- Waiting in Carcassonne airport before boarding the plane to Manchester. We are travelling to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. We were unable to travel by train or bus to get there; all online booking platforms had no dates to offer us due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our first flight from Toulouse to Edinburgh was cancelled, so we had to replace it with a flight from Carcassonne to Manchester. Carcassonne Airport, France - 25 October 2021.
- Overnight at Manchester airport, waiting for the bus to take us to Glasgow where the COP26 will be held. In the background, every quarter of an hour or so, a message mentioning that wearing a mask is compulsory. Manchester Airport, UK - 25-26 October 2021.View of the road from the first floor of the bus as we travel from Manchester to Glasgow. United Kingdom - 26 October 2021.- On the road, messages about COP26 as we approach Glasgow: "City Centre & Greenock M8 - COP26 Plan ahead".
- At a bus stop in the city centre, very close to Sauchiehall bus station, our terminus: "Free charging - octopus".
Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 26 October 2021.- Antigen (nasopharyngeal) self-test with instructions for use, completed and ready to post with mailing envelope. Crossing the UK border and even boarding the plane was conditional on proof (paper or digital) that the tests had been ordered, paid for and sent to the intended home address. The protocol calls for the test to be taken on the day of arrival in the country and then two days later, and it is recommended that you remain confined until you receive the result, which will give the green light.
- Our host is ready to go to a Halloween party with her friend. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 26 and 31 October 2021.Halloween at our host's house, Mexican-style celebration of the dead. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 31 October 2021.- In the Botanical Gardens that we walk past every day on our way to COP26.
- No traditional 'English lawn' for the front of this Glasgow house. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Home Delivery" Usual deliveries or due to the Covid-19 pandemic?
- Front page on garden gate: "Bud Jet COP Out" There is a scandal generated by the exaggerated number of VIPs flying in on private jets to COP26. "Rail strikes end after Union gets deal" COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Pumpkin Festival" in the Botanical Gardens that we walk past every day on our way to COP26.
- On the way to George Square where many climate activists are demonstrating to put pressure on the ongoing negotiations at COP26. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Wedding at the church on the corner opposite the Botanic Gardens that we walk past every day on our way to COP26. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the windows of the houses:
- "There is no Planet B" Message to attend COP26.
- Stop HS2 Now" HS2, High-Speed Rail Line: A major project to build a high-speed rail line in Britain in which the French company Vinci, Bouygues will be involved. HS2 trains will run underground through tunnels and link Scotland to the South East and London (non-stop) to Birmingham. "Migrants make the country go round - Let them stay - The Right to Stay" Message in support of migrants. COP26, Glasgow and Keswick, UK - November 2021.- Putting up an event banner opposite the Science Museum which hosts the COP26 Green Zone (open to the public).
- An "electric bus - zero emission". COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Right next to the BBC Glasgow office, a fox in front of the Science Museum which hosts the COP26 Green Zone (open to the public as opposed to the Blue Zone reserved for negotiations between countries). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- No fly zone for drones.
- The Police facing the conference venue, the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 is being held, across the River Clyde. On the right, one of Glasgow's iconic landmarks, the Finnieston Crane, symbol of the city's engineering heritage. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Across the River Clyde, the two buildings of Scotland's largest exhibition centre, the Scottish Event Campus which is hosting COP26.
- A police 'zodiac' regularly patrols the River Clyde at the foot of the Scottish Event Campus which is hosting the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Finnieston Bridge and a COP26 coloured bus over the River Clyde. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.COP26 bus and police on Finnieston Bridge over the River Clyde. In the background the Fiennieston or Stobcross crane and the Scottish Event Campus (venue for the UN Climate Summit) by day and then by night in COP colours. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Finnieston Bridge and Fiennieston Crane or Stobcross Crane in COP26 colours on the River Clyde. During the event a grid separates the two lanes of the bridge; on the first lane police patrol the Scottish Event Campus. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."News first" Journalist reporting for COP26 on the Finnieston Bridge. In the background, the Stobcross crane (one of Glasgow's landmarks) with the event banner and the Scottish Event Campus (venue for the COP). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Facing the entrance to COP26, these delegates from Nigeria and Japan have just received their accreditation for the event. As a bonus, they received a water bottle (to avoid the use of plastic water bottles) and a Hygiene Kit which apparently contains masks, antigen self-tests and hydro-alcohol gel. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the streets of Glasgow, murals by a mysterious artist who signs them: "The Rebel Bear".
- In Bank street.
- In Great Western Road. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.Murals by artist The Rebel Bear also known as "The Scottish Bansky" in Great Western Road. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The Daily Climate Show will move from Rome to Glasgow on Sunday - Sky News"
In a pub on the corner of Bank Street, on a TV screen news of the COP26 successor to the G20 being held in Italy. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion (XR) poster featuring an hourglass as a symbol of the passage of time and the urgency of taking action against global warming. Here, the hourglass has been stylised into a puzzle version.
Born in the UK, XR (already extensively documented in our report on COP25 in Madrid), the international civil disobedience movement is fighting against ecological collapse and climate disruption. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Maryhill Road by night. Display in connection with the COP26 event being hosted by the city. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Kelvingrove Park, statues with a work cone. A practice initiated by mischievous students and taken up by the city. This park was the meeting place for the start of two major climate protests organised to put pressure on the negotiations underway at COP26. We have documented these demonstrations and you can find them in one of the two reports that complete this topic.
Read the story of this custom dating back to the early 1980s and affecting many of the city's statues: https://lepetitjournal.com/londres/comprendre-angleterre/glasgow-le-duc-de-wellington-porte-un-cone-orange-sur-la-tete-316110 COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Statue of Kelvin in Kelvingrove Park. In the background, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, which we did not visit as it was not open during COP26. Note that all museums and cultural venues are closed for security reasons and to redeploy staff to the event is the explanation given. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.George Square, home to the climate change 'pilgrims', who have come on foot or by bike from all over the UK and beyond to Glasgow to demonstrate at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In St. George Square, outside Glasgow City Hall, the arrival of climate change 'pilgrims', on foot or by bike from all over the UK and beyond, who join Glasgow to demonstrate at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Speaking in Glasgow City Chambers on the day of the arrival of the COP26 climate change 'pilgrims'. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."That's how it is! We can do it". In Glasgow City Hall Square, the newly arrived climate change "pilgrims" speak. They have come on foot or by bike to make their voices heard at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Glasgow City Council Square in George Square, climate change 'pilgrims' speak out to get their message across at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The climate change 'pilgrims', who had gathered in George Square, pose after the speeches that followed their arrival. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In St. George's Square, outside Glasgow City Hall, climate change 'pilgrims' (on foot and by bike) joined the city to make their voices heard at COP26.
- On her hat, an hourglass on a green background, the emblem of XR (Extinction Rebellion), symbolises the passing of time and the urgency to act.
- This climate activist carries a flag of Extinction Rebellion (XR), an international civil disobedience movement born in the UK that fights global warming and biodiversity loss. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Grandparents for the Climate" In George Square, climate change 'pilgrims' walked and cycled to challenge countries in the middle of negotiations at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- A poster of Pope Francis on the front of a church: "Where everyone is welcome, loved and forgiven" The Pope was supposed to be at COP26 but, like the Queen of England, he did not make the trip.
- On the railings of a church: "Together for Our Planet - All Welcome" COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- On the wall of a church, a banner with a message related to COP26.
- In St. George's Square there is an inter-faith gathering for the COP: "COP26Vigil" where the "Multi-faith Declaration for COP26" will be proclaimed. The different religious leaders have their chairs when they are not speaking on stage, here Imam Hassan Rabbani in the row of Muslim leaders. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Screenshot of the Interfaith Vigil for COP26. The ceremony takes place in front of Glasgow City Chambers. We are late and only reach George Square when the rally ends, hence the Facebook screenshot. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.George Square, after the Interfaith Vigil for COP26. Protestant and Muslim clerics pose or interact with the public. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In George Square, clerics in conversation after the Interfaith Vigil for COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Monks and a Catholic Cardinal talk to the public after the Interfaith Vigil for COP26 in George Square. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In George Square after the COP26 Interfaith Vigil outside Glasgow City Council.
- A Catholic priest with a stole decorated with animals and plants.
- A monk poses with a message. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.George Square
- The little girl hangs her promise to live more sustainably while Arnd the German who walked across Europe in his metal sphere (My promise Mother Earth) chats with a policeman.
- Inside the 'My promise Mother Earth' sphere, immobilised to allow the messages to be hung, the woman holds a flame. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Parents for the Future - Paderborn - Could, would, would have. Now." Coming from Paderborn, German Arnd walked across Europe in his metal sphere, covering 900 miles in 3 months to raise awareness of climate change.
