteignen!" (Expropriate energy companies!), "Climate Justice Now" Occupation of the Hambach surface mine by environmentalists in white coveralls. They protest against the continued extraction of coal in Germany and around the world. "... Germany is not much better than the United States: the Chancellor talks a lot about climate change in the international arena, but Germany allows coal-fired power plants to continue to pollute. Even the the least ambitious climate goals are sacrificed on the altar of profit. As for the historic responsibility of the countries of the North, it is simply denied." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/In survival blankets or in white coveralls with protective masks, these climate activists occupy the site of the Hambach surface mine. They are calling for an end to coal mining in Germany and around the world. Klaus Emmerich, delegate of the personnel of the mines "also fears for the jobs of the heavy industries of the area: 'If one stops coal, electricity will be much more expensive for industries. Here we have the aluminum industry, metallurgy, chemistry, all very energy intensive. ... If we lose these jobs, we will not find them in solar, wind, or any other alternative.' Renewable energies have nevertheless become major providers of jobs across the Rhine. The sector employed 370,000 people in 2013." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deThe day before the opening of the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference in Bonn, the collective Ende Gelände is organizing the occupation of a coal mine to protest against its expansion. About 2,000 activists participate in the non-violent action: "Ende Gelände, Stop coal. Protect the climate! Action: Flood the mines with activists rather than let the sea flood the islands! "Ende Gelände ... a important movement of civil disobedience in Germany, [aiming] to limit global warming by progressive elimination fossil fuels." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ende_Gelände_2016 https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/German police on horseback monitor climate activists who came to occupy the Hambach coal mine. "Chic atmosphere, air-conditioned conference room. Far from where it stinks and smokes, from chimneys, mines and oil drilling. And even further from the victims of climate change. This is how climate summits work. But this time it will be different. ... Not with us! When the climate summit starts in Bonn, we will take the fight against fossil delirium and for climate justice where the climate really is negotiated: in the largest surface mine in Europe." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/Human chain, bags of straw and NRW police (Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen, Police of North Rhine-Westphalia). The bags of straw serve as shields for climate activists in white coveralls when there is a confrontation with the police during the occupation of the lignite (brown coal) mining site. "Already in 2015, 2016 and August 2017, more than 4,000 activists from all over Europe mobilized against coal. During the climate conference in Bonn, we will act again, with people from the South, Pacific climate warriors, and with members of environmental organizations." https://www.ende-gelaende.org/fr/action-3/At the site of the Hambach open pit mine, these climate activists form the letters of a protest message with their bodies. They are calling for an end to coal mining in Germany and around the world. "This is where the climate is really negotiated. Global warming requires urgent action. But climate talks are moving slowly, held back by big business and the capitalist obsession with profits." On the right, the demonstrators are being swarmed by police who will arrest them.Demarcation zone between what remains of the Hambach forest and the site where "the RWE conglomerate mines lignite." "Tree cutting [is] planned by the electricity production group RWE, and authorized by the administration, to allow the expansion of a lignite mine, a very polluting brown coal extracted in surface mines over very large areas." "Even if coal seems doomed to terminate, the government has not set a date to date and the mining of this fuel continues especially in the west and east of the country. It also represents in these regions an important issue in terms of employment." https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/la-foret-de-hambach-symbole-de-la-lutte-contre-lextraction-de-charbon-139043 https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2018/09/16/foret-de-hambach-en-allemagne-expulsion-de-militants-ecologistes_5355832_3244.html"System change, not climate change", " Hambacher forst bleibt!" (Hambacher Forest remains!) Environmental activists protesting and warning of the disappearance of the forest due to the expansion of the lignite (brown coal) mine. "The Hambach forest has become in Germany the symbol of opponents of coal, which remains an important source of electricity production due in particular to the