- Under the hourglass flag of Extinction Rebellion, Arnd poses with the banner: "Parents for the Future", a counterpart to the Youth for Climate movement aka "FridaysForFuture" launched by the young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg.
- In a Scottish kilt, Arnd Drossel the German poses with his emblem, a man walking in a sphere. His project is called My Promised Mother Earth. In the background, Glasgow City Hall. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.George Square, the venue for many of the demonstrations during COP26.
- Message from the little dinosaur: "My extinction was not a choice, but yours is!
- Message from the adult dinosaur: "Don't choose extinction" on the base of the statue of the Albert Prince Consort on horseback. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Greta Thunberg's phrase: "30 years of blah, blah, blah. At the end of September, at a pre-cop meeting in Milan, and again at the end of October at the G20 in Rome, Italy, she called these summits between countries "30 years of blah blah blah".
This boy tells us he is from Hong Kong and currently lives in Brighton. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.These Ugandan protesters are denouncing what is happening in their country. For them, the COP26 is an opportunity, a showcase that allows them to transmit a message that can be heard by the whole world. In front of the COP26 entrance with Finnieston Bridge in the background. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.At the entrance to Finnieston Bridge next to the COP26 venue, these Bangladeshis are demonstrating in numbers. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Bangladeshi protesters at the entrance to Finnieston Bridge next to the COP26 venue. They are taking advantage of the spotlight on Glasgow for this world summit to make their voices heard. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Pacific Quay, separated by the River Clyde from the Scottish Campus Event where COP26 is taking place, a demonstration organised by Tamils who have come in large numbers to make their demands heard at this world summit. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the banks of the River Clyde, these women are protesting against what is happening in their country. In the background, the Scottish Campus Event building where COP26 is taking place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Pacific Wharf, separated by the River Clyde from the Scottish Campus Event where COP26 is taking place, a demonstration organised by Tamils who have come in large numbers to make their demands heard at this world summit. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Young Japanese protesters from the international Fridays for Future movement in front of the gates protecting the COP26 venue. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the gates protecting the COP26 venue, this young Japanese woman from the international movement Fridays for Future is demonstrating. Behind her, the portrait of French President Emmanuel Macron brought there by French activists from ANV-COP21. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Photo pose in front of the gates protecting the COP26 venue. On the left with his large sign recognisable by its colours and graphics, Voltuan who is present in "almost" all the demonstrations in France and during the 15 days of the COP in Glasgow.
- Portraits of French President Emmanuel Macron brought there by French activists from ANV-COP21. They are posed upside down to express the dissatisfaction and disappointment generated by the French president's policy to fight global warming. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Against the railings protecting the COP26 venue, portraits of French President Emmanuel Macron brought there by French activists from ANV-COP21. They are posed upside down to express the discontent and disappointment generated by the French president's policy on the fight against global warming.
- On the gates surrounding the COP26 venue, signs of the protocols in force due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Opposite the entrance to COP26, tents where Covid-19 antigen tests are carried out. The area is strictly reserved for conference participants; the Blue Zone is where negotiations between delegates from different countries take place. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Queue in front of the tents where antigen tests are carried out at Covid-19. Opposite the entrance to COP26, this area is strictly for conference participants; the Blue Zone is where negotiations between delegates from different countries take place. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Opposite the entrance to COP26, tents where the daily and mandatory Covid-19 antigen tests are carried out. The place is strictly reserved for conference participants. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Queues and checks at the barriers surrounding the COP26 venue. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Checks and queues at the barriers surrounding the COP26 venue. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Trompe l'oeil painting on a wall in Glasgow city centre. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Arrival of the Blue Rebels and Red Rebels of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement in Glasgow Central Station. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.In Glasgow Central Station, an activist "on horseback" and the procession of XR Rebels, Blue for floods and Red for fires, explains a lady handing out Extinction Rebellion leaflets to me. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Under the COP26 banners, in Glasgow Central station, the procession of XR's Blue and Red Rebels pauses in front of the "nature version" of the English railways logo: Railway "We mean Green".
- In front of this stand, people are photographed making the "effort" to travel by train. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Red Rebels process and act out tableaux in Glasgow Central station. They are part of the Extinction Rebellion movement's theatre troupe. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.Jackie Kay is a Scottish novelist, playwright and poet. The Red Rebels and their banners around the wooden statue at Glasgow Central station. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Extinction Rebellion Blue and Red Rebels procession through Glasgow Central station. Born in the UK, this international civil disobedience movement is fighting against ecological collapse and climate change. The mask on the face is due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.After their procession through Glasgow Central station, the Red Rebels will march through the streets of Glasgow. Here they pass the J.P. Morgan bank. In their hands, the logo of Extinction Rebellion (XR): an hourglass symbolising the passing of time and the urgency to act against climate change and its disruption. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Argyle street, barriers on both sides protected by a policeman every two metres to secure the passage of Joe Biden's car (possibly with Boris Johnson) with the British and American flags on the bonnet. The protesters, whose shouts could be heard, were kept at a distance, blocked off in an adjacent street. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Activists who had attempted to protest as COP26 officials (including Joe Biden's car) pass by are in nearby Kelvingrove Park. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The end is near" In Kelvingrove Park where campaigners are meeting after attempting to protest as COP26 officials pass, including Joe Biden's car. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- In the streets of Glasgow, an action organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement whose emblem is an hourglass. On the body of the police car is written: "Keeping people safe".
- British police outside the J.P. Morgan bank. The bank has been particularly targeted by climate change activists who accuse it of financing fossil fuels. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021."Fossil fuels = Extinction" Action organised by Extinction Rebellion outside J.P. Morgan Bank, which it criticises for funding fossil fuels. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Banners from the action organised by the XR movement. Their symbol: an hourglass symbolising the urgency to act against global warming. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of the J.P. Morgan bank, which it criticises for financing fossil fuels. Here, activists take turns to speak. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of the J.P. Morgan bank, which they blame for financing fossil fuels. Here, Red Rebels are present and activists take turns to speak. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion's Red Rebels take part in an action outside J.P. Morgan Bank, which is accused of financing fossil fuels. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of J.P. Morgan bank for financing fossil fuels. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action outside J.P. Morgan Bank. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of J.P. Morgan bank for financing fossil fuels. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action outside the J.P. Morgan bank. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action outside the J.P. Morgan bank. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- On the bike "Brighton to Glasgow - COP26
Extinction Rebellion action outside the J.P. Morgan bank. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Posters on the streets of Glasgow. Scotland, UK - November 2021.This man "on the phone" is wearing glasses with the words "Happy Birthday" on top. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.Protest contained by police outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Protest contained by police. Above the climate change activists, the flag of the Extinction Rebellion movement: an hourglass symbolising the urgency to act against global warming. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.End of a demonstration outside the entrance to COP26. In the distance, the buildings of the Scottish Event Campus where the event is taking place. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Outside the entrance to COP26, the end of a demonstration contained by the police. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.At the entrance to Finnieston Bridge, which adjoins the entrance to COP26, the demonstration ends. As in previous years, the Climate Summit is criticised for being sponsored by fossil fuel companies. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Enough hot air - People want climate action now"
On a bus on the streets of Glasgow. It is understood that hot air means: carving hot air i.e. doing nothing but fussing to make it look like action. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."As the UK's largest producer of carbon-free electricity, we are helping to achieve zero" "Generating carbon-free electricity - Wind + Nuclear + Solar - Helping Britain reach net zero."
British wall and taxi in the colours of one of the COP sponsors, EDF. The 0 refers to the Net Zero target that Scotland, the UK, has set itself, i.e. zero greenhouse gas emissions. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Poster and banner of climate activists in the city hosting the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Rally and speech before the start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Gathering before the start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.This tree-man protester perched on stilts is interviewed before the start of the Greenwashing Demonstration. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Gathering and speech before the start of the Greenwashing Demonstration organised by XR. At the microphone, Rob Callender, a spokesperson for the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Speech before the start of XR's Greenwashing Demonstration. At the microphone, Rob Callender, a spokesperson for the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Before the start of the Greenwashing Demonstration. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Gathering before the start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Before the start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Before the start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- On the streets of Glasgow.
- In front of an optical and hearing aid shop.
Demonstration against greenwashing. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Start of the Demonstration against Greenwashing organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Displaced Dora" a big doll among the protesters.
- Together for Net Zero" displayed on a British double-bus.
The Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration attempts to march through the streets of Glasgow but is soon blocked by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Blah blah blah" echoing Greta Thunberg's words that the major global climate summits are "Thirty years of blah blah".
The Batucada of the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration which wanted to march through the streets of Glasgow before being blocked by the police. The event is organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement with its flags: an hourglass reminding us of the climate emergency and an eye saying to the negotiators "The world is watching you". COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement, the Protest against Greenwashing is quickly blocked by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Change - Stop Ecocide" A protester with green tears in the Demonstration against Greenwashing organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Our Globe illustrates NASA's climate predictions if global warming reaches 2.2°C"
- "Slavonian grebes have declined by 61%".
Led by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement, the Protest Against Greenwashing is attempting to march through the streets of Glasgow. The pink waistcoat indicates that this lady is part of the organisation of this action. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement, the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration attempts to march through the streets of Glasgow but is blocked by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration against Greenwashing blocked by police in the streets of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the SSE offices where the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration was able to go despite the vigilance of the Police. SSE is one of the big sponsors of COP26 and an example of this greenwashing with its activities. On the flag, XR's logo, the usual hourglass symbolising the urgency to act, was stylised into a puzzle version. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Despite the vigilance of the Police, the Demonstration against Greenwashing (organised by Extinction Rebellion) was able to reach the premises of SSE, one of the major sponsors of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.During the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration that attempted to march through the streets of Glasgow, Extinction Rebellion activists "locked themselves" in front of SSE's offices. They intend to denounce the practices of this company which prides itself on being green when, in addition to building wind farms, it does business in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."#Out with the polluters - SSE: Peterhead's CO2 emissions highest in Scotland: 1.6 million tonnes emitted in 2019 - # Keep it in the ground"
Extinction Rebellion activists have locked themselves out of SSE's offices to denounce the company's greenwashing activities as a major sponsor of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion activists are taken away by police for chaining themselves to the SSE offices. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the fringes of the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration which attempted to march through the streets of Glasgow, protesters are stopped by police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.With their cleaning equipment these climate activists pose on the windowsill of the Bank of Scotland. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.During the Greenwashing Demonstration, an XR action outside the Bank of Scotland. NatWest, National Westminster Bank, whose parent organisations are the Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest Holdings Inc. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Lloyds Banking Group"
- "Don't invest in fossil fuels"
Organised by Extinction Rebellion, the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration took action outside the Bank of Scotland. Surrounded, the demonstrators were blocked by the police who were perhaps fed up with chasing them! COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration, which came to take action in front of the Bank of Scotland, is surrounded and blocked on the spot by the police who are perhaps fed up with chasing them! COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Draped in flags, the French activist Voltuan, "always" present or almost present in the demonstrations, brandishes his sign recognisable by its colours and graphics.
- This doctor is a climate activist and displays the XR logo on her "badge".
Organised by Extinction Rebellion, the Protest against Greenwashing outside the Bank of Scotland. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Blue Rebels with the protesters who tried to march against Greenwashing and who are now surrounded and blocked in place by the police after their action outside the Bank of Scotland. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Behind the police cordon, this activist holds up the XR flag, the usual hourglass reminder of the climate emergency stylised to look like a puzzle. In front of the Bank of Scotland, Extinction Rebellion activists who have just done an action there to denounce the greenwashing of the structure are now surrounded and blocked by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Protesters who marched against Greenwashing are surrounded and blocked in place by police after their action outside the Bank of Scotland. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the fringes of the Anti-Greenwashing Demonstration, two activists ostensibly read dummy newspapers leaning against a pub wall. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."It's getting hot in here" In the evening, the Demonstration (organised by XR who did actions in front of banks and companies accused of greenwashing) heads to the venue of COP26, still well guarded by the English police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the evening (after actions in front of banks and companies accused of greenwashing), well framed by the English police, the Demonstration organised by Extinction Rebellion heads to the venue of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Climate justice without racial justice is the New Colonialism - Coalizão Negra por Direitos - Brasil"
- "How many cops to stop climate chaos?"
In the evening, police frame the Protest against Greenwashing organised by Extinction Rebellion heading towards the venue of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Surrounded by the police, the Demonstration against Greenwashing (which has been doing actions in front of banks and companies accused of greenwashing) is heading towards the venue where COP26 is taking place.
- The Protest organised by Extinction Rebellion is blocked on Anderson Quay adjacent to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Demonstration against Greenwashing (which took action in front of banks and companies accused of greenwashing) is blocked by the police on Anderson Quay which adjoins the venue of the world climate conference. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.End of the Demonstration against Greenwashing. In addition to the banners, two flags are waved.
There is the flag of XR, which organised this demonstration, with its hourglass symbolising the urgency to act to limit global warming.
And there is the Mapuche flag of the indigenous people of Latin America who are fighting for the respect of their territory against the Chilean and Argentinean states and against extractivist and industrial agriculture companies. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the words of Greta Thunberg, this protester denounces the mere chatter that these global climate summits have become. In front of the Immigration Office before the start of the Peace March. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."UK Visas & Immigration - Festival Court 1 - Public Entrance"
In front of the Immigration Office, batucada at the start of the Peace March. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."UK Visas & Immigration - Festival Court 1 - Public Entrance" In front of the Immigration Office, demonstrators speak before the start of the Peace March. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Joe Biden (US)" "Boris Johnson (UK)" "Blah blah blah" Before the start and during the Peace March. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Before the start and during the Peace March. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- In Govan, this hairdresser's customer came out when she heard the Peace March batucada.
- The Peace March passes a church in Govan. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Stop killing us"
- "There is still time for hope"
Peace march. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Peace march in Govan. BAE Systems plc (BAE) is a British multinational arms company. It is also involved in security and aerospace. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The Peace March reaches its finish line at the entrance to BAE (a British multinational arms company). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Welcome to BAE Systems, Govan - Our People, Our Future" Speeches by demonstrators who have just marched from the Immigration Office to BAE (British multinational arms company). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Stop the Arms Trade - One Less Car - Ethical Careers Fair - Black Lives Matter - Green New Deal - Reduce, Reverse Climate Change, Paul Hawken" (Paul Hawken is considered one of the pioneers of the concept of sustainable development).
In front of the gates of the BAE company (British multinational arms company) the demonstrators who marched for peace. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Peace March ended in front of the gates of the BAE company (British multinational arms company). It's a break for the demonstrators and a snack break for Extinction Rebellion's batucada musicians. . Behind them, Govan's Elder Park. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.« Toute personne accédant à ce site le fait à ses propres risques » « La guerre n'est pas verte » Prises de parole des manifestants qui viennent de défiler pour la paix de l'Office de l'immigration à l'entreprise BAE (multinationale britannique d'armement). COP26, Glasgow, Écosse, Royaume-Uni - Novembre 2021.In the words of Greta Thunberg, this masked protester denounces the mere chatter that these global climate summits have become.
The Peace March, which marched through the Govan district, protests in front of the gates of the BAE company (British multinational arms company). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Welcome to BAE Systems, Govan - Our People, Our Future"
Activist clowns mime after the Peace March through Govan and the speeches that followed outside the gates of BAE (British multinational arms company). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Activist clowns mime after the Peace March through Govan and subsequent speeches at the gates of BAE. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The richest emit 93% - The poorest only 7% - Those who do the least damage suffer the most - Climate justice at COP26!"
On the banks of the River Clyde. Speeches by climate activists filmed by COP26.tv in front of the sculpture and facing the buildings hosting the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the banks of the River Clyde, this bike is decorated with sculptures of fish filled with plastic waste. Across the river, the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP is also decorated: in the colours of COP26. Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Let's not be like them" (Them: the prehistoric animals that became extinct.) In a small garden along Queen Margaret Drive.
- In George Square, this dinosaur poses outside Glasgow City Council. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Climate Strike - COP26 One Last Chance - 5 November Meet at 11am @ Kelvingrove Park #UprootTheSystem"
Near Finnieston Bridge and in front of the COP26 entrance, an activist from Fridays For Future, the movement launched by the young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Start of the Global Climate March demonstration in Kelvingrove Park (to see many more images of this demonstration note that there is a gallery dedicated to it on this site). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Indigenous peoples from Latin America leading the procession before the start of the Global Climate March in Kelvingrove Park (to see many more images of this event please note that there is a dedicated gallery on this site). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish woman, in the middle of the procession of the "Strike for Climate" demonstration organised by Fridays For Future, the movement she launched following her Friday school strikes outside her country's parliament. (to see many more images of this demonstration please note that a gallery is dedicated to it on this site). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 5 November 2021.- Surrounded by her young colleagues who protect her from the onlookers and the photographers' lenses, Greta Thunberg waits for her turn to go up to the sound stage to give her speech.