exit from nuclear power scheduled by the country in 2011 for 2022." "In addition to the Rhineland mines, lignite is still mined in two basins in the center of the country and above all in the Lusatia region in the east, near the Polish border. Here too, the mines are to be enlarged in the years to come, and several villages removed from the map and the landscape. Again, thousands of residents are affected." https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2018/09/16/foret-de-hambach-en-allemagne-expulsion-de-militants-ecologistes_5355832_3244.html https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deDuring the 23rd annual climate conference of the United Nations, a guided tour and support for the environmental activists who camp in the Hambach forest. They are protesting the plan to cut trees in order to expand the coal mine operated by RWE, a German electricity company. "For Dirk Jansen, president of the environmental association Bund in the Rhineland region, 'there is no greater attack on nature, landscapes, groundwater systems, and also on social structures than the lignite mining. And no other energy causes as many CO2 emissions. It is energy from the day before yesterday, it is no longer suitable for the 21st century'." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Stop Kohle" (Stop Coal), "Stop RWE" During the 23rd annual United Nations climate conference, a guided tour for these environmental activists in the Hambach forest threatened by the extension of the coal mine operated by RWE. "RWE is the second largest producer of electricity in Germany, mainly based on coal (after E.ON AG). In 2014, RWE, due to the CO2 emissions of these plants, is ranked first among European polluters." "When it burns in thermal power plants, coal is indeed a real 'climate killer' as the German NGOs put it. The combustion of one tonne of coal emits 2.6 tonnes of CO2 into the '' atmosphere, from a ton of lignite more than 3 tons of CO2, according to Greenpeace figures. Among the ten most polluting coal-fired power plants in Europe, five are in Germany." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/RWE https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Vorsicht! Absturzgefahr, Unbelugten Zutritt verboten" (Warning, Risk of falling, Unauthorized access forbidden) Barricades in the Hambach forest which is threatened by the project to expand the lignite (brown coal) mine operated by RWE. "In five years, the occupation of the Hambach forest has become one of the largest zones to defend in Europe." "Coal-fired power plants are in fact responsible for a large part of German CO2 emissions. Of the 950 million tonnes of greenhouse gases emitted in 2013 by Germany, a third came from electricity production, largely from burning coal. In addition to warming the climate, coal-fired power plants also emit substances harmful to health, in particular fine particles." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forêt_de_Hambach https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Stop killing Tierra Madre", "Rettet den Wald!" (Save the Forest), "Das ist Gewalt" (This is violence) "Entrance" to the camp of environmentalists who defend the Hambach forest against expansion by RWE, the owner of the adjoining coal mine. "'On the one hand, we are making progress on energy transition, on the other, we are still dependent on technologies such as coal. It obviously doesn't go together. We must accelerate the transition, not slow it down. First of all, the lignite mines must be closed,' insists Dirk Jansen. And it is possible, says the activist. In a 2011 study on the German energy transition, Greenpeace Germany defended, for example, a complete exit of lignite by 2030." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Solidarity", "Bunt statt Braun" (Colorful instead of Brown), "Bure Stop" A guided tour and support "in the Hambach Forest, near Cologne, Germany, occupied by environmentalists. Since 2012, they have opposed the operation of a huge coal mine very close to the forest." "Coal remains central to the energy mix. Sources of electricity production in Germany in 2017: coal (37%), wind (16%), gas and oil (14%), nuclear (12%) , biomass and waste (8%), solar (6%), hydroelectricity (3%), other (4%)." "We know that the coal era is almost over. The question is how we organize the end of coal. But it is expected that the last mine will close in 2045," said company spokesman Guido Steffen. https://www.la-croix.com/Economie/Monde/LAllemagne-freine-face-sortie-charbon-2018-10-04-1200973730 https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Krieg beginnt hier, Beenden wir ihn hier" (The war begins here, We will end it here) Tents, treehouses, a large reservoir of water... This is where environmental activists have lived for 5 years, occupying the forest to protect it from the extension of the neighboring coal mine. They receive a support visit during this 23rd annual United Nations climate conference.