- In George Square, Greta Thunberg speaks following the Climate Strike March organised by Fridays For Future Scotland to put pressure on the ongoing negotiations at COP26 (to see many more images of this demonstration please note that a gallery is dedicated to it on this site). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 5 November 2021.Glasgow Times newspaper of Monday 8 November 2021 with a headline about the Global Climate March which brought together 100,000 people on Saturday 6. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021. In front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP, an action by Extinction Rebellion: they mime destroying a car representing the Earth with sledgehammers. Are they at the same time denouncing the role of the car in greenhouse gas emissions? COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP, speaking after an action by Extinction Rebellion. They have just mimed destroying a car representing the Earth with sledgehammers. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP, an action by Extinction Rebellion. They just mimed destroying a car representing the Earth with sledgehammers. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion speech and action in front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion theatre action in front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting the COP. On the left, the actress in orange represents the Global South, on the right in jeans it is the Global North and between them: justice. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion put on a short play in which the Global South complained about the actions of the Global North. The sentence was stated by the judge: Nord Global is guilty. Although he struggles and to his shame, the written sentence is placed around his neck for all to see. In the background, the Scottish Event Campus hosting COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Loss of species" "Loss of lives" "Damaged ecosystems" "Loss and damage Compensation now"
Speeches by different stakeholders after the two actions."Act now" "Loss of seasons
- After the actions organised by XR, two children sing a song with the refrain "Our Earth is on fire".
- XR has finished its activist actions and removes the car representing the earth that it has pretended to destroy with a sledgehammer.
In the background, the River Clyde and the buildings of the Scottish Event Campus hosting COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Okavango - No Oil in Africa " George Square, near the entrance to Glasgow Queen Street station, XR is organising an action to protest against fossil fuel extraction projects in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Good COP Act Now - Bad COP Blah Blah Blah"
- "Alhassan Sesay, Sierra Leone - We demand compensation for Africa for the losses we are experiencing due to climate change."
In St George Square, the Northern Drillers action is organised by XR to protest against fossil fuel extraction projects in Africa. Demonstrators hold portraits with their message of African activists who were unable to attend the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Sovereignty means life - Sarah Mamasimong. Vaal, South Africa". Northern Drillers action organised by XR in George Square against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. Many portraits of African activists who could not come to the COP are displayed with their message. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Protect our Earth today for our children tomorrow" "They'll burn us alive." In George Square, many portraits of African activists who could not come to the COP are displayed with their message during the Northern Drillers action organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Northern Drillers - Murderers of Africans"
- "Africa is not represented at all at COP26. Stop the Green and WhiteWhashing the planet is burning - Uganda."
In George Square, many portraits of African activists are displayed with their message at the Northern Drillers action organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In George Square, dancing to the music of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with lyrics rewritten by the protesters: "Northern Drillers", organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. On the T-shirt: "hell" instead of shell (hell - Shell: the oil company). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Stop Climate Crime" On the side of the Gallery of Modern Art, dancing again to the music of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with the lyrics rewritten by the protesters: "Northern Drillers". This is an action organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."They'll burn us alive" "Killer drillers They'll burn us alive" In St. George Square, a die-in by protesters who danced to the music of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' with the protesters' own rewritten lyrics: 'Northern Drillers'. This action is organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the street behind the Gallery of Modern Art, a die-in of protesters who danced to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with the protesters' own rewritten lyrics: "Northern Drillers". This action is organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Together for our Planet - Welcome to Glasgow" In a Glasgow street in COP colours, XR's Northern Drillers action against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. The skeleton holds up an Extinction Rebellion flag with an hourglass symbolising the urgency to act against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Elijah Dero Jinja, Uganda - Uganda is called the pearl of Africa... " "Alhassan Sesay, Sierra Leone - We demand compensation for Africa for the losses we are suffering due to climate change"
In a Glasgow street, portraits with their message of African climate activists who could not come to the COP during XR's 'Northern Drillers' action against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Dineo Tsoabi, Vaal, South Africa - Let us keep our environment clean and green"
- "Pascal Mirindi, Goma, DRC - You are called to represent us because you are better than us and because... We the people of Virunga have our eyes on Glasgow."
In a Glasgow street, portraits with their message of African climate activists who could not come to the COP. This is an action organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. The made-up protesters were the ones dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with the protesters' own rewritten lyrics: "Northern Drillers". COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Gas exploration is impacting on the Nigerian people and must be stopped"
- "The earth needs to breathe, can we at least allow it to do that?"
During XR's action against fossil fuel extraction in Africa, portraits with their message of African climate activists who couldn't make it to the COP in a Glasgow street. The made-up protesters were the ones dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with the protesters' own rewritten lyrics: "Northern Drillers". COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On a Glasgow street during Extinction Rebellion's action against fossil fuel extraction in Africa, portraits with their message of African climate activists who were unable to attend the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."I stand in solidarity with the hungry people of the world, especially in Madagascar. Food insecurity is killing us Africans" "Save the River Vaal" "Let us keep our environment clean and green" "Let us have a clean and green environment" "Let us have a clean and green environment."
In a Glasgow street, portraits with their message of African climate activists who could not come to the COP during XR's Northern Drillers action against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On a Glasgow street in the colours of the COP "Together for our Planet", portraits of African climate activists who were unable to attend the COP during the action organised by XR against fossil fuel extraction in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP26 Act Now!" "Global dance" in front of the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow.
The audience is invited to dance this choreography already practiced in many countries around the world as shown in the videos projected on the screen. Here is an excerpt from the programme text sent by XR: "No more talk and empty promises about climate action. We must commit to change for the better. Explore movement, deal with the grief and anxiety of global climate catastrophe. We will dance in Glasgow with our brothers and sisters around the world. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The planet can't breathe - Save Okavango "Global dance" in front of the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow.
Spectators are invited to dance this choreography, already practiced in many countries around the world, in sync with the videos showing it on the screen. Here is an excerpt from the programme text sent by XR: "Exploring movement, dealing with the grief and anxiety of global climate catastrophe. We will be dancing in Glasgow with our brothers and sisters from around the world. If you would like to join in the dance, we will be holding a small pre-action rehearsal starting around 2.30pm. https://globaldance4climate.wixsite.com/actionnow COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."The time for oil is over # Save Okavango" In front of the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow, an action of the XR movement: portraits with their message of African climate activists who could not come to the COP to denounce the extraction of fossil fuels in Africa. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In George Square, eating at the mobile canteen for protesters and climate activists. This square in Glasgow City Hall was the site of many rallies and actions to put pressure on the ongoing negotiations at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Start of the Toxic Tour, second stop: Gallery of Modern Art. As with the previous COP in Madrid, the Toxic Tour offers a guided tour of the city, stopping at all the places that are (have been) involved in or financing global warming. Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art is housed in the former property of one of the city's leading merchants. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Despite the bad weather, the Toxic Tour continues near Glasgow Central Station. "Local and international activists take you on a tour of Glasgow's biggest polluters and social struggle sites." https://cop26coalition.org/peoples-summit/toxic-tours-of-glasgow
- On the pilgrimage, the eye of Extinction Rebellion. Its message: "COP26 We are watching you".
- "COP26.tv": "COP26.tv is the only live, 12-hour daily news channel providing inside and outside coverage of the climate conference taking place in Brussels."
COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.To get out of the rain and because the venue is guarded by the police, the Toxic Tour stops opposite SSE to "introduce" it. The latter, accused of greenwashing, is a major sponsor of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The Toxic Tour continues near Glasgow Central Station. Latin American protesters speak. One of them holds a digital sign, the ClimateClock.World. "A clock that counts down the critical time to reach zero emissions (our "deadline"), while tracking our progress on key solution pathways (the "lifelines")." See on the website: https://climateclock.world/ . COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."It's time for real climate action" on this cycle rickshaw taxi near Glasgow Central Station. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Save our wildlife 68% lost since 1970
- A participant in XR's batucada.
A fox and feathers near the King George V Bridge which was blocked by scientists (they had chained themselves together) during the big protest on 6 November and cleared by the police. A few days later there was a press conference by the scientists, attended by these two activists. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Speeches by protesters and scientists who had blocked a bridge (King George V bridge) to put pressure on the ongoing negotiations at the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- We are running out of time!
- Change is now - Extinction Rebellion
Speaking near the King George V Bridge which had been blocked by about 30 scientists (a group called Scientist Rebellion) who had chained themselves to it all together. Here environmental activist Chris Philpott holds up his book. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Scientists who blocked the King George V Bridge by chaining themselves to it on the day of the Global Climate March speak out. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Climate revolution - or we will lose everything." Speaking by one of the scientists (an astrophysicist) who had blocked the King George V Bridge by chaining themselves to it. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Police handing out discharge notices to the scientists who had been arrested for blocking the King George V Bridge. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.This protester has just received a police release notice. She had been arrested along with about 30 scientists who had blocked the King George V Bridge to warn of the urgency of taking action to combat global warming. The charges were dropped, so they will not need to go to court. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP26 By the elite, for the elite, against science - Business as usual - Infinite growth - Climate revolution or we will lose everything."
Action organised by Extinction Rebellion: around 30 scientists blocked the bridge and then gave speeches and presentations to alert people to the urgency of taking action against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Give back the earth! There is no climate solution without indigenous people" "Give back the land! Territories of Life - Recognise Indigenous Land Rights Now!"
Latin American and North American Indians speaking at the entrance of COP26. Behind, a Red Rebel from the XR movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Give back the land!" Latin American and North American Indians speaking and singing, followed by a demonstration with singing outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Latin American and North American Indians speak at the entrance to COP26. Behind them, the Red Rebels of the XR movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.North American Indians speaking at the entrance to COP26. On the right, Pipeline Fighter protesters. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Latin American and North American Indians speaking at the entrance to COP26. Behind them, hanging from the fences surrounding the COP venue, red dresses on hangers or cut out of cardboard. They symbolise the disappearances and violence suffered by women from indigenous peoples in Latin America and Canada. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The North American Indians speak with great emotion at the entrance to COP26. They demand, among other things, that their lands be demarcated and that this be respected. Behind her, red dresses symbolise the disappearances and violence suffered by indigenous women in Latin America and Canada due to the pressures of productivism and extractivism. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the COP entrance, North American Indian songs after the speeches. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Finnieston Street, opposite the COP entrance, Scottish musicians whirl the audience around teaching them the tricks of the various dances as they go. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021. On Finnieston Street, opposite the entrance to the COP, Scottish musicians whirl the audience around, teaching them the tricks of the different dances as they go. XR's programme read: "Feelings of frustration, anxiety and grief related to climate and environmental degradation are a growing mental health problem worldwide. Movement and dance can help the body process complex emotions." COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Finnieston Street, opposite the entrance to the COP, Scottish musicians whirled spectators around, teaching them the figures of the different dances as they went along. On the programme was written : "Movement and dance can help the body process complex emotions. Join us for a traditional Scottish folk dance. No experience necessary." COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Finnieston Street, opposite the entrance to the COP, Scottish musicians whirled the audience around, teaching them the tricks of the various dances as they went along. The programme stated: "Join us for a traditional Scottish folk dance. No experience is necessary. Traditional Scottish dress is encouraged! But stay warm too." COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Govan, on a church forecourt, a ceremony for the departure of the Storm doll in the background of the photo on the left. As a dancer performs a choreography, a children's choir sings a song about the Glasgow emblem: a tree, a bird, a pear. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.
In Govan, on a church forecourt, a band and choir of Glasgow children for the departure of the Storm doll. The doll is said to be made from recycled materials and symbolises the dangers facing the seas and oceans. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the streets of Govan, the Storm doll pauses on the route to sing a song. In yellow and black, the "little Storms" animate the doll by moving limbs and face with strings. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.From the Church on Govan, the Storm doll arrives at the River Clyde.
- Here with Dora the Displaced, a doll often seen at the COP 'counter-summit' protests in central Glasgow.
- The Storm doll with the crane that allows it to move. In the distance the Glasgow Tower and the Science Museum buildings where the COP26 Green Zone is located, the one open to the public. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Boat on the River Clyde.
- Govan Wetlands" Nurseries on the River Clyde. On the horizon, the highly original Riverside Museum building by architect Zaha Hadid. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Next to the Science Museum which hosts the COP26 Green Zone.
- At the entrance to the green zone, these gentlemen are denouncing a proposed airport: "Luton flights - Climate crisis by expanding the airport - Save our park" "Stop Luton Airport Expansion - www.stoplae.org"
COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Near Anderston station and adjacent to the Scottish Event Campus hosting COP26, inflatable tents and teepees set up by Federated Hermes International. "Federated Hermes is an investment manager based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Founded in 1955 and incorporated on October 18, 1957,[1] the firm manages $669 billion in assets for its clients." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federated_Hermes) COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Sun setting over the Science Museum which hosts the COP Green Zone for the public.
- In the evening, the Scottish Event Campus which hosts the COP Blue Zone for negotiations between countries. On the River Clyde, the police patrol in Zodiacs.
COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Police vigil outside the Scottish Event Campus and the Finnieston crane. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the streets of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."J.P.MoreCO2gain The world's largest financier of fossil fuels - Greenwashing won't wash!"
In front of J.P.Morgan's entrance, these demonstrators plan to stay 24 hours to denounce the bank's investments in fossil fuels. The action is organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Action by climate activists outside the J.P.Morgan bank. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "J.P.Morgathon - The world's largest financier of fossil fuels - 24 hour vigil" "J.P.MoreCO2gain The world's largest financier of fossil fuels - Greenwashing won't wash!"
In front of J.P.Morgan's entrance, these demonstrators plan to stay for 24 hours to denounce the bank's investments in fossil fuels. The action is organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of J.P.Morgan's entrance, these protesters are preparing to spend the night there to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. The action is organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Banner and puppet bird held by protesters. Outside the entrance to J.P.Morgan, these protesters plan to stay for 24 hours to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. The action is organised by the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Love and Grief for the Earth - #climatejustice #extinctionrebellion"
As well as outside the COP entrance, protesters perhaps from the "Christian branch" of the Extinction Rebellion movement pray against the wall of the J.P.Morgan bank. Along with other demonstrators holding signs and banners, XR intends to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The XR movement organised a 24-hour action outside the entrance to J.P.Morgan to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Outside the entrance to J.P.Morgan, doctors demonstrate and demand an end to ecocide. The XR movement organised a 24-hour action to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Outside the entrance to J.P.Morgan, the XR movement organised a 24-hour action to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. The stewards in pink are the XR mediators. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of J.P.Morgan's entrance, the XR movement organised a 24-hour action to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Protesters speak outside the J.P. Morgan bank.
- "Dead people have no claims - "People are dying waiting for their claims" Drew Hendry MP (MP) - "Stop and scrap Universal Credit before it claims you."" "Universal Credit a serious problem" "Human Rights - Equality - Disability Rights"
The XR movement held a 24-hour vigil to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Interview with a protester outside the J.P.Morgan Chase bank where a 24-hour action was organised by the XR movement to denounce the bank's investment in fossil fuels. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Bojo (Boris Johnson) tinkers while Rome burns" On the streets of Glasgow, demonstration against Greenwashing organised by the XR movement.
On the right of the huge double building, the Scottish Power sign with a logo we recognise as being that of Iberdrola, already seen in Spain at COP25 in Madrid where the company (as here for the 26th COP) was also one of the major sponsors of the event. Iberdrola is a Spanish company that bought ScottishPower (5th largest British energy group) in 2006. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."#DoctorsforXR" "www.stopecocide.earth" In Finnieston street near the entrance to COP26, a demonstration is organised by the XR movement in honour of a dead African activist. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Organised by the XR movement, a demonstration in honour of a dead African activist. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021. Opposite the entrance to COP26, a demonstration organised by the XR movement in tribute to a dead African activist. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Opposite the entrance to COP26, a demonstration organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement in tribute to a dead African activist. The XR emblem, an hourglass, symbolises the urgency of taking action against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Loss and Damage + Finance Now #MakePollutersPay" "Quakers - The planet is burning - Pay for #LossandDamage"
The issue of Loss and Damage has been discussed a lot at this COP internally as well as demanded externally in the streets and the counter-summit conferences. However, no new funding was agreed, much to the outrage of vulnerable countries. It seems, however, that developed countries will find it increasingly difficult to shirk their commitments to compensate for the damage caused by climate change induced by the industrial era that started in their countries. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."People before profit"
The issue of Loss and Damage has been much discussed at this COP internally as well as demanded externally in the street and counter-summit conferences. However, no new funding was agreed, much to the outrage of vulnerable countries. It seems, however, that developed countries will find it increasingly difficult to shirk their commitments to compensate for the damage caused by the industrial-era climate change that started in their countries. Finnieston street, opposite the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, United KingdomFinnieston street, delegates departing from the entrance to COP26, the Finnieston Bridge arch in the distance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Finnieston street, opposite the entrance to COP26, this Swedish woman came to Glasgow by bike (an electric bike) to get her message across about the urgency for action. Behind her, people praying for COP26, activists from the Christian branch of the Extinction Rebellion movement "Christian Climate Action": "Love and sorrow for the Earth #climatejustice #extinctionrebellion". COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."#Doctors for XR" "Change the Law - Protect the Earth - www.stopecocide.earth" A doctor protesting in the streets of Glasgow during the attempted March Against Greenwashing organised by Extinction Rebellion, then in Fiennieston street in front of the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Don't feed Kristalina's greed - Fair redress for people and planet - AVAAZ" (Kristalina Georgieva, IMF Managing Director)
- "Mark your land, Argentina" - Let the rich countries pay the ecological debt - AVAAZ"
Disguise in reference to the politician and actress Eva Perón aka Evita Peroni for the demonstration of a group of Argentines at the end of the Finnieston Bridge adjacent to the entrance of the COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Interview with a young Argentinian whose colleagues, behind him, are demonstrating at the end of the Finnieston Bridge next to the entrance to COP26.