“Presse Kontakt” During the 23rd annual climate conference, this ecologist comes to answer questions from the press, as spokesman for his comrades who occupy the Hambach forest to protect it from the expansion of of the Hambach coal mine. "This is the paradox of German energy policy. With 27% of its electricity coming from green energies, the country is one of the most advanced in Europe and in the world on renewable energies. The proportion of green electricity is increasing rapidly and constantly: it was still 20% in 2011, 10% in 2005. Germany has also, as we know, pledged to exit from atomic energy by 2022. But alongside these ecological choices, the country still draws almost 45% of its electricity from coal (just over 25% for lignite, 19% for hard coal)." https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de" No war, no border, no nation, no G20, Solidarity with all antimilitarist struggles", "FreirAume Statt Heim und Herd" (Open spaces instead of home and furnace), "RWE tötet" (RWE kills) These environmentalists are camping in the Hambach forest to protect it from RWE, which plans to expand its open-pit coal mine, close to the forest. "It is operated by RWE Power, a subsidiary of RWE. The RWE website states that approximately 1,300 employees work for this mine, and that here are the largest excavators in the world: they are 220 meters long and 96 meters high. Each of them is capable of extracting 240,000 tonnes of earth or lignite every day. The Hambach mine thus extracts around 40 million tonnes of lignite each year. This makes it the primary source of greenhouse gases in Europe, which for its opponents therefore makes it a concrete place to fight against global warming. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_de_Hambach https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/RWE"The True Cost of Coal" "No other energy causes as much CO2 emission. The mines themselves emit fine particles. Following requests from local associations, those in the Rhine basin are now equipped with measurement stations to monitor particles discharged into the surrounding atmosphere. The levels regularly exceed the authorized limits ..." "At the same time, Eyll-Vetter (head of the development division of the surface mine) pointed out that almost 1,500 hectares of former mining area are being recultivated. In addition, 1,500 additional hectares located outside the quarry are used to protect species. At the same event, Sandra Janz from the Department of Landscape and Nature Protection presented the concept of species protection for the Hambach surface mine. RWE Power will have spent more than 50 million euros on this, spokesman Guido Steffen said. About 800 hectares of old growth forest near the mine would be improved ecologically." https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2018/09/16/foret-de-hambach-en-allemagne-expulsion-de-militants-ecologistes_5355832_3244.html https://www.rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de/region/rhein-erft/streit-um-tagebau-hambacher-forst-soll-kein-schutzgebiet-sein-30068306In the forest, in front of the large canvas "The True Cost of Coal": Eva Töller and Michael Zobel, the forest pedagogue and naturalist guide. The message of Eva Töller, who was also present at the International Tribunal for Nature Rights organized in Bonn: "Come to the Hambach Forest while it is still possible, show that you do not want to sit idly by while the Hambach Forest is destroyed." "I saw first-hand how hard the young environmentalists in the Hambach forest were treated. Michael and I then developed the forest walk project. Over 10,000 people have already participated." https://foretdehambach.org/blog/2018/09/02/septembre-chaque-dimanche-promenade-en-foret/ https://foretdehambach.org/blog/2015/12/28/visites-guidees-de-la-foret-de-hambach/"Bunt statt braun" (Colorful not brown) Bunt statt braun is an association against neo-Nazis, bunt referring to diversity, multiculturalism and braun as in brown shirt (fascism). Camps of the environmentalists who have occupied the Hambach forest for 5 years in order to protect it from the proposed extension of the neighboring coal mine. Brown denotes lignite, "a coal composed of 65 to 75% carbon. It is used for heating and to produce electricity. (...) These mines [of lignite] are also sources of radon and radioactive decay products of radon, implicated in the genesis of many lung cancers." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lignite"Welcome to Gallien", "Tötet, 4Abschalten" (Kill , 4 Switch Off) Cabins on the ground and in the trees. Just like at Notre Dame des Landes (in France), in the Hambach forest, the occupants of the area to be defended name the various campsites and cabins. Here the welcome sign for Gallien's, the others are Cosytown, Beechtown, Oaktown (Floki and Nest).Two environmentalists in front of a camp of the German ZAD (Zone to defend) which opposes the cutting of trees in the forest, which should prepare for the expansion of the nearby brown coal mine (lignite), near Aix-La -Chapel in the west of the country, near the border with Belgium and the Netherlands. "New sections should be made available to ensure the progress of the Hambach surface mine. "New areas will have to be cleared to ensure the expansion of the Hambach surface mine. Of the remaining 200 hectares of the Hambacher forest, more than 100 hectares would be given up." "Germany has also, as we know, pledged an exit from atomic energy by 2022. But (...) the country still draws almost 45% of its electricity from coal (a little more 25% for lignite, 19% for hard coal)." https://www.rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de/region/rhein-erft/streit-um-tagebau-hambacher-forst-soll-kein-schutzgebiet-sein-30068306 https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-de"Hambi supports indigenous resistance! Decolonize now!" Hambi is the nickname given to the Hambach forest threatened by the extension of the neighboring lignite mine, property of RWE. Other places are threatened by the mining of fossil fuels and defended by natives: the Amazon rainforest in Brazil by the Indian tribes living there, the Amerindians in North Dakota (United States) ready to fight to protect their reserve against the construction of an oil pipeline, etc."Kapital, Ressourcen, Dinge, Verbindung, Wisse, Wert, Stärke" (Capital, resources, things, connection, knowledge, value, strength) Hole and barricade to prevent the passage of vehicles in the Hambach forest. "From mid-April 2012, activists began to camp in the forest and organize the occupation of trees. The aim is to prevent the destruction of the forest, a consequence of the planned expansion of the mine. It is also a way of publicizing the ecological consequences of this mine, the principal source of greenhouse gases in all of Europe according to the NGO 350.org." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forêt_de_Hambach"Respect existence or expect resistance", "Hey cops: (...) Mein Körper ist ein Käfig" (My body is a cage) "In five years, the occupation of the Hambach forest has become one of the largest areas to defend in Europe." "The proportion of coal increased very slightly with the immediate shutdown of eight nuclear reactors in 2011, after the Fukushima disaster. The shutdown of these reactors was then mainly compensated by renewable energies. No precise timetable for the exit from coal is envisaged for the moment among political decision-makers." https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forêt_de_Hambach https://www.bastamag.net/En-Allemagne-des-villages-entiers-sont-rases-pour-laisser-place-a-deAn issue of the newspaper Le Monde on November 14, 2017: "'It will soon be too late ...' The alarm cry of 15,000 scientists to save the planet" "First this headline, on the front page of Le Monde: 'It will soon be too late'. [Six] words to try, for the umpteenth time, to appeal to world leaders. On the sidelines of the Climate conference, 15,000 scientists from 184 countries signed a forum to 'call on humanity to radically change their way of life (…) because our trajectory is doomed to failure, they say, and time presses, we have to realize that Earth is our only home.' To translate the emergency, Le Monde publishes a series of graphs: deforestation is increasing, overfishing too, as are CO² emissions and, inexorably, temperature. There is today a red alert, warns Laurent Fabius in Le Parisien, it is not finished but the available window is very small, after 2020, it will be too late." The images of hugs and self-congratulations that followed the Paris agreement, approved two years ago, seem far away. One month after COP23 in Bonn and two days after the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.europe1.fr/emissions/La-revue-de-presse/a-la-une-il-sera-bientot-trop-tard-3491990From several different French newspapers: "Le Monde: Tempête sur la planète" (Storm over the planet), "Liberation: Écolo malgré lui" (Eco in spite of himself despite him, [Emmannuel Macron on a bicycle in a city street]), "Le Monde: Macron: 'Un choc" pour sauver la planète' (A shock is needed to save the planet) "Emmanuel Macron launches the 'One Planet summit' to try to save the planet ..." "Emmanuel Macron: 'There must be a shock in our production methods.' The head of state advocates a series of major changes, such as the end the exploitation of global fossil resources and the reorientation of public and private finance towards the energy transition. Emmanuel Macron, who organized a climate summit on Tuesday 12 December in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), wants to relaunch international mobilization in the fight against global warming. It puts at the center of discussions a new mode of development and the responsibility of private actors." One month after COP23 in Bonn, One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2017/12/12/emmanuel-macron-il-faut-un-choc-dans-nos-modes-de-production_5228401_3244.html"Save the climate, Smash capitalism" Demonstration opposite Seguin Island where an international “Finance and Climate” summit is being held. "On the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank joined forces to launch the One Planet movement on December 2017, bringing together public and private actors. One Planet Summit aims to foster the emergence of concrete solutions for the transition to a low-carbon economy and for adaptation to climate change." Adaptation to climate change, and not the fight against climate change, to the dismay of these demonstrators. One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/politique-etrangere-de-la-france/climat/one-planet-summit/ http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Hambi reste, ZAD partout, FCK RWE" (Hambi [Forest] remains, ZAD everywhere, FCK RWE) Protesters fighting against climate change who occupied a bridge are evacuated and escorted to the metro by the police. They were positioned opposite Seguin Island where the international “Finance and Climate” summit is taking place, two years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement. "The objective of this summit is to find funding to honor the promise of $100 billion a year from 2020 made to developing countries and to accelerate global energy transition." Hambi is the Hambach forest in Germany, threatened by the extension of the very polluting brown coal mine, owned by RWE (German conglomerate working in the energy sector). Occupied for 5 years by environmental activists who are trying to protect it, it has become one of the largest ZADs in Europe. One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://reporterre.net/Au-Pantheon-Pas-un-euro-de-plus-pour-les-energies-fossiles"NDDL", "Évasion fiscale" (Tax Evasion) "A hundred climate activists brandished banners on the Place du Panthéon in Paris to urge the state to stop funding fossil fuels and nuclear energy and and stop imposing useless projects - the Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport in particular. Several organizations participated in organizing this action, including 350.org, Alternatiba, Friends of the Earth France, ANV-COP21, Attac France, Bizi !, CRID, the Climate Action Network France, the Federation of Nature and Man, Oxfam France and Refedd. (...) For Marie Toussaint, president of the association Notre affair à tous: "As for French aid for adaptation in the countries of the South, the government plans 1.5 billion euros per year from 2020, whereas the European tax on financial transactions, rejected by France in July, would mobilize 22 billion euros, a large part of which would be devoted to adaptation.” One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://reporterre.net/Au-Pantheon-Pas-un-euro-de-plus-pour-les-energies-fossiles http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Divest, # Keep it in the ground" Demonstration in front of the Pantheon in Paris, in response to the 1st Summit for the Planet two years after the Paris Agreement. "For the past two years, figures and other indicators have pointed to climate change around the world and say that it will be impossible to keep global warming below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. But for the past two years, the government has been taking measures that are in contradiction with the decisions taken within the framework of COP21. Among which we find CETA, the hydrocarbons law, the attempt to bury the tax on European financial transactions, the backward step concerning the disengagement of nuclear power, abolition of the general tax on polluting activities ..." One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.enviro2b.com/2017/12/08/pas-un-euro-de-plus-plus-de-80-economiques-denoncent-les-investissements-dans-les-energies-fossiles/"Pas un euro de plus" (Not one euro more) In front of the Pantheon, these demonstrators ask those who meet on the occasion of the international summit 'Finance and Climate', to stop investing in the exploitation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and shale gas). "The race to divest from fossil fuels continues. The World Bank has just declared that it will stop funding oil and gas exploration from 2019. While leaving a door open: 'In exceptional circumstances, we could consider financing gas projects in the poorest countries where they would be a clear benefit in terms of access to energy for the poor, and that the projects fulfill the commitments of these countries in the Paris Agreement.'" One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/politique-etrangere-de-la-france/climat/one-planet-summit/ http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Pas un euro de plus pour les énergies du passé" (Not one euro more for outdated energy sources) Demonstration in front of the Pantheon on the occasion of the 1st Summit for the Planet, two years to the day after the signing of the Paris climate agreement, and "on the initiative of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. The summit intends to recall state investment to this agreement despite the exit last June by the United States. But 80 economists stood up to denounce the gap between the government's communication around this event and the concrete