- At the end of the Finnieston Bridge next to the COP entrance, a COP26.tv videographer. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.At the end of Finnieston Street where the entrance to COP26 is located. On the horizon, the Finnieston Crane, Glasgow's iconic landmark. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Posters at the entrance to a shop: "Joe Biden - President of the U.S.A - Stop blaming the Chinese. Rebuild better and keep your promises - Keep the 1.5°C threshold - Cancel line 3. Finance a just transition in the South. - GAT Glasgow Action Team"
"Xi Jinping - President of China - Stop blaming the Americans - Keep the 1.5°C threshold - Get out of domestic coal now" - COP26.tv" and "Planet not Profit" stickers on Anderston Quay, just outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021"20% of all deaths are caused by fossil fuels (Harvard University) - *Stop the funding now! * - > 2°C is mass murder." Finnieston street, doctors protesting outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of the COP26 entrance: bodies lying down and covered with a white sheet symbolise the deaths caused by climate change. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion's action outside the entrance to COP26: Lying bodies covered with a white sheet symbolise the deaths from climate change. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action outside the entrance to COP26: bodies lying down and covered with a white sheet symbolise the deaths from climate change. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion action in front of the COP26 entrance: bodies lying down and covered with a white sheet symbolise the deaths due to climate change. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Home Office - Festival Court 2 - Immigration Enforcement - Reporting Centre" March for migrants outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Home Office - Festival Court 3" Demonstration for migrants in front of the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Home Office - Festival Court 2 - Immigration Enforcement - Reporting Centre"
- "Standing Up Against Racism - Welcome Climate Refugees - Fighting Racism and Climate Chaos" (Black Lives Matter)"
Demonstration in support of migrants outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Home Office - Festival Court 3" Pro-migrant demonstration outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.March for migrants in front of the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration in support of migrants outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration in support of migrants outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Mobile canteen catering for the Migrant March, close to the Home Office Court. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Lunch break for protesters at the March for Migrants, right next to the Home Office Court. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration in support of migrants outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Pro-migrant demonstration outside the Home Office Tribunal. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Pub not far from the Science Museum. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."HM Emergency Climate Government - Climate Siren"
On the banks of the River Clyde, an Extinction Rebellion action in front of the Scottish Event Campus hosting COP26. They are sounding the climate siren to alert those who are negotiating at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."HM Climate Emergency Government - Climate Siren"
Pacific Quay, opposite the buildings where COP26 is taking place, the XR movement symbolically sounds its climate siren to alert delegates from countries that are negotiating. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Finnieston Bridge, police on guard at the Scottish Event Campus hosting COP26. In front of the buildings, on the banks of the River Clyde, the Stobcross crane, Glasgow's iconic monument in COP colours. The banner will not withstand the Scottish winter wind and will be removed as it will be at half-mast during the first days of the conference. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Love and Sorrow for the Earth #climatejustice #extinctionrebellion" "Humanity Empathy Frugality"
Protesters who opted for prayer. Activists from the Christian branch of the Extinction Rebellion "Christian Climate Action" in front of the entrance to the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, where negotiations between delegates from different countries are taking place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the left
Unity in love and sorrow for our sacred planet - Planet Watch
"Nyombi Morris, Uganda - #Fight for 1 point 5 - "Every activist has a story to tell, and every story has a life to change."
"Mduduzi Tshabalala, Vaal, South Africa - "The earth needs to breathe, can we at least allow it to do so?"
"Veruschka Domeni, Windhoek, Namibia - "The Okavango River basin is threatened by ReconAfrica's oil and gas drilling. This is hypocrisy on the part of our president!"
"Mamosweu Tsoabi, Vaal, South Africa - "Keep the air clean and the sky blue"
"Floyd Rakale, Vaal, South Africa - "Save the Vaal River".
"Fyneface, Dumnamene Fyneface, Niger Delter - "Gas flaring is harming the people of Nigeria and must be stopped".
On the right
"Demand the impossible from those responsible"
"Love and grief for the Earth #climatejustice #extinctionrebellion"
Demonstrators (from the Christian branch of the Extinction Rebellion movement "Christian Climate Action") who opted for prayer in front of the COP26 entrance. At their feet, the portraits with their message of African climate activists who could not come to the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Telling Lies Doing Nothing" "Stop the CO2lonialism takeover of the planet - climatefalsesolutions.org" "Falun Dafa - Falun Gong - Meditation relieves stress" Xi Qong practitioners promote the practice.
- "Polluters must pay". "Bottom trawling is killing us" Finnieston street, opposite the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On Anderston Quay next to the entrance to COP26, these XR protesters are offering passers-by the chance to shout out the reasons for their problems in order to relieve themselves. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."#ClimeatAction - The Vegetarian Butcher" In Finnieston street, from the gate surrounding the COP26 venue. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Non-collection of rubbish due to garbage collectors' strike?
- Blah blah" is a phrase that was used a lot during this COP26, and was used by Greta Thunberg to describe what she saw as the mere chatter of these global summits for the climate.On the wall facing the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the left
On the window of a fast food shop, posters for the People's Summit, the counter-summit to COP26. "Global Day of Action for Climate Justice - Rally on 6 November at 11.30am - People's Summit for Climate Justice across Glasgow 7-10 November - Registration COP26.Coalition.org - COP26 Coalition"
"Join us at our People's Summit session - Building an anti-racist, anti-imperialist climate justice activist movement - RCG Fight racism Fight imperialism" "RCG No to climate destruction - Protest against the banks""
On the right
Right next to the university close to Kelvingrove Park. "People's Summit for Climate Justice - COP26 Coalition" COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.
"Real 0" (zero greenhouse gas emissions). In the morning, outside the entrance to COP26, these protesters dressed as Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, in flowers, flames and forest. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Take care of our soils, our rivers, our seas and all nature"
- "#Endesewagepollution - Spartans channel summers against dumping raw sewage" Finnieston street, opposite the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The phrase "Earth" "Blah blah blah" was used a lot during COP26, and was used by Greta Thunberg to describe what she saw as the mere chatter of the global climate summits. Finnieston street, a protester in front of the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the COP26 entrance, coming from the French-German border, two young activists covered with the flag of the Fridays For Future movement (FFF: Fridays for the Future school strike, initiated by climate activist Greta Thunberg). COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Organised by the Fridays For Future movement, protest speeches and dances outside the entrance to the COP. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the COP26 entrance, demonstration of young activists from Fridays For Future.
Among the crowd: "Sustaina Claus", Philip, who we have seen at every COP since the one in Paris in 2015. This rather special Father Christmas is an advocate of sobriety. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Youth activists from Fridays For Future (initiated by climate activist Greta Thunberg) speak outside the entrance to COP26. In the crowd, an Extinction Rebellion flag and a Fridays For Future flag on the back of a protester. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "The united people will never be defeated".
- Fridays For Future" (School strike on Fridays for the future)
In front of the COP26 entrance, demonstration and speeches by the Fridays For Future movement (initiated by climate activist Greta Thunberg). In the crowd, a flag from Extinction Rebellion and banners from Fridays For Future, two major international climate activist movements. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the COP26 entrance, demonstration and speeches by the Fridays For Future movement (School strike on Fridays for the future).- 'Blah blah blah' is a phrase that was used a lot during this COP, and was used by Greta Thunberg to describe what she saw as the mere chatter of the global climate summits. Demonstration and speeches in front of the COP26 entrance.
- "Destroy the patriarchy not the planet"
In the streets of Glasgow, a demonstration by climate activists Extinction Rebellion. In pink waistcoats, their "stewards" mediate with the police, guide people who want to participate and inform passers-by about their actions and motives. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration and speeches in front of the COP26 entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration and speeches in front of the COP26 entrance. XR's hourglass symbolises the urgency to act on global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Fighting for our grandchildren" A small group of Norwegians demonstrate in front of the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Colonialism caused climate change - Indigenous rights are the solution"
- "Don't touch my bottom - Caught by a slaughterhouse at sea"
On the red mask : "Missing and murdered - Never again -#Notinvisible". In front of the COP26 entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion protesters outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Protest messages outside the entrance to COP26. "COP26 Plastic Pandemic - Calamity Kayaking - Paisley" "Here of the month 2020 - Awarded to Paul Richardson for his outstanding efforts for the environment in Scotland." Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."7 years - 252 days - 11 hours 5 minutes 54 seconds - 12.602977232% renewable"
Facing the entrance to COP26, this protester shows the climate clock counting down. "A clock that counts down the critical time to reach zero emissions (our 'deadline'), while tracking our progress on key solution pathways (the 'lifelines')." Find the Climate Clock website and the real-time countdown at: https://climateclock.world/ Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Demonstrating and speaking at the entrance to COP26. On this Pacific Climate Warrior's mask: "United Nations Climate Change Conference UK 2021 - In partnership with Italy".