actions taken for energy transition. They call for no longer investing a single euro in the financing of fossil fuels." The French insurance bank Axa, for example, "will also refuse to invest in companies where 30% or more of their revenues are linked to coal, the most polluting energy." One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.enviro2b.com/2017/12/08/pas-un-euro-de-plus-plus-de-80-economiques-denoncent-les-investissements-dans-les-energies-fossiles/ http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Le nucléaire n'est pas notre avenir, ne le finançons pas" (Nuclear isn't our future, Don't fund it), "Les fossiles dans le sol" (Fossils in the ground) In Paris in front of the Pantheon, these demonstrators ask those who meet on the occasion of the international summit "Finance and Climate", to stop investing in the exploitation of fossil fuels: coal, oil and shale gas. "Nicolas (... Hulot, Minister of Ecology) called for an end to public subsidies for fossil fuels. (...) Hard to believe when, on Monday, several NGOs published a report denouncing major French public investments in fossil fuels. (...) in early November, it was he who announced that the French objective of reducing the share of nuclear energy in the French energy mix to 50% by 2025 could not be met. A minister deviating from the road to departure?" An experience already witnessed by Angela Merkel in Germany. After its decision to abandon nuclear power following the Fukushima disaster in 2011, Germany was forced to revive the coal industry to guarantee the country's energy supply. One month after COP23 in Bonn, during the One Planet Summit, Paris, France - December 2017 http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Notre Dame des Landes, Non à l'aéroport" (Notre Dame des Landes, No to the airport), "Non à la centrale, ni à Landivisiau ni ailleurs!" (No to the power plant, not at Landivisiau, not anywhere!) "Deprived in particular of a nuclear power station, Brittany produces only around 10% to 15% of the current which is consumed there. (...) To remedy this situation, a Breton Electric Pact in 2010 provided for new sources of production of electricity, including the future combined cycle gas plant at Landivisiau, 400 megawatts." "An association for the protection of the environment (...) protects the Natura 2000 area near the power plant, which would be crossed by a gas pipeline if the power plant was built." One month after COP23 in Bonn, One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bretagne/finistere/centrale-gaz-landivisiau-conseil-etat-donne-raison-aux-opposants-1629612.html https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/landivisiau/centrale-au-gaz-l-europe-donne-son-vert-15-05-2017-11514031.php"L'agroécologie pour nourrir le monde" (Eco-agriculture to feed the world) In Paris, in front of the Pantheon, a gathering of demonstrators, including those who propose to abandon chemical and productivist agriculture in order to adopt a more economical one that is more respectful of nature and the environment. "The European Commission pledged this Tuesday morning (12.12.2017) to facilitate investments in Africa and in 'the neighboring regions' of the European Union, (...) towards "the development of sustainable cities, mobility and agriculture, as well as agribusiness.' A final subject which is not often synonymous with combating climate change and protecting the environment." One month after COP23 in Bonn, One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/politique-etrangere-de-la-france/climat/one-planet-summit/ http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat"Stop Climate Crime, Keep it in the ground" On the forecourt of the Pantheon, on the pediment of which is inscribed: "Aux grands hommes La patrie reconnaissante" (To great men, A grateful country), gathering of demonstrators on the occasion of the 1st Summit for the Planet. This activist demands that the exploitation of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and shale gas) be stopped; the latter causing pollution, health and environmental problems, climate change causing environmental disasters and forced migration. "The French president has refused to take part in the United Nations climate conferences, the last of which took place three weeks ago in Germany. It is a failure. In the plenary hall of Seguin Island, many of the dozens of heads of state and government present had not bothered to come to COP23. Although the United Nations and the World Bank co-organized the summit, Emmanuel Macron was the one to make the first speech (...) and declaimed without text, smiling, as if he was improvising: '(...) We are having a great time here, but we must not forget that we are in the process of losing the battle.' He invited to speak only those who have concrete commitments to announce." One Planet Summit, Paris, France, December 2017. http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2017/12/12/one-planet-summit-macron-donne-rendez-vous-l-an-prochain-pour-une-reunion-de-chantier_1616078Climat