- The same young man speaks in front of the gates surrounding the COP venue. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Ice - Smarter Investments for a Cleaner Planet" (ICE: Institution of Civil Engineers)
Demonstrating and speaking at the entrance to COP26. The Extinction Rebellion flags with their hourglass symbolise the urgency to act against global warming. In the background and cut off in both photos is the Scottish Event Campus building where the COP is taking place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Against the military coup in Sudan" "#AgainstthemilitarycoupinSudan - Freedom Peace Justice" "Civil power in Sudan" "Ask me about Sudan" "We stand with our people in Sudan against the illegal military coup."
- XR's banner and messages.
In Finnieston street, demonstration in front of the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration organised outside the entrance to COP26 by Extinction Rebellion. On its programme: "XR Scotland tells COP26 to 'get lost'. Join us at the gates of the COP this Friday. Bring your last ounce of energy, creativity, love and rage to tell this fossil fuel powered circus to fuck off. Definition - Scottish version of fuck off/get lost/go away, pronounced 'git tay fuck'." COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Everybody loses - Go fuck yourself" (translated from Scottish "Get tae fuck") "Burn in Shell" (pun on Hell and Shell: oil company)
Screening of participants before they enter the COP26 venue. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, wearing a mask and a negative daily test are mandatory. On the right, with their protest sign of Extinction Rebellion activists. The movement's programme stated: "XR Scotland tells COP26 to 'get lost'. [...] Join us at the gates of the COP this Friday, bring your love and rage and tell the failing system to fuck off." COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators in front of the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Finnieston street, protesters outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Extinction Rebellion protesters outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Screenshot: A protester climbing the gates (surrounding the COP venue) is stopped by police.
- A protester who tried to enter the COP venue (by climbing the protective fence) is taken away by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.A protester who tried to enter the COP venue (by scaling the protective fence) is taken away by the police. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.British police patrol as participants are screened before entering the COP26 venue. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a mask and a negative daily test are required to pass through the gates. Finnieston Bridge on the horizon. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration outside the entrance to COP26. Extinction Rebellion's hourglass flags symbolise the urgency to act against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstration and speaking at the gates of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators in front of the COP26 entrance in Finnieston street. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators in front of the gates and entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators outside the gates of COP26. They are asking world leaders in Glasgow to put pressure on Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, where the Amazon rainforest (also known as the lung of the planet) is in even greater danger under his leadership. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators outside the gates of COP26: the Extinction Rebellion movement with its hourglass symbolising the urgency to act on global warming and the Racial Justice movement. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Young Japanese protesters
- "It's time for climate action now"
At the entrance to Finnieston Bridge next to the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Barclays customer - You are doing business with Europe's biggest fossil fuel investor." Demonstrators and their posters on the streets of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Don't shy away from climate justice"
- "Get rid of all the Tories" (Tories) "Anger rises at climate avoidance - 100,000 march in Glasgow" This lady offers the Socialist Worker newspaper.
Demonstrators in front of the COP26 entrance in Finnieston street. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Displaced Dora"
- "The oceans are warming and polluted! No more fish for me and you!!!"
Giant puppet and bird puppet with these protesters facing the entrance to COP26 in Finnieston street. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Protester dressed as Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, at the entrance to Finnieston Bridge next to the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.XR's batucada in front of the COP26 entrance. Extinction Rebellion is an international civil disobedience movement fighting ecological collapse and climate disruption. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Interviews with protesters from the XR (Extinction Rebellion) movement outside the entrance to COP26. Born in the UK, Extinction Rebellion is an international civil disobedience movement fighting against ecological collapse and climate change. On the pink flag, their hourglass symbolises the urgency to act against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators and interview with a protester from the XR (Extinction Rebellion) movement outside the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.An action with fake blood spilled in front of the gates of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.An action with fake blood spilled outside the gates of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.An action with fake blood spilled outside the gates of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."We are on the edge of the abyss" Interview with an activist who has just participated in an action with fake blood spilled outside the gates of COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Cyclists on Finnieston Bridge with the Stobcross crane in the background, an iconic Glasgow landmark, and in green the Convention Centre where COP26 is taking place. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.Finnieston Bridge bisected, for security reasons, by the gate protecting the COP26 venue. In the background the Stobcross crane, an emblematic monument of Glasgow and in green the Convention Centre which hosts the event. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, Blue Rebels, the artists of the "Red Rebels" collective created by the XR: the Extinction Rebellion movement. This international civil disobedience movement is fighting against ecological collapse and climate disruption. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Departure from the funeral ceremony of all COPs, from the 1st to the 26th, organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) at the Glasgow Necropolis. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- The Red Rebels leading the funeral procession of all COPs, from COP1 to COP26, organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) at the Glasgow Necropolis.
- "COP21 Failed" "COP22 Failed" "COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile" The COPs each lay at the foot of its own tombstone. The 27th will remain empty of course and the 26th is on its way. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- While previous COPs have each lain at the foot of their own tombstones, the 26th COP has just arrived, led by the Scottish piper.
- COP26 Failed" The 26th COP is watched over by the Blue Rebels.
Funeral ceremony organised (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) by the Extinction Rebellion movement in the necropolis on the heights of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "COP19 Failed" "COP20 Failed" "COP22 Failed" "COP23 Failed" "COP24 Failed" "COP26 Failed"
- Burial of the COPs to the sound of a Scottish piper's bagpipes.
On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, a funeral ceremony is organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement in the necropolis on the heights of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Funeral ceremony of all COPs from the 1st to the 26th organised (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) by the Extinction Rebellion movement at the Necropolis, Glasgow Heights. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Funeral ceremony for all COPs from COP1 to COP26 organised by the Extinction Rebellion movement (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) at the Necropolis, Glasgow Heights. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In front of the entrance to COP26, the funeral ceremony of all the COPs, from the 1st to the 26th, which has just been organised (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) by the Extinction Rebellion movement at the Necropolis, on Glasgow Heights, is replayed. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile" On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, the Extinction Rebellion movement is organising a burial of all the COPs, from the 1st to the 26th, in front of the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile"
On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, the Extinction Rebellion movement is organising a burial of all the COPs, from COP1 to COP26, in front of the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP19 Failed" "COP20 Failed" "COP23 Failed" "COP24 Failed" "COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile"
In front of the entrance to COP26, a burial of all COPs, from the 1st to the 26th, is organised (on the last day of the World Climate Change Conference) by the Extinction Rebellion movement with Blue and Red Rebels and the sound of a Scottish piper. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile" On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, the Extinction Rebellion movement is organising a burial of all the COPs, from the 1st to the 26th, in front of the entrance to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "COP26 Failed" "COP27 Futile"
- "Closing down - For Sale - All stock Half Price"
On the last day of the World Climate Change Conference, the Extinction Rebellion movement is organising a burial of all the COPs from COP1 to COP26 in front of the entrance to COP26. On the back of the tombstones, an advertising message. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the 26th World Climate Change Conference, outside the entrance, the artists of the "Red Rebels" collective (created by the XR: Extinction Rebellion movement) make a last action to alert on the urgency to act against global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.After miming the burial of the 26 failed COPs in front of the COP26 entrance, the artists of the "Red Rebels" collective (created by the XR: Extinction Rebellion movement) make a last action to alert on the urgency to act against global warming. Then they walk away, preceded by a colourful Scottish piper. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.This Scottish piper (from the XR -Extinction Rebellion- movement) is leading the procession of Blue and Red Rebels who have just taken action outside the gates of COP26. He is playing music he composed especially for this occasion. XR, the international civil disobedience movement born in the UK and fighting against ecological collapse and climate disruption, has been doing a lot of different actions throughout this 26th COP. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.A message bike at the entrance to Finnieston Bridge next to the COP26 entrance. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Outside the entrance to COP26 (26th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference). As a lady hands out cloth bags printed "Be Vegan - Make Peace", these demonstrators with their banner want to remind us of the urgency of not forgetting the commitment of COP21 in Paris: to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrators facing the entrance to COP26 in Finnieston street. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Demonstrator posing in front of the gates and demonstrator being interviewed in front of the entrance to COP26 in Finnieston street. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, protesters outside the entrance and participants starting to leave. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, participants starting to leave walk past its entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, demonstrators outside its entrance and gates. Carbon Markets allow countries that emit too much to buy shares from countries that emit too little. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, participants starting to leave walk past its entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, departing participants walk past his entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the last day of the COP, departing participants walk past his entrance. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- On the suitcase, the case of a Covid-19 antigen self-test being performed.
- Mobile phone photo of the negative Covid-19 self-test result.
Two people prepare to present their covid test results to be allowed through the gates surrounding COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Two people wait for their Covid-19 test results in order to be allowed through the gates surrounding COP26.
- The same people facing the security guard at one of the entrances to COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Vigil at one of the gates surrounding the COP26 venue. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Support the Plant-Based Products Treaty" near Standford Station which serves the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 was held.
- Dismantling the gates and fences that surround the COP26 venue. The Finnieston Bridge arch on the horizon.
COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Finnieston street, dismantling and removing the bollards and gates that secured and allowed access to COP26 beyond the gates that surrounded the venue. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In Finnieston street, dismantling the structures that surrounded the COP26 venue. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.The aftermath of COP26 in front of the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The aftermath of COP26 outside the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The aftermath of COP26 outside the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.The aftermath of COP26 outside the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Hydrogen - Fuel of the Future" at the entrance to the Finnieston Bridge which adjoined the COP26 entrance.
- The aftermath of COP26 in front of the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.
On Finnieston Bridge, a Dutch journalist reporting on COP26 and her "cameraman" with the Scottish Event Campus where the event took place in the background. The building is preceded by the famous Glasgow Crane with the usual UN tents at its base. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.In the aftermath of COP26, outside the Science Museum which hosted the event's Green Zone, the one reserved for the public. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Welcome to the COP26 Green Zone" Dismantling of the installations, in the aftermath of COP26, at the Science Museum which hosted the event's Green Zone, the one reserved for the public. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Science Museum hosting the COP26 Green Zone, the one reserved for the public. On the left is the Glasgow Tower and a helicopter in the sky. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Dismantling of the installations after COP26 at the Science Museum, which hosted the event's Green Zone, the one reserved for the public.
- Jardinets and optical games in front of the Science Museum. On the left, the Glasgow Tower. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- All through COP26, adjacent to the Scottish Event Campus which hosts the global climate summit, behind this temporary palisade were large white inflatable tents which apparently hosted another event.
On the internet we learn that Federated Hermes is "an investment manager headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Founded in 1955 and incorporated on October 18, 1957[1], the firm manages $669 billion in assets for its clients." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federated_Hermes)
- "Working together for our future - Visit COP26.Watch" "The world is watching you COP26 - Visit COP26.Watch" On the walls of the Stanford Station which serves the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 took place. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Ceramics painted on the walls of the Stanford Station which serves the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 took place. They tell the story of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Welcome to Glasgow - The world is watching COP26 - Visit COP26.Watch" Photos dated "NSW Australia / 01.20" with damaged houses, "Italy / 08.21" with burnt forest, "France / 02.19" with flooded streets"
- "Welcome to Glasgow - What better place to decide our future? - The world is watching COP26 - Visit COP26.Watch" In the Stanford Station which serves the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 took place. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Glasgow Central station in COP26 colours. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "United Nations Climate Change Conference - UK 2021 - In partnership with Italy - COP26 Bus"
- "Welcome to Glasgow - Thank you for travelling by train" Glasgow Central station in COP26 colours. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.- Coop 26 - The climate event where everyone can give their best or do their bit"
- "United Nations Climate Change Conference / In partnership with Italy - UK 2021 -31 Oct - 12 Nov 2021 Glasgow" On the streets of Glasgow. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."earthbeat COP26 Tour" "CreatiVelo by youth4planet" "Powered by solar energy" A participant in a demonstration on the streets of Glasgow to lobby the ongoing negotiations at COP26. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "I'm going for friend time, not FaceTime at Princes Square. - Live local, spend local, travel local. Let's get there together - City FirstDay Ticket on the First Bus app £4.60 - First Bus"
- "We're going for beers at Drygate. - Live local, spend local, travel local. Let's get there together - City FirstDay Ticket on the First Bus app £4.60 - First Bus"
In Queen Margaret Drive, near the Botanic Gardens, advertisements encouraging people to take advantage of low public transport fares to get out and about. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Autodesk construction - The technology we need today to help us build for tomorrow."
- "We live here - this is our home. The opportunity to save it is now. - sky 0 - Zero net emissions by 2030 - Lead partner United Nations Climate Change Conference / In partnership with Italy"
Near the Botanical Gardens. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- "Scotland - Let's go net zero. - #Scotlandisnow - 0 Let's make it net zero COP26 Glasgow 2021"
- "Tackling climate change starts with young people - Scotland is introducing free bus travel for all under 22s in January. Learn more about how we are moving towards zero carbon - netzeronation.scot - Net Zero Scotland Scottish Government - Transport Scotland"
On the streets of Glasgow at COP26, vehicles promote practices to reduce global warming. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Vegan - Approved by the Vegetarian Society - Wrap of the Day £1.99 - The Spicy vegetarian - Monday and Thursday"
"Come and find out about our loyalty scheme and get discounts on wholefoods and plastic-free essentials."
In Queen Margaret Drive, near the Botanic Gardens, dinosaurs on the child's jacket. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Dinosaurs on the window and on the clothes for sale in this trendy shop, near Finnieston street where the entrance to COP26 is located.
- "Ostreet graphic design and don't cop out" In Bank street, close to the Kelvingrove Park where many of the demonstrations during this COP26 started. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On the street near the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow. In this collage, Greta Thunberg is in the centre among celebrities and heads of state. In the background, the Finnieston Bridge Arch and the Stobcross Crane (one of the city's landmarks) adjacent to the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 was held. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - November 2021.- In Kelvingrove Park where many of the demonstrations during this COP26 started.
- On this handbag in a very smart boutique (Vivienne Westwood) in the centre of Glasgow, behind the Gallery of Modern Art. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Wall paintings near the University and near the Glasgow Necropolis. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- A squirrel on these selective sorting skips.
- "System change Not climate change!"
A small garden with children's games not far from the Botanical Gardens. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Floating structure on the River Clyde.
- "Net zero emissions by 2040 (across the value chain) - Target: £100 million per annum return on socio-economic investment."
On the banks of the River Clyde, the river that runs alongside the Scottish Event Campus where COP26 was held. Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021."Rebel Rebel Barbershop" In a Glasgow street, the name of this barbershop reminds us of David Bowie's famous song "Rebel Rebel". Next to it, a fruit and vegetable seller. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On a street in Glasgow city centre. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.On an overhang of Finnieston Bridge, this woman who (despite the cold) has left her fur coat on her bike appears to be meditating in front of a moonrise. The policemen who have come to see what she was doing question her harshly but she remains unperturbed. They fear, as we do, that she might have the bad idea of jumping into the River Clyde. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- Coverage of the COP26 Summit in Glasgow on Sky: Boris Johnson the UK Prime Minister with French President Emmanuel Macron and Antonio Gutteres the Secretary General of the United Nations.
- Boris Johnson the UK Prime Minister with Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India embracing Antonio Gutteres the UN Secretary General.
Screenshots of Sky News' coverage of COP26. On this site you will find a whole gallery of screenshots documenting what happened at the Scottish Event Campus. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.
- Front page of Metro newspaper
- Screenshot of the Queen's speech at COP26.
On this site you will find a whole gallery of screenshots documenting what happened at the Scottish Event Campus. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.Simon Kofe, Minister of Justice, Communication and Foreign Affairs of the Polynesian archipelago of Tuvalu, and one of the representatives of AOSIS (Alliance of Small Island States). Wearing a suit and standing in water up to his thigh, he addressed COP26 to draw attention to the situation of the islands (including his country) and coasts, threatened by rising sea levels due to global warming. One of the most striking images of the World Climate Summit.
On this site you will find a whole gallery of screenshots documenting what happened at the Scottish Event Campus. COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - November 2021.- In the conference room of COP26.
- COP26 President Alok Sharma at the closing of the 26th World Summit on Climate Change. He pauses with tears in his eyes and apologizes, "deeply sorry" for the last-minute changes introduced by China and India on the fossil fuel issue. The text of the Glasgow Pledge has been reworded, replacing 'phase out' with 'phase down'.
On this site you will find a whole gallery of screenshots documenting what happened at the Scottish Event Campus. Screenshot, COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 31 October-13 November